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I feel like you're trolling me. He says that, short term, new things are coming for L4D. I'm saying that once L4D2 comes out, that stops.

Where are you refuting my claims with these links? Short term, yes, they'll update it. Long term, no, they won't (IMO).

The only X factor here is if somehow L4D can benefit from L4D2 updates but that seems really unlikely. 
Again, they said they wanted to update old maps with new content. They said that. THEY SAID THAT. They said it. I can quote it if you want. Again. 
I really think you're reading it wrong. At any rate, this has gone circular. 
So my original argument was that people are complaining because they don't want to pay for a new game. Somehow I got sucked into this "will they won't they" thing about updating content. I have put forth evidence that there are updates forthcoming - there are immediate updates coming soon, and they want to update older maps with new content - new infected, new weapons - for free. How have I not refuted your claims? Please tell me what I am missing from your argument.

Are you asking specifically about new episodes? Is that the content you expected? Are you expecting new characters to be included with regular updates, similar to how TF2 focuses on a character per update?

I don't understand what you are arguing, I feel I've presented enough evidence against all arguments you have presented. 
A Bit Late On Bots: 
The reaperbot is absolute pants for testing (all aim and lousy navigation and movement), the omibot does a better job even if it's far from a human opponent which is really what you need for any serious testing. 
wow, 40 new posts and it's not spam! (in the strict sense of the word) 
That article still doesn't say that they'll release content for L4D after L4D2 ships.

And interpolarity probably means a UT2k4 style rebate if you have a key for the previous game... 
Interoperality even. Which kinda just means you can keep your XP or whatever between games and that custom content can work on one or both versions.

Or that you can run both games at the same time...

Yeh, I skim read long words ;p 
Third post/definition.

I think it may also mean 'we've found a cool buzz word to distract people until they forget about this...' 
I Think The Zwiff' Has Found His Quote! 
Some of the comments at the bottom are so true/funny.

Metlslime: None of this would have happened if I hadnt mentioned that Half-Life was originally derived from the Quake engine (fairly flippant probably but also fairly true) 
Valve Keep Stating... 
that they will support the L4D community, not that there will be any more levels for L4D from them. Given that they only included four campaigns in the original release, and only half had versus support for some reason, I can't really imagine we will see any more new campaigns released for free whilst they are making a sequel that they expect people to pay $45 for.

I think the problem with what they are doing is not that it is wrong, it's just that the people that normally buy their games (on PC, which is still their lead SKU afaik) are so used to amazing support with a lot of extra content released for a while after the initial release that the very real threat of not getting what was expected is somewhat hard to stomach. Personally I don't really mind because L4D is great and I've probably had my money's worth already, but given that the game cost more than most of their other titles of a similar size (CS:S, TF2, Episode 1, Episode 2, Portal) and now suddenly doesn't seem likely o get anything like the level of support several of those (CS:S, TF2) titles have received is slightly annoying. When I bought L4D I thought "well, there isn't so much content for $45, but I suspect Valve will release another campaign or two" but that appears to have been a poor assumption to make. Also, the value Valve offered with their last product, The Orange Box was so insanely awesome that it's not hard for people to have very high expectations for L4D, which cost nearly as much for a tiny fraction of the content.

I'm not mad at Valve and will probably still buy L4D2, I'm just a little dissapointed that I allowed myself to assume that I was getting more than Valve ever told me I was actually getting. 
Valve also promised there will be more content updates coming to Left 4 Dead along with the Left 4 Dead SDK beta 
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A java based browser multiplayer build/dig game. No sound or AI at the moment, mostly other people running around building stuff or people griefing others trying to build.

Worth a look, similar to cube in ideas. 
there's still the issue of releasing something as a full game that easily could be an expansion pack. 
New HHexen, HHeretic 
The two ports were updated recently, they're really very nice and come with GL renderers and built in ogg playback for the soundtracks. 
Be fair - five campaigns with back story, all supporting all game modes and with an extra game mode thrown in and more weapons than the original can't be called an expansion.

The original on release didn't have nearly as much content. 
I Haven't Played The Game (just The Demo Once..) 
so no, i have no idea how much '5 campaigns' are. How long until you've seen all the content? :)

They don't release hl2 episodes as full games (price-wise), do they? 
Because HL2 episodes are just that - episodes. 
4 campaigns in the original. A good 4 human players can charge through one in under an hour, but you end up replaying them 00's of times. And not just because there's so few - the replay is very good.

See all the content in maybe a week or two.

The most interesting thing about L4D2 is the idea of the director having control over the environment to some degree - even more replay. 
hl2 ep1 was 20$.

hl2 was bundled in orange box with tf2 and portal though, for 50$ (?) 
If you play on the expert mode, then it might take you and 3 other players a good several hours to beat one campaign. I've only beaten one so far on expert. 
I normally play on advanced - expert just isn't much fun, I find. Haven't cleared a single campaign.

Still haven't got all silver on survival either, and only 1 gold - I think the design idea was 'make a mode where bots are worse than useless'.

It'll be nice to see their idiocy fixed as well.

Like when they walk back and forth over your stuggling form whilst it's held by a smoker or hunter. A fucking tank is more help then. 
well, you'd normally calculate on either easy or the skill you see fit foryourself :)

did ep1/2 have considerable less content than hl2 did? 
Buy Some Games! 
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