#1713 posted by metlslime on 2003/08/13 02:07:18
heh. (#1710)
Daz & Tyrann...
#1714 posted by Shambler on 2003/08/13 04:58:18
Thanks but -
Daz I have no idea how to create a new mdl
and -
Tyrann I have tried that, I am currently using
C:\QUAKE\glquake.exe -game obots -heapsize 48000 -width 1024 -bpp 32 -listen 16 +registered 2
and it still starts with farking shells >:(
#1715 posted by Vondur on 2003/08/13 08:03:41
have you got shelcase.mdl in your /omicron/progs dir?
note that this is not shellcase.mdl, but shelcase.mdl.
if not, i can mail it to you.
#1716 posted by Scampie on 2003/08/13 09:51:12
There is nothing more serious than #terrafusion.
#1717 posted by Shambler on 2003/08/13 13:54:26
The main deal is that all the demo downloads are now working properly:
Mission pack / custom map speedruns
Id map trick moves
Custom DM map tricks
Old custom DM map DM demos
Epic map / mission pack / custom map speedruns
In game speedruns
Various nonsense
Hurrah. Ummm yeah and maybe some more views posted at some points. Comments, mail meh.
i have just discovered your "Quakeguy" image you did at Qexpo 2003, and i want to put it on my site (!).
Just checking this is ok with you?
#1719 posted by distrans on 2003/08/14 01:49:00
uwf updating site? This can only mean...
#1720 posted by Shambler on 2003/08/14 08:07:27
Sorta random gaming thoughts this time.
Guest Reviewers Wanted!
Site updated, check news thread soon!
Also I need someone to write reviews for:
1.Carved in Flesh
2.Assault (pack released during Qexpo)
You will write all the words, I will do all the HTML, screesnhots and stuff, and give final approval/editing with full credit to you on my site of course.
Anyone interested please email me:
necros maybe i could use your reviews from Qexpo2003?
#1722 posted by R.P.G. on 2003/08/14 16:02:57
All these dudes who whine about their precious anti-aliasing suck. They should just rub their eyes really hard and then play the game. Not only is this solution cheap, but it doesn't slow the game down, either.
I Like Antialiasing.
#1723 posted by Shambler on 2003/08/14 16:17:06
Or at least, I wish I could run it at a reasonable speed =/.
PS UWF you suck.
PS Shmabler i dont give a toss what you think of me, you arrogant asshole. :)
Who wants a flaemwar?
to clarify:
PS Shambler i dont give a toss what you think of me, you arrogant asshole. :)
plus i felt like saying it again :)
Scampie's Quakeguy Image?
#1726 posted by Wazat on 2003/08/14 19:04:24
Where can I find it? The booth listing doesn't bother to list who owns what booth.
#1727 posted by Scampie on 2003/08/14 19:44:33
#1728 posted by Scampie on 2003/08/14 19:47:11
yes you may
#1729 posted by Kell on 2003/08/14 21:17:58
The return of Dick Knuckle :]
Nice pic.
Nali Chronicles Part 1 ( UT Single Player Mod ) Released
#1730 posted by Abyss on 2003/08/15 02:48:08
Part 1 of Nali Chronicles has been released. Nali Chronicles is a Single Player Mod for Unreal Tournament. Part 1 contains 9 Levels, with another 12 still in development. Presumably to be released in Part 2.
#1731 posted by Wazat on 2003/08/15 14:01:43
nice, Scampie. :)
Speedmapping Session 44!
#1732 posted by starbuck on 2003/08/15 16:14:22
our next speedmapping session will take place soon!
The time
10pm GMT on Saturday, 16th August
that corresponds to 11pm UK time, or 6pm EST
The place
on IRC, in #speedq1 on gamesnet.net
The plan
Make a map in 100 minutes or less.
This week we'll be making coagula themed maps. For those not in the know, this entails making a map that is floating in space, or the 'void'. You can use any textures you want, and your map can be SP or DM.
If you are violently opposed to following any kind of theme then you could of course make a normal map instead, but it doesn't really help the coherence of the pack or the community spirit of the event.
Oh and the coagula theme was NotoriousRay's idea, nice thinking dude :)
#1733 posted by Vigil on 2003/08/15 16:47:48
Those fellows formerly over at http://www.planetquake.com/dteam were kind of forced to pack up their things and leave. And this because they announced that they were doing a TC called 'Doom for Columbine' for Doom3. It's supposedly based around the Columbine shooting event. Is GSI being outrageous or just using common sense?
For more information, go to:
Oh, And...
#1734 posted by Vigil on 2003/08/15 16:48:20
That is of course quite a one-sided article, but I really can't be arsed to check PlanetQuake to see if there are news about Dteam there.
I'll Map
#1735 posted by Scampie on 2003/08/15 16:52:47
but not in the theme. instead, i'll map in the theme 'pretty pink roses growing wings and flying out of my bellhead'
#1736 posted by dolo on 2003/08/15 16:53:01
Thanks for posting this vigil. We have found a good home on my consulting site for now. We might even move the TC into more terrifying territory now that we don't have GSI suits barking at us.
I think what happened was that they didn't want to be connected with a TC that was disturbing.
Doom 3 looks pretty disturbing, if you ask me, so I don't know what the hell they were thinking.
Kudos for posting heads up, vigil!
Speedmapping Session 44!
#1737 posted by starbuck on 2003/08/15 16:57:28
our next speedmapping session will take place soon!
The time
10pm GMT on Saturday, 16th August
that corresponds to 11pm UK time, or 6pm EST
The place
on IRC, in #speedq1 on gamesnet.net
The plan
Make a map in 100 minutes or less.
This week we'll be making coagula themed maps. For those not in the know, this entails making a map that is floating in space, or the 'void'. You can use any textures you want, and your map can be SP or DM.
If you are violently opposed to following any kind of theme then you could of course make a normal map instead, but it doesn't really help the coherence of the pack or the community spirit of the event.
Oh and the coagula theme was NotoriousRay's idea, nice thinking dude :)