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... three... 
I Was Going To Say.... 
....I thought you were French not Irish 
.. I have very old Scottish roots... 
let's not get divided by e
scottish whiskey 
Im 3/16ths Jock. I dont really know how they can say that with such accuracy, but...... You never know Jean Phillipe, we could be distantly related :P 
My Family Had Tartan 
A few generations ago - clan Macrae. 
Who Knows... 
.. I had Scottish roots in the 18th century... 
I Lol'ed 
I'm Dutch 
& how green's your neighbour's grass? 
I Was In Amsterdam In July 
And I also went about 6 years ago with college.

The first time I went you couldn't walk anywhere near Dam Square or the railway station without getting approached by gangs offering cocaine and ecstacy.

In July I was there for 5 days and didnt get offered anything except one guy sailed past me on a bicycle and was saying "cheap hashish!"

Smoked a motherload in the coffeshops though 8D 
Drugs Are For Tourists 
Over there. 
. . . 
My impression from when I've been, at least. 
Pope And I 
exchanged unfinished maps last night and it was pretty neat looking at someone else's work and trying to figure out a way to finish it as your own. I got 2 huge, detailed rooms and he got 20 boxes connected by hallways that wandered off the grid.

All you quakers should partner up and do a sexy map swap today! 
That would be cool. Have an FTP somewhere that people can drop off stuff they don't want to finish and let other people pick them over if they want, or finish them up. 
You have no idea how many people started working on an old scrap of mine and never finished it. :) Hell, metl and I still haven't finished and we've been "working" on it for ages! 
i'm still "working" on it, never fear! 
Is it sm69 because the 69 is supposed to be like a symbol of infinite regress? 
the "69" was because it was such a high number, it implied the map would take a really long time to finish. Of course now we are in the 3-digits for speedmaps, so the joke doesn't work. Maybe sm500 or something.

Or we can say it's the infinte regress thing... 
You are "working" on some 69 for ages and cannot finish? 
It Should 9000. 
wait, no it isn't. nm 
I thought the joke is that metl and I are actually 69ing instead of working on the map? 
RPG stop being so juvenile. Gosh. 
RPG juvenile? Never! 
Just Wondering 
Does anyone ever put thought into making their maps/mods/whatever accessible? And I mean to people with disabilities, not necessarily newbies. 
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