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from time to time i dig in the old maps a lot :) when I�m bored and i always get better =) terapy 
The interview links on this page seem dead 
Ah, relative link hell.
Use until I fix it. 
So anyone here affected by the Raven layoffs? 
Guys Are You 
that's fucked up. 
Thats The Best Link Poster For Ages 
I am actually speechless! 
Great Heavens! 
Otherwise you will be spending the rest of eternity living through Doom

what's wrong with this? 
Fucking hell, I'm going to donate. 
The reviews of 'secular' games down the page is the best bit. Apparently Tetris is mind controlling communist propaganda...

It is claimed that the word "tetris" comes from the game pieces all being made of four blocks. In reality, the game was named in mockery of the Trinity by adding a forth hypostasis, the Communist State, to the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost.

I'm tempted to email him pointing out that you get a halo if you do good things in Fable 2 and pointing out Assassin's Creed (would love to see what he'd make of that one...)

And for more fear inducing religious zealotry, check out their hosts;

The Internet was created by the United States of America - a Christian nation [ref. 1, 2, 3] - and should not be used to spread anti-Christian, secular, or non-Christian propaganda and hatespeech. This is our Internet, and we should exercise our position as its owners and as the guardians of civilization to stop its misuse.

Apparently Christian propaganda and hatespeech is fine tho... Also, way to not understand the internet 
My Favorite Part Was How Doom 
was a missed opportunity because Carmack was an atheist :) 
Oh... My Nonsense 
he'll be spending the rest of eternity living at he�sme? 
.. can continue to be an atheist if he continues to release good FPS games as Doom / Quake / RTC / etc.. etc... go map ! 
I Want The Old Zwiffle Back 
chif chif 
I Don't Mind Either Way. 
As long as the new Zwiffle goes. 
You're just upset you fell for my pizza troll. 
Man I Feel Old 
Man, digging through some old .bsp, .map and .unr files (my own work) and seeing the actual "Date Last Modified" timestamp actually show early 1998 makes me feel old. 
Nice Article About BSP Technology 
Boopy Soup Paraphenalia 
interesting article. I wondered quiet long what makes up this file and where these homs came from. Mostly it is well explainable by reading this, but I didnt had it at hand in the late '96 when the first Qmap arived.

I came to remember when I tried to recompile my mod in 2004. Suddenly the levels weren't compilable and there apeared many errors.
As if the old compilers were more rough in their way of behaving and didn't take it that hard when a map had "hard" edges.

Makes me laught to remind I took so much care to keep the old original Quake1 engine limits.
While nowadays it's a shout to see levels of 4Mb in the old Quake1 software methode.
They burst out in hom's and are a geek to look at. 
Nicely Reasonable Article On Online Activation 
it's written by that exact same guy who wrote that bsp article. 
Blender 2.49b Released 
very interesting changelog:

Quake MAP Export, empty nodes were not exported, also noticed files were invalid if there were no meshes or surfaces.
Quake MAP Export, had support for single triangular brush unnecessarily disabled.
Quake MD2 Export, Fix for vertex normals [patch #19206] 
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