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All just torque and no action? 
I guess the torque wasn't strong enough to overcome the friction coefficient while at rest. Or something. I hated physics (read: it kicked my ass). 
Robotic Cow Tongue 
Hahaha Lol 
please post more internet links!!! 
Animal Grace! 
it might look strange, but can you turn your ears? 
"Scientists Scan The Brains Of Mice Playing Quake" 
Well. I bet those mice couldn't get through Marcher Fortress on hard mode. 
OK I Get The Impression This Is A Classic, But

It reminds me of the splicers off Bioshock 
i wonder why they didn't make the map those mice were running through more than just a box room with cylinders in it.

it would have been cool if they made it as complex as those real-life mazes they run mice through. 
Post of the autumn so far. 
The Old One On The Bus... 
In the case of the Higgs particle collider and, if there was something back in time to save the universe for coming under a bus. It's a paradox to go back in time and murder your grandfather, but physicists are agreed that there is no paradox if you are going back in time to avoid being hit by a bus coming, "responds Dannis Overbye in the New York Times." In the case of the Higgs particle collider and, it is like something back in time to save the universe by a bus. 
I just replayed Slave to a Machine, and holy fuck Ricky, that was fucking awesome. I had forgotten it enough that playing through hard was like, perfection.

Hope that makes you happy. if not, Opps! well one Zellyard is 1' 154.000.000. 
Thanks Drew :) 
is one of the all time great base maps IMHO. looks like a bot probing if its gibberish is deleted or not. I highly recommend remove its posts to avoid attracting of actual spam. 
4 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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