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Mark V - Release 1.00

* Nehahra support -- better and deeper link
* Mirror support, "mirror_" textures. video
* Quaddicted install via console (i.e. "install travail")
* Full external texture support DP naming convention
* Enhanced dev tools texturepointer video inspector video
* IPv6 support, enhanced server capabilities
* Enhance co-operative play (excels at this!)
* Software renderer version (WinQuake)
* "Find" information command (ex. type "find sky")

Thanks to the beta testers! NightFright, fifth, spy, gunter, pulsar, johnny law, dwere, qmaster, mfx, icaro, kinn, adib, onetruepurple, railmccoy

And thanks to the other developers who actively provided advice or assistance: Spike (!), mh, ericw, metlslime and the sw guys: mankrip and qbism.

/Mac version is not current yet ...; Linux will happen sometime in 2017
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It can actually even happen with standard Quake chase_active with all default settings pretty rare.

Maybe at some point I'll do some sort way to make the crosshair appear in chase_mode. 
Feature tweak request:

If your bestweapon is currently selected, then have the bestweapon command switch to the next item in the list.


bestweapon 8 5 4 3 2

Normally this command will switch you to weapon 8 (assume you have it).

But if you have weapon 8 currently selected, have it switch you to weapon 5 instead (or 4 if you don't have 5, etc.).

Activating it again would switch you back to 8.

So effectively it will toggle between two weapons -- your best and second best, as you define.

In this example it lets you toggle between your two best close-range weapons. I would find this quite useful, and better than doing "nothing" if you already have your bestweapon selected. 
Gosh darn it, back when I was a kid, we couldn't look all the way up and down, and WE LIKED IT THAT WAY!!
No we didn't, it's always been annoying. 
if it's there, I'm having trouble detecting it at 72fps since it's a slideshow at that point.

I don't notice any physics issues at 144. I'll live with the lag if the fps increase is indeed the cause :/ 
This may or may not help you ...

What would be different about your powerful machine that would make it have an input lag issue that doesn't appear on far lesser hardware?

I mean Mark V --- even the WinQuake version -- runs great on some real clunkers.

Try running on a different computer. Then think about yours.

In my experience, people who beastly machines usually over-configure something.

/If you ever do figure it out, let me know. 
@kp --- Add ... 
Mark V does simple Windows input just like Notepad (no kidding). Doesn't even do DirectInput. Did you have something "amped up" going on with your mouse, or really fancy settings for your mouse or set a polling rate or anything.

/I hope whatever it is comes to light. 
@kp - Part 3 
A cursory check -- the Windows message queue appears to holds 10,000 messages, according to what I found on stackoverflow.

I don't know what your mouse polling rate is, but if it is set real high, it is possible your mouse might be overflowing the Windows message queue.

Which according to these sources, would stall it. 
killpixel, I don't suppose you are using skyboxes? If so, try disabling them. I am playing with the GL version and getting reproducible stutters when using skyboxes, but there are other settings or something involved which I am trying to nail down....

Here's what I do to reproduce the stuttering: In a new instance of GL, single player, go to e4m5 (notarget), load a skybox, walk down the hall and turn right and walk out to the nails, it stutters in up to 4 spots (the same spots), I think as each section of the skybox loads.

It happens every time with my full setup running (from my FvF folder), but I can't get it to happen reliably when running clean out of id1.
I'll try to narrow it down....

Also: GL + fog 0.025 + r_skyfog 0.05 is being wonky for me. Not all maps and positions, but I think I can see the seems in the skybox appearing sometimes:

I was getting some weirdness in the upper level of the sky even with skyboxes disabled too, again when the fog settings were on. GL version only. 
Your link is broke, btw.

you are using skyboxes

Nope. I play with classic sky 24/7/365. Unless --- the map sets a skybox.

Note: r_skyfog 0.05 isn't so much for users to play with, but rather so mappers can tune the appearance of how they want the fog to look in the maps they are building.

Common values are 0, 0.25, 0.5, .75, 1 and really if you are using something much different than those values it wasn't designed for that.

I don't know what r_skybox 0.05 would look like, but it is an illogical value to set because someone would basically be using 0. So just use 0. 
Your link is broke, btw.
No it's not, I've just viewed it fine. 
/kp (killingpixels) is using WinQuake version btw. He likes pixels ;-)

@gunter ---

Just tried your E4M5 setup.

Since it shows so much sky -- and maybe you are using fog --- with your netbook that area is going to be a performance challenge.

Even worse, because if you are using the Open GL version, it's going to stencil draw the sky and I suspect your netbook is going to hate that with a huge amount of sky drawing. The DX8 version doesn't support stencil, will be much faster. You could add -nostencil to the OpenGL command line.

I don't know what size skybox you are using, 512x512 ? 1024 x 1024. But by comparison, the Quake sky textures are 256 x 128.

So you have a special scenario and combination of settings that are going to be particularly rough on that netbook in that area. 
thanks for the ideas, baker. currently looking into anything I can think of.

I run a very lean setup that is judiciously (neurotically) tuned. Without going into detail, its not an infamous xxxgamerkid rig. However, that doesn't mean I haven't missed something.

My current polling rate is 500hz, I'll experiment with lowering it. I'll also see how it runs on my laptop.

I have a suspicion it might be my keyboard. Last week, I took a gulp of water that had a beetle in it and ending up soaking my keyboard. Sometimes some keys will register multiple hits. I wonder if it's sending some sort of input/signal I'm not seeing.

@gunter - thanks for the ideas. the quake setup is 100% vanilla. I'll probably even disable music to see if that changes anything. 
I took a gulp of water that had a beetle in it and ending up soaking my keyboard

You should have eaten the beetle. Good source of nutrients!

In countries where nobody wears clothes, they might even argue over who gets a tasty beetle!

Besides, by eating the beetle you are exerting your dominance over the rest of the food chain -- and sending a clear message to any other beetles observing. 
-nostencil does fix the weird sky glitch that I was trying to post a picture of. Yeah, imgur seems to have developed a DNS problem shortly after I uploaded that image -- I can't access the site at all, but apparently some people can. The glitch I was talking about is easy to produce at the start of e4m7 with skybox + fog + skyfog with any values set other than 0.

However, -nostencil doesn't get rid of the stuttering. I can reproduce the stutter on e1m1 too.

Also... Single Player -> Levels -> Select a level, does not reset variables such as Deathmatch, as happens if I instead select "New Game." Maybe it should, since this is the Single Player menu?

And... I think r_mirroralpha should default to 1 ("off"). It's a fun thing to play with, but can cause a performance decrease (pretty significant in my case).

It looks like I'll be sticking with the DX version anyway, as it performs better for me. 
Beetles aren't the kind of bugs I like finding.

Maybe the spirit of the beetle is haunting you now and causing the problems.

Think about it -- to him that cup of water is like a well he fell down and drown... just like The Ring! 
Mark V - Build 1002 
Download same place as usual

No QMB option just yet.

New Feature - Not fond of ...

1) Typing cvar without value in console shows help.
2) This can be turned off "con_verbose 0" (saves to config, of course)

I don't like it printing help because I prefer lean and mean console. And some of the descriptions are too long for my liking (short is best). However, someone who does not know too much about Quake it will help.

People that don't like it (me) can turn it off. Plus once someone has things setup, you aren't doing that often anyway.

New features

1) Mirrors only to Quake (gamedir id1) or intended map (*). (scampie)
2) cl_truelightning. Eliminate lightning beam "stutter". Defaults on.
3) Type cvar in console, show defaults value too.
4) r_shadows 2 is dark shadow.
5) Random rarely used cvars from JoeQuake/ProQuake added (cl_item_bobbing, pq_moveup) for thoroughness.
6) cl_autodemo 2 = autodemo no matter the fps
7) If recording demo, pressing TAB shows name in top left.
8) Slightly better "read settings very early" behavior.

I'm hoping #6 and #7 somewhat addresses the change in cl_autodemo to off by default by those who prefer this feature always on (pulsar, fifth, etc.). On a healthy computer and 72 fps, recording a demo is not exactly taxing behavior -- people have recorded demos while playing since 1996.

* Worldspawn key "mirroralpha" "0.5" for example causes textures prefixed "mirror_" to have mirror effect. Setting r_mirroralpha 1, turns off mirroralpha.

/Typing "version" in the console will show as build 1002. 
Baker, Ahoy 
Could you add the teamplay scores to the scoreboard sheet
there is an ancient engine by tonic(?)glsq.exe
that actually does this thing(very handy when playing vs frogbots)

at this moment that engine refuse to run on my current rig , so there's no example screenies 
I think I like the con_verbose 1 (information is good), but I would really suggest reversing the order of what is printed; when someone types just a cvar in the console, they are wanting to get its current value of the cvar. So the current value should be the last thing printed, because your eye automatically goes to the last thing printed in the console when you are looking for the output of your request.

I do not like cl_truelighting. In fact, I think I GREATLY dislike it, heh. The lighting gun does not fire in a constant stream like a water hose; it fires in rapid pulses, like a lot of separate lighting strikes. This effect makes your visual indicator inaccurate and misleading. This may make a bigger difference online, but test it for yourself in single player by setting your host_timescale 0.1
You can now clearly see that your lighting bolt fires in pulses; the sound effect is now spaced out so you can clearly recognize this -- the stain maps on the wall also will demonstrate clearly where you are actually hitting. The sounds and stains will line up exactly with where you see the bolt strike if you have cl_truelighting 0. this is the correct effect -- the lighting gun fires in rapid pulses. But if you have cl_trulighting 1, you only see a "laser beam" effect of where your gun is pointing rather than the actual beam that is hitting the wall, when and where it is actually striking. So... "true lightning" is actually "false lighting."

I have no use for this deceptive effect. Throw it away, or disable it by default! heh

Disable it by default, and if someone tries to enable it, print a warning, "Are you SURE you want to enable this awful, deceptive effect??"

Hey killpixel, have you tried the GL or DX versions to see if you get the lag spikes in those versions?

You can change settings in them to make them look all pixely too, like:

gl_texturemode gl_nearest

and other stuff....

Uhhh, Baker, I know you're messing with particles... it seems the Grenade and Rocket Launcher have lost their particle explosions.

And my Fvf chat bind is no longer working for the ` key when I bring down the console.

I use:

bind ` "impulse 39;toggleconsole"

bindlist shows it is still set, but it doesn't seem to trigger the impulse. If I bind another key to that, like "w" then it works as usual. 
in the quakeworld community, truelightning is otherwise known as fakeshaft.
and it breaks mods, so should normally be disabled by default if you care about maps+mods rather than trying to be a replacement proquake.
assuming baker implemented this too, try a fractional value. that should smooth it a bit while retaining a bit of its snappyness so you can still sync it up. 
Spike - That's Just 5 Types Of Wrong 
cl_truelightning was written by Joszef, the author of JoeQuake -- the engine used by speed runners.

It just uses the player origin as the starting point.

It sure as hell doesn't break mods, doesn't support fractional values, isn't server side.
And it existed long before anyone in QW ever made such a thing. 
I can't add teamplay scores to the frogbots scoreboard in the engine because it requires QuakeC support. However, since you've modified the frogbots source yourself, you may be able to implement this in the mod by examining the only open source mod that I know of that leverages the feature source code.

/Contrary to impression some people get, my QuakeC skills are about cut-and-paste newbie level except I can see function operations from the engine side and I mentally have a catalog of modifications and what releases do what.

@gunter - kp wants the real deal, he likes the software Quake look. He knows about GLQuake texture filtering command.

@Spike - p.s.: guess which engine does not have such a feature -- it's modern ProQuake. I was a beta tester for JoeQuake, I sure knew about the feature. I've always considered truelightning a single player visual enhancement.

Hence, gunter who plays co-op online is the only person who will complain about truelightning, that's the only time you wouldn't want the effect.

It's like animation smoothing for the lightning gun. 
it's just depends of the color of given team,

the red team gives its own score points and so on

not related to fb(qc whatever) at all 
re: RL Particles -- I'm on it. I was going to try to get a 2nd update in about an hour after that one. Thanks for heads up.

re: toggleconsole ... With international keyboard support, binding to the USA tilde key has no effect.

It is now key placement specific behavior hard-wired in the engine to support that the key below ESC activates the console no matter if the keyboard is German, French or Brazilian. 
You should have eaten the beetle. Good source of nutrients!

hindsight is 20/20... next time

@gunter - yeah, I've tried the other versions, but only briefly. I will revisit that.

My quakespasm setup is as you suggest. However, Mark V has two key features: indexed colors and resolution scaling. That aesthetic is my jam! 
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