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Wolfenstein $30, among other MADDENINGLY MADDENING DEALS 
Why Buy More Games That I Won't Have Time To Play? 
Help the economy you unAmerican socialist fascist Nazi Communist atheist Muslim. 
Help the economy you unAmerican socialist fascist Nazi Communist atheist Muslim.

Maybe he's pissed off that his demographic is the villain in every first-person shooter not set in space? 
A Kid 
Who was at my wedding in England was knifed to death in his bed by a burgular last week.

The scumbag entered through an open window, the victim only had one defense wound on his hand which means he was asleep when attacked.

Every time that I have to explain I'm not racist because I'm English and white, or hear something like this I get surer I made the right decision to leave.

What the fuck is wrong with people. 
Don't Reply 
To the above, just file it away upstairs for later thought. 
The English do respond strange after closing their acient Whiskey plants. 
Responding Somewhat Anyway 
It seems like 10 years ago here in North America, the impression of England was that it was fairly free of crime/social problems, compared to the US or whatever. Now, however, the media at least portrays it as a lot more dangerous. 
What could they possibly do wrong. They already put citizens under a permanent alert about terrorism and criminal incidents, ask neighbours to report suspicious activity and put surveillance cameras everywhere. By common logic the UK should be the land of free happy safe people. 
not directed at anyone 
You Orb! 
There is a saying goes like...Testis Unos Testis Nullos, meaning when there's only one witness there's no witness.

It seems the mobile camera has defended a case of robbery in trial, because it had the suspect on camera. 
A poor place now. Poverty does things like that.

Like Madfox says - testies null ;) 
there're two deathmatch players at least. 
mobile phone cams. putting ancient latin proverbs to the test. 
Ijed: clearly poverty is the product of immorality and stupidity.

...on the part of those in power! Hah! 
Suppose poverty = immorality * stupidity. Then we have the following question: Does there exist an element (poverty)^(-1)? If so, then we may have shown the existence of an identity element e such that e = (poverty)^(-1) * immorality * stupidity, and we pose the following questions:

1. Are these elements with the binary operator * part of a group? If so, what is the group?
2. Does the identity element e have a natural interpretation? 
As the givin statement of natural interpretation isn't a suspected logic in the calculation of evolvement it is quiet unpredictable if the notable chances of stupity and poverty are an element of immorality.

So it is the expected answer that solitary sooner is the result of culture, than that poverty is a stupid immorality of nature.

On the other hand... 
I forgot the e factor. 
come back to #tf ! 
You smell like slightly old hot dog juice. 
He said slightly... 
Is that poverty, immorality or stupidity? 
.. tree of them Captain 
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