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So you all just have your own private server and set it up on there, or what? I'm wondering if I should sign up with Beanstalk, if people recommend another service, or if there's some better option. 
It Comes With My Host Package 
One-click installs for subversion projects (dreamhost). 
Killzone 2... official cool, almost a bit too much action though, I barely have time to spot and admire the scenery. 
A Nice Read 
Fucking SONY / Gamestop 
So in October 2008, I purchases a PSP for my fiance and a few days ago, the screen became completely garbled: reboots don't help, resetting to factory defaults doesn't either and there is visible damage on the INSIDE part of the screen.

I took the PSP to the local Gamestop where I had purchased the thing and they told me they would get in touch with SONY and then get back to me. A few hours later I received a call saying SONY is refusing to fix the screen free of charge because according to them, the screen fault was caused by the user. According to my fiance: the PSP was working at home, she put it into her shirt pocket, walked down the stairs, walked 100m to the nearest bus stop, took it out of the pocket and the screen was garbled at this point. I have absolutely no reason to doubt her words as she is generally pretty careful with hardware.

I called Gamestop back again and they essentially washed their hands off the issue saying that they can't do anything if SONY won't take my PSP for a warranty repair and they can only send it in for repairs if I agree to fit the bill for a 115 euro repair charge by SONY. I tried to reason with them using logic: if the PSP screen was hit with something, wouldn't there be some visible damage to the front side of the screen instead of only the inside part? However, according to them, it's not impossible for a screen to only show visible damage from the inner side even if it's hit/damaged by something from the outside. They have however, at least given me an address to another store which can replace my PSP screen for a price of 69 euro (instead of the outrageous 115 euro price of SONY).

SONY refusing to honor warranty: check
Gamestop washing their hands off the issue: check
Fiance absolutely furious that SONY is trying to blame her: check
Me in-between of all this shit: check

I could take the easy way out and just pay the local repair shop 69 euro to replace the damn screen. However, I really don't feel like doing this out of principle: SONY is refusing to honor their fucking warranty. I could take this to the Finnish equivalent of "good business beaurau" but stuff usually takes weeks and often months to get anywhere with them. All meanwhile, my fiance is out of a PSP (which she uses for both gaming and as a music player).

I have, after all this, tried calling SONY's "Playstation support" number again and this time they have now washed their hands off the issue as well and told me that if I want to, I should write a complaint to the finnish "good business beaurau". 
Fuck Sony 
That's pretty horrible Jago. You should try contacting Kotaku or something, let Sony get a shit ton of bad press for screwing over their customers. 
Write Up 
An article shitting on their warranty obligations - read the warranty etc. ask a friend who works in legal matters to clarify anything then get in contact with Kotaku or similar.

Because if they're refusing to honor the warranty then that means they're pretty sure they don't have to, or that it'd cost you too much to press the issue against their army of lawyers.

Upshot being that the warranty probably isn't worth the paper its written on.

To be honest you probably won't get anywhere and will end up paying the 69 euros, but at least its better than just keeping quiet - enough complaints and maybe they will, one day, treat their customers with some respect. 
Or Maybe 
buy a ds for 100 bucks 
Doesnt play the PSP games we already have, nor can make use of the 8gb memory card we bought, nor is it a particularly good media player. 
It has Scribblenauts. 
It Fucks With Sony 
Cutting Off Your Nose To Spite Your Face 
^ Our Community Motto Since 1996 
Here's A Question For Jah: 
would you consider mapping and level design two different things, as in:

mapping: doing the basics [start,end,minimal lighting, etc.]

level design: mapping which includes; multiple rooms, detail brushes, adding lighting, adding ambient sounds, adding entities, and/or doors to separate rooms, adding traps for the player, and adding interesting scenarios/sights, etc.

or what say you? 
Errr ... Well, You Know It Was Just A Thought 
I don't have a very developed method though. 
Mapping = Making A Map. Level Design = Designing A Level. 
It's all balled up into one thing, for me. I don't really view them as separate jobs. 
Coriolis Force 
I bet Lunaran would hate the Suljeva Village part of Killzone 2, because it seems Guerilla Games actually made and released Coriolis Force:

part 1:
part 2:
part 3: 
That Looks Pretty Good 
nice movement speed and decent weapons. is it just humanoid enemies? 
I've been playing quake for 13 years and never noticed before that a single nail from the super nail gun actually uses 2 ammo units.

I just found out while looking at the QuakeC :) 
haha wow o.o; 
Mine's A Double 
Go look what happens if you fire it with 1 ammo now... 
you get screwed with one ail! 
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