Nice One Guys.
#1 posted by
Shambler on 2017/10/26 13:25:30
That's some dark evenings sorted then.
Well Done You Lot :)
#2 posted by
DaZ on 2017/10/26 14:01:09
I haven't played the maps yet but will do ASAP! I did want to say good job and well done on getting this thing out the door! It's impressive enough putting together a 10 map release but to do it while being new to Quake mapping makes things much more impressive indeed.
Well done and I'm hoping it wasn't so painful that we never see another map from any of you :)
Oh Lovely
#3 posted by
Qmaster on 2017/10/26 14:03:20
Digging the oldschool vibe, will have to play later.
Not First
#4 posted by
brassbite on 2017/10/26 14:32:01
Cheers guys! It was a big challenge and I underestimated how big my map would get after finishing the final layout plan. I've gained the ability to use Trenchbroom, the very essential tool in my opinion.
#5 posted by
PRITCHARD on 2017/10/26 14:40:50
I didn't pay a lot of attention, but I think that I was the only person to submit a map that they had finished before QUMP was even announced. Compared to the efforts that everyone else has turned in, I feel quite insignificant! Someone should have started their map name with the letter A so that I didn't get top billing!
Good job everyone - I haven't even checked out any of the maps yet (I will right away though!) but I can already tell just from the screenshots that there will be some interesting sights to see.
I have tomorrow off work. Now I know what I will be playing. 10 maps... almost at 100!
#8 posted by
Spud on 2017/10/27 01:54:21
Oh man, it's finally dropped. I'm in the same position as Pritchard, having submitted a map (albeit a ridiculously tiny afterthought joke map) but waited to play the whole shebang until the official release, and the various screenshots and discussions have got me hyped somethin' fierce.
Re: #6 #7
Woah... what happens if we reach 100? Slipgates get invented?
Have Q1SP maps reached 100 in a previous year or is this some kind of unprecedented number?
#10 posted by
brassbite on 2017/10/27 06:36:28
is the biggest year (in Quaddicted)
How Many Of These...
...maps were created in Trenchbroom?. Could we get a proper count please? No individual readme files! LOL.
There Are Some Text Files - In / Maps / Source
Definitely made in Trenchbroom:
Made with J.A.C.K. + Trenchbroom:
Made with J.A.C.K.
Great Work To Everyone!
#13 posted by
Orl on 2017/10/27 15:49:08
Individual comments on maps will come soon. For now, a first run demo for each map on hard skill.
#14 posted by
Mugwump on 2017/10/27 16:39:44
Nait's map was already released some time ago, though. Is this a new version?
#15 posted by
mankrip on 2017/10/27 16:42:15
The BSP files from Naitelveni, Pritchard, Topher and Vingal have earlier dates than the ones in the beta release.
What happened? A rollback to a previous version?
Woops! Didn't notice the Source folder. I really need that trip to the eye doctor. Thanks for tallying them up.
Thanks for the feedback and demos Orl!
@Mugwump - I'm not sure, I assume its the same version
@Mankrip - I don't think any of those maps have been edited since the beta so its strange that they would have earlier creation dates, definitely no rollback as I only had 1 file for 2 of those maps and the other 2 haven't been updated since before the beta release