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That's news to me as well! I just figured it chewed through your ammo faster. Haha... 
KZ2 is has a selection of different humanoid enemies, but there are some vehicles to fight as well, both ground and aerial (loved the aerial "ATAC" boss). 
cheers, I'm sold on the game.

actually I think youtube works way better in demoing games than actual demos. Less data to be downloaded, easier to access etc. 
For Wipeout Heads 
While I've managed to crack top500 in world ranking on a few Zone tracks in Wipeout HD, this level of play is something I can only dream of: 
Quake Quirks 
I only just noticed that a fish's head shrinks when it dies.

Apparantly there's a fixed model out there - anyone have a link? 
it's in quoth 
Will Have To Look Again . . . 
what's so interesting about that?

That said, i utterly enjoy onboard view videos of anything that's fast. Moar! 
The absurd ability of that player to stay glued to the track instead of hitting the walls or falling off at these ridiculous speeds.

In ZONE mode, you start with 100 energy and every time you touch a wall or fall off, you lose energy. The race starts off slow and keeps getting faster and faster as time progresses and you can't brake (except for air brakes that help you turn, not slow you down). 
That Fast? 
Once played a game called "Ballistic". It intended to show the size of speed on the monitor. So if one went 500/miles an hour, the shape of the surounding flew along the vehicle with the same amount of images.
It had an amazing environment of a large subway with views in a high city. It went pretty fast. Can't find it now I look. 
Failblog has a picture with "WIN" on it. Fail. 
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hmm, whatever. 
that looks wild o.o

i didn't watch the whole gameplay demo, but it sounds really cool. it reminds me of that game someone linked a while ago where you could run around in first person and build walls/mountains and also dig into the ground.

this looks much more polished though. 
Looks Interesting 
and polished.
Who else has the impulse to map - to create - and yet when they open up their editor, makes one square room and then gives up? 
just tried to whip something together and i produced a hard, angular piece of horse shit.


not in a good way. 
yo singin the song of my life story there, brotha 
Don't drink and map, and don't think about it too much.

Everything starts angular.

Easy mapping recipe:
Make ten big boxes, use the hollow -32 function on each.

Link them up with corridors.

Decide on three textures - floor, walls, ceiling.

Add a few boxes inside - crates, pillars or whatever.

By this point you should have no brushes with more than 6 faces.

Put in a player start at one end and a slipgate exit at the other. Route planning does not matter as long as they're as far apart.

Throw in monsters, weapons and some ammo - if you can be bothered for the last two, since impulse 9 works.

Play it.

If it's shit then you've just wasted about ten minutes - start again.

If not then keep going. 
move "SIG" for great justice. 
Fact: I must have a

Problem: It is only available in the US (as cheap as I want it).

Solution: Some nice soul will check his nearby Target market if the "Zipit V2" (dunno if it says V2 on the box) is on sale for <40$ and if so, tells me and then probably buys it. I currently do not have enough in stupid Paypal, so it would take a while for you to get the money. It all needs to be quick because those units are getting popular. :}

Shipping that thing to Germany (as "Gift", so no duty or tax applies) would be around $12.95 if I understand the damn and the your weird units correctly? Is that true? Are there cheaper options (that do not take a year)? 
Re #17296 Ff 
I decided to make a general call for Quake fanart: 
Hey, who all wants to play L4D2 but is unable to pay for it? I am thinking of buying the L4D2 Four Pack and giving out extra copies - please only express interest if you want to play L4D2 but are unable to pay for it for whatever reason. I don't want someone saying "Well I wouldn't pay $50 for it but since it's free I'll take a copy" kind of thing. 
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