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no idear...

but i will try when i get home... 
if you compress then zip a targa, it's larger than if you just zipped an uncompressed targa. 
from what i've read, targa is run-length encoded, so long horizontal bands of the same color can be compressed.

zip usually compresses by some method of storing recurring chunks of data as references to a dictionary of data chunks.

So perhaps in the case of your image, the long stripes of the same color are better compressed by zip than RLE. Or maybe that would always be the case, i don't know. 
Spirit solved a part... but is not clean perfect image!!!

i just dont understand why Qrack is perfect :| and the rest give me these problems with no image just yellow color all twisted :\

with the -bpp 32 comand get almost perfect but is not perfect! 
Too Bad You Have No Way To Take A Screenshot 
I found out that Doom 3 doesn't allow you to create aliases that include impulses.

That's a pretty impressive fail for such a polished game, I have to say. 
Actually this pisses me off enough to email id... wait... I mean Activision... oh, I forgot that Activision "does not provide support for console commands".


Times sure have changed. 
I get the feeling that playing any other game than Quake1 just makes me feel spoiled. 
since i have "new computer" i start playing a little on others games... last night was playing Quake4 :p

but this time i dont have fps drops like i had in my old pc :\ it runs very nice :) 
Happy Birthday Quake 
since you have a new pc, i strongly suggesting you to try Return to Castle of Wolfenstein game 
Well done. Post your specs so me/otgher nerds can uhm and aah over it :DDD 
Same situation as Trinca here :)

RTCW is pretty cool, although it really is rather simplistic. Fast and dirty gameplay in castles full of Krauts. I liked it, although the environments were a little bare (only played the demo). Runs under Linux, which is always a plus.

Specs for Ricky: P4 HT 3 Ghz, 1 gig, Nvidia FX 5500. Running Gentoo Linux.

Uhm! Aah! Meh!

I'm also catching up game-wise a little. Played the Prey demo lately. The combat and weapons don't do it for me, the wall walking is nice, but a little "ooh novelty", and the spirit mode is cool, but feels like it wasn't fully explored. It's nice to see something a little different, though.

I'd like to see this spirit stuff in more games, because most cultures have this or originally had it, even Europeans. France and Sweden also have pretty animal paintings and rock carvings, those aren't just found in North America. There's no reason for a white space marine to not spirit-walk like a mesolithic hunter. I find this pretty fitting for an FPS, actually, because that's more or less what we're all trying to do. Traveling to other worlds (typically underworld, netherworld, elder world, "Hell" and so forth) to save our people from demons. Or simply hunt the mammoth. Or fight against a neighboring tribe (damn squibs).

It's a re-living ancient things, in a way. Where is the fucking mammoth? Gone. We're living in a world without mammoths, where the existence of demons is commonly denied. So is the existence of spirit-travelling. I think humans are programmed to do these kinds of things though. Games are an outlet.

I could imagine a WW2 shooter, starting in France, where the protagonist finds a cave with rock paintings and is "flashed" by the local spirits. Part of him is turned into an ancient hunter. From now on, he fights not only humans, but must also spirit travel to clear an area of demons which can only be seen in this mode (a difference to Prey). A mission would not be winnable without clearing out the local demons first. He can draw power from sacrifices etc. while in spirit mode. (You could substitute France with Iraq, or Mars, or whatever).

I'd really like to see more religious components (pre-Christian) in games. I thought the Soul Cube was pretty good, although it wasn't presented as a religious artifact much, at least in practice.

Contemplating to get ET:QW and lose all my life online. 
played doom 3 yet?
I rly like that game..... 
Yeah. I think it is a damn good FPS. It must be one of the best. Single player, I mean. What's better?

I checked out ETQW, have to say it's not my type of game. Like Q4 multiplayer better (= Q3 multiplayer I guess).

I played online some, but these guys are just so good that I don't really get a foot in the door. :-(

getting assraped as a casual player isn't fun.

Probably because I can't spend hours every day to practise multiplayer. I already have my hands full with a sabot. :-(

I miss oldschool LAN multiplayer with friends (who are not semi-pro gamers) :-(

anyone up to some private Doom3 multiplayer? Slacker type beer drinking good times? Of Q4 I only have the German version, which thanks to our great leaders is not network compatible with the normal version :-((

I would really like some casual type DM with other casual players. Or coop. 
need hours every day. 
I'm up for that sort of thing. 
D3 Coop 
Would be excellent. I'd totally be up for that. 
Heres A Doom 3 Coop Mod 
called Last Man Standing:

Downloading now......

Would be cool to play Doom 3 coop. Never played DM.....

Who wants to give it a try? 
Not Me 
Yeah, Last Man Standing seems like the most popular D3 coop mod.

There are Linux and Mac versions, too. Newest version 4.0, right.

Someone could host a listen server like if it was a LAN. It's the simplest.

Ricky, I played some FFA last night on Lights Out and Tomiko Reactor with some random guys. It was fun, there is an element of sneaking around in the darkness as well as full-on firefights. You move at almost Quake4 speed in multiplayer, and the Berserk powerup works with all weapons (like a quad basically). You can't very well see players in the shadows in Doom3, so you can hide and blast others from behind. Not surprisingly, the chaingun and rocket launcher dominate.

The overall speed of gameplay seems to be slower than Quake, though. It's just natural.

I found that it really is more fun if you know the maps so you can find everything. I suggest we'd all learn Tomiko Reactor (D3DM1), so everybody knows where the guns etc are. It's a somewhat big map, too. The other popular FFA map seems to be Lights Out (D3DM5).

I'd be fine with coop or FFA. Short analysis of the Doom3 maps, with pictures, is here:

For a private server, we'd need a password, I suggest ilovetheshubhub obviously. Whoever hosts the server should name it something like "func server" so others can find it.

Let's do it :)))

Coop first? 
How Much To Read 
i'm done 
I've lost my D3 CD and Steam won't let me register it with them :( 
If Youinstak The Patch 1.3 Or 1.3.1 
you nolonger require a disc to run

Frontpage looks good, kind of russian. 
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