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i just dream, someday you'll release all of scrapped maps, it would be awesome.
its shame, but my mapping skills will never campared to yours 
I'm going to finish your L4D campaign and take all the credit and get hired by Valve, but I still love you, ok? 
you ROCK 
re: Quake 2 talk in #tf some days ago: might be(-come) such Fitzquake equivalent. I have no idea though as I don't like Q2. 
The Yamagi Q2 looks good, but it's a little unclear to me what the difference is between this and icculus. Apart from 500 typos (uhh, that's pretty crazy).

In practice, it doesn't seem much different. It plays as usual, really. Also, Yamagi apparently removed the software renderer, but in multiple places there's still mention of it. It's unclear how to build that.

Bottom line, what I mean to say is, is there a point with this port? Apart from being a cleaned up (and amputated) icculus Q2 source?

I don't know, I just never really had a problem with Icculus Q2. For singleplayer, I'll take icculus any day. It seems to work fine, and gives me the most options when compiling (ie it's the most complete port).

If you want a more modern Q2 port, you can't beat QuDos' stuff. 
So Where Is Quake2-bjp.exe? 
what .pak file creation tools do you guys use?
i've been using pak explorer, but i just noticed that the 8 character limit it imposes has nothing to do with the pak file format and everything to do with it sucking the big one.

any other tools that allow >8 chars in .pak files? 
in the works :) 
Try Pakker or Pakscape 
Speaking Of Quake 2 
There's another Q2 mapping contest coming up at the Q2 Cafe: 
>8 Character Limit 
won't that break some of the original engines though (although it might be debatable if anyone still uses them but since they're standard some probably do) 
Only DOS Quake afaik 
leilei probably uses dosquake :) 
CheapHack Rather 
Guess he doesn't play custom maps 
can someone approve the sm154 news kthx? or did I forget to click Submit? 
@ #17031 
goldenboy, i find that highly probable for some reason

//saying that i gonna pretend i don't prefer software quake, this month 
well, software renderer != dosquake ;-) 
Iphone Quake From Id?

Seems they're talking about porting quake to the iphone as an official project. The only downside is they will probably change the gameplay to be more of a rails shooter, the way they did with Doom Ressurection:

(I have not played doom ressurection yet, so i can't comment on whether it's fun or not.) 
Does this mean iPhones get banned in Germany? 
probably not, but since there is a seperate App Store for each country, Apple can de-list apps per country if they choose. 
Maybe it'll slip through :-P 
Looking For Some Early Feedback 
and because it is so web2.0 for people to add details, tag and vote. ;)

More than half the screenshots are not up yet and there are a lot of tiny annoying things. Anyways you are welcome to use it already.

Disclaimer: I had a random creativity burst after reading a wishlist in the forums. I guess that burst is almost over so I better quickly publish it. You know how that is. 
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