the test I posted is using
-meta. from the wiki (which is probably pretty outdated):
At one time, there was a clear definition as to what, exactly, the -meta switch did. Now, it has become the "magic" switch that is required for most of Q3Map2's advanced features. Always -meta, and always -v.
I was under the impression it grouped neighboring triangles into larger lightmap islands because that worked better for things like phong shaded terrain.
Anyway, I forced vertex lighting on the model with a simple q3 shader script:
surfaceparm nolightmap
map models/dev/maria.tga
rgbGen vertex
surfaceparm nolightmap prevents lightmap generation, and
rgbGen vertex tells the texture to grab the vertex data for shading.
I recommend learning more about
q3 shaders. they're quite powerful, even with DP's limited implementation.
chedap is right, you should add some loops to the foundation and base if you're going the vertex lit route.
also, I'd avoid
clipmodel (
spawnflag 2) for a model this detailed - use a clip brush instead.