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Quake And October/Halloween Go Well Together 
My vote is for a riddle that has something to do with Quake. For extra points make it rhyme.

random question: anyone want to throw together a small, moody start map for one of my projects? Email me if so: 
Tronyn i have a map that i will not finish and might work I will sent you when i get home from holidays 
Extra points awarded for being a bitter, cynical bastard. 
I advised voodoochopstiks against learning Portuguese because then he might end up talking like you -- all sexist and hateful ;( 
Halloween Is An Us Thing Only. 
Inertia to be a Portuguese is not for everyone...

pure race! 
Wtf Is 
halloweein anyway? 
i've been married in halloweeen oct31 2006 
Halloween Is Anus Thing Only. 
I concur. 
Do The Negke 101 
HDD crash, entirely my fault. Put the HDD on top of the pc case as I was about to build it in, then for some reason tilted it slightly to get a better look inside - woosh, Indy Nosebone. I don't expect to be able to recover any of the data. A pity, mostly because of the loss of many unique mp3s (my mixes folder alone was like 25GB or so).
And I even had a chance to do backups as the HDD still worked for a day afterwards, but I didn't use it in time.

The map/vis state file is safe, though. Ever since an earlier HDD crash, I keep backups of all WIP stuff online. 
After Losing 20gb Worth Of Data 
I got careful about redundancy and backups as well. I have a dedicated lowpower/no noise Intel Atom-based NAS solution: pic here with 5 disk slots, 4 of them are available to a built-in hardware RAID card (raid 0, 1 and 5 are supported), important data gets moved from my desktop PC to a mirror disk configuration on this NAS.

And the really really important stuff also gets automatically backed up online (there are some software options to automate this) on a weekly basis, just in case my apartment catches fire or something. 
I use a Drobo unit at home for data safety (I save most data files there and Time Machine backs up to it as well). I don't have an off site solution but I really should get on that. 
Filesharers Backup: 
ls -lR mystuff/ > filelist.txt

That way at least you know what you lost. :)

I am using rdiff-backup for my backups. General backups go to 2 harddisks, important things (much much less) also GPG encrypted online and on a USB stick. 
I Have... 
about half of a solution.

All maps, websites, code are in a local subversion database, and that gets backed up to USB stick manually every X days or so. No backup system for artwork or music or anything else. And i don't have offsite yet. 
Hourly Time Machine Backups offsite SVN repositories for everything that is important (code and some documents). 
Music, video etc. goes to hard copy whenever I can be bothered. 
I Try To 
not value most data so much. Need to start using svn for some stuff though. 
I agree with that. I've had data losses before and after the initial shock, I usually realized that most of the stuff I lost wasn't really needed or could easily be replaced. 
I agree with the principle, but I've lost alot of work over the years as well. Stuff I'd like to be able to go back and look at but is gone.

So, SVN for the masses. 
I already did. 
yeah I've got that one, this is for a different project. Both should be coming out pretty soon. 
That's What She Said 
. . . wait, that doesn't even make sense. 
Long Live The Acronyms! 
...this even less. 
I'm replaying the hipnotic pack again. There are so many great maps. Gameplay is fine and relaxing even on skill 2. You get plenty of ammo and weapons and health. It is a pleasure to play it after some years. 
Ankh Is Correct. 
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