can you edit the links in the above post so they work, please.
Slightly Concerned
I've started a little something I call Shaft, partly inspired by a drawing by H R Giger that I saw years ago. It's basically a huge (768x768x2048) square tube, with a few side chambers.
Would something like that be suitable for the contest?
#4 posted by
metlslime on 2003/01/17 20:53:59
i know the drawing, and i considered making a level from it long ago. I never was confident that it would look good in quake, though. Good luck.
Fat Controller
Yes, i will allow it to be suitable, just because its you. =)
the concept sounds relatively unique in terms of quake mapping and also very interesting.
Well, OK, But...
I've never been able to find the bloody image since. So, whatever I come up with won't be all that biomechanoid, I don't think.
(Hang on... Lemme get Pox's tex out again...)
#7 posted by
metlslime on 2003/01/18 10:30:18
the 'shafts' series of pictures wasn't biomechanical at all. At least, the actual architecture wasn't -- i found a picture here that has some organic stuff IN the shafts, but not really part of it:
here's a totally unrelated page:
#8 posted by
ELEK on 2003/01/18 13:53:03
I would like to step in for a sec here and clarify something. Excerpt from the Coagula3 text file "The creation
of these levels follows in the same vein as that of the gameplay. The maps themselves are
an excercise in spontaneous creative impulse. I simply sat down and drew a quick sketch
of the map, found some textures that inspired me, and threw down brushes. Perhaps the maps
aren't as detailed as some of my other work, but the sheer impulsive creative energy that
went into these maps has inspired much of my other more polished work. For me these maps
stand as a testament to taking some risks and doing things that might not be the standard."
Essentially anything with a void beneath it, and dm starts, and a non-traditional theme-concept behind the construction would be a coagula style map. The key is quick....I think I spent about 2 weeks working each time. It might show in some cases....but that quick loose slapping down of brushes, was fullfilling. I guess I would say that I consider Coagula maps to be more like quick sketches one would throw down in their sketch book.
I don't know if that helps any of you....but I am excited to see the results of the contest. I really enjoyed the first go around.
Damn Carriage Returns!
#9 posted by
ELEK on 2003/01/18 13:53:53
sorry about the formatting.
interesting ideas and concepts.
so......any chance of the creator of the concept entering the contest? you still have 6 weeks or so to march 1st.
Anything to drag you out of your Q1 mapping retirement. ;)
Although i remember looking at your old website and you talking about how busy you are now with school/learning new stuff.
No...I Won't Be Doing Q1 Mapping Anymore Sorry.
#11 posted by
ELEK on 2003/01/18 14:52:23
Unfortunately my Q1 mapping days are over. So I won't be contributing anything to the contest. Too many other things going on with school and all.
#12 posted by
necros on 2003/01/19 18:09:34
Thumbs Up Necros!
#15 posted by
Snaga on 2003/01/20 05:49:29
and the usage of textures are in places quite innovative (at least to me..)
#16 posted by
daftpunk on 2003/01/20 08:16:01
tell me its inspired by the mine set in indiana jones. oh, it isnt...ok but is there a coal cart (or whatever its called) on tracks that dissapear in a black hole?
no? bwaaaa...sigh! bwaaaaaaa....
post a screenshot of the opposite side. would be interesting.
I Like Screenshots..
#17 posted by
ELEK on 2003/01/20 12:07:57
Been looking again at the screenshots....I really like this design. Maybe you could replace the single solid beam above the arches that connects to two, with a thinner beam, or two thin beams....then again the thick beam might enhance the claustorphobic feeling I get from this perspective. Either way, I like the feeling.