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I know the Reaper would just learn the level as it played. Do these other bots do the same? I don't want to mess around with having to create waypoint files every time the map changes... 
Frogbot is pretty amazing. But I too like Reaper bots the most for some reason. 
They need waypoints which might be that ^ reason. 
you don't need to create waypoints for frogbots
as trinca's progs.dat already has supporting for a large amount of maps
i can record a quick demo of duelling frogbots 
What I'm driving at is that I'd like the bots for testing any DM level I might want to create on my own. Files containing waypoints for existing levels won't help me ... the bot needs to be able to be dropped into a level and just play. Know what I mean? 
i see 
Try The Reaper 
If you dont like it I'll give you a full refund!

Im sure the other bots are superior for reason X or reason Y, and honestly ReaperBot is the first bot I got to work for me and I havent tried the others mentioned above. But its dead easy to use Reaperbot, you just run the progs as any other mod, press a key to spawn bots 4 at a time, or 1 at a time, and you're off!
They will attack eachother and you, they learn the map and the location of the items, and where they start off as noobs, they soon begin to kick your ass! 
you should try the omicron bots then, here is a quote from its readme file
This quake add-on contains the following features (and probably a lot more):
Dynamic level learning: The omicron bots can quickly learn any level, and remembers where things are as it plays... Try it on a level you don't know, and the bot will know the level "by heart" before you figure out how to get from A to B. Once the bot has "learned" a level, you can easily take that knowledge and put it into the BSP itself. From then on, the bot won't have to relearn that level; it will know it from the start.
Optional anti-camper feature; This enables you to weed out all those happy outdoor type people. Make the rain fall...yeah.
Advanced routing: Not only does it remember where things are, but it also can plot the shortest route to them, taking into account existing teleporters. It can find enemies in a similar fashion; if it knows where you are, it might come and make a visit.
Hearing: The omicron bot can actually "hear" and "understand" some of the sounds around it. If the obot hears you pick something up, for instance, it might figure out where you are. If it does, it might very well decide to come over and put you in backpack mode.
Pursuit AI: Using its advanced (AI SPRUCE) routing, the omicron bot can be a hard tail to shake. Not only can it chase you down, but it can sometimes use existing map features to actually cut you off at the pass.
Fuzzy logic: The bot uses fuzzy logic in it's AI. It isn't as impressive as it sounds, or so Mr. E. tells me. This allows it an amount of flexibility when making decisions and allows those decisions to appear much more intelligent.
Team Support: Not only does the obots support teamplay, it actually supports teamplay with multiple teams!
Individualized characters: There are 24 different bots, each with its own respective skin and phrases. You can either choose to load up a random character, or if you have a favorite bot, you can ask for it by name.
Bot-Cam: The omicron bot provides an observer mode that allows you to see through the eyes of a client (i.e. bot or player) of your choice, or to follow him in "supersmooth chase-cam"(tm) mode.
Deathmatch 3 and 4. (love dm3..still don't know about dm 4)
Optional powerup/weapon removal; The admin can optionally bar the use of of the quad, pentagram(or 666 as I like to call it), invisibility and several of the weapons as he/she sees fit.
Randomize maps and cycle maps feature, which makes you jump around quake maps (and other custom maps) to your own liking, ignoring those you hate and dispize (maps, not people that is).
Several difficulty levels for the bots; from skill 0 to 3. Actually the difficulty is for you, the player. The higher their skill, the easier you are to kill.
RocketArena!!! See for more detailed information (it's RA 1 B.T.W.).
Hardcoded waypoints for all deathmatch levels of the original Quake. So it saves you the time of making your own crummy BSP waypoints and then complaining to us that the bots suck. Which we already try and make a better bot yourself..from scratch...HA!!! (Note: this editorial was not put here by Mr E., who wishes to apologize for the entire contents of this readme)
ROCKETJUMPING!!!! (I heard that some of the Beta testers themselves were whining over this bit for weeks..this is why it was included had a priority of 1; 0 means...we're not going to do anything about it).
Willem someone is working in such a bot ;)

Let�s see what happend! 

Yeah, I used to use Reapers way back in the day when I did my map review site. Thanks, I'll probably go with them since I know them already. 
ahh Omicron bots also play in any map... but they arent to smart :) 
Iirc There Is A Version For The Mac Users Also 
Omicron bots do what you want, Willem. They're pretty good bots, too. By the same guy who did Gladiator Bot for Q2 and the Q3 bots, too, I believe. 
are better than reapers for sure.

but shh, dont try to sell it by saying the same guy who did the q3 bots, that's not a plus :) 
Anyone seriously recommended the reaper bot for anything other than a laugh should be shot. They're utterly crap, they cheat like motherfuckers and they absolutely fail at the #1 goal of any DM bot (to simulate a human opponent).

Omicron bot is a reasonable alternative for having some fun or testing a new map. They're not terribly smart, no, but they have a bit more personality, they don't cheat tooo much, they can learn any map automatically and most importantly they're kinda fun to muck around with. (Note that while they can "learn" any new map, it takes about 5 minutes for them to build up enough auto-genereated waypoint data etc to actually play it semi-compentently).

Frogbot is good, but they do require waypoints (not a terribly easy process to make them, either) and the data needs to go into the progs.dat, this makes them extremely limited for testing a new map or even tooling around in your latest batch of downloaded maps. They're a good opponent, but more oriented towards hardcore players that like a challenge (so while they're "good", they're not necessarily as much "fun" as say Omicron bots).

I have not tried any Frikbot variant.

Electro's shockbot will destroy all when it is released. 
Back To The HL = Quake Bitchyness,news-4054.html

Valve is infamous for the Half-Life franchise, releasing the initial installment on the PC back in 1998. The game utilized a highly modified version of id Software's original Quake engine 
Hush. We know all that. There is no point.

On the subject of JustSayNotowhatfuckingever or whatever they're called, I will make a specific point of buying L4D2, not just because I'm sure it will be a fine game, but also to laugh in the face of 24,000 irrelevant whiners.

So Valve didn't deliver the free stuff they promised. Boo FUCKING hoo. Cry me a river onto your pro-gaming keyboards and mounds of empty pizza boxes. L4D was a top value game with plentiful hours of gameplay for ones' ���. And if L4D2 is more of the same, it will be too. So what's the fucking problem?? Oh yeah, I remember, the problem is that this is the internet, and other people are allowed to post views on it *rolls eyes*.

P.S. All bots chew sac, invariably skill increase = perfect aim / immediate reactions, with no increase in actually skill nor tactics. 
Shambler I Agree With Your Angle 
Hell, cause we bought a copy of Quake 1 back in '96, shouldnt we have recieved Quake 2, Quake 3, Quake 4, all of the mission packs etc for free, because we already paid for Quake?
I mean surely the company made enough money from the sales of Quake to fund all of their projects up till now?

(Xtreme sarcasm) 
That's My POV 
'Valve betraying their customers' seems to be the angle of these dorks.

I spotted the way they changed their business model because of Xbox DLC limits, but can't blame them for wanting to make money on the products they sell. 
Whats DLC 
downloadable content? 
Welcome to 2008. I'm sure you'll fit in well. 
"So Valve didn't deliver the free stuff they promised. Boo FUCKING hoo. Cry me a river onto your pro-gaming keyboards and mounds of empty pizza boxes. L4D was a top value game with plentiful hours of gameplay for ones' ���. And if L4D2 is more of the same, it will be too. So what's the fucking problem?? Oh yeah, I remember, the problem is that this is the internet, and other people are allowed to post views on it *rolls eyes*. "

If Valve wasn't going to deliver extra content and support L4D as they do for TF2 (extensively), they should have said that. Why is suddenly OK for companies to promise support and extra content and then just decide, meh, not to do it?

Hell, Valve's stellar support of their products is what pushed many people I know to buy L4D.

Do you think that's a good precedent to set? I'm normally all about telling people to STFU and stop whining but, you know, they have a legit point.

Whether L4D is worth the money people paid for it is beside the point. The point is that support and content were promised and then taken away in favor of releasing a second full retail SKU.

"Hell, cause we bought a copy of Quake 1 back in '96, shouldnt we have recieved Quake 2, Quake 3, Quake 4, all of the mission packs etc for free, because we already paid for Quake? "

That's not even remotely close to what is being argued by the L4D people. 
I mean, show me anything here that couldn't be added into the current L4D:

I'm not saying that Valve can't do whatever they want. They obviously can. I'm simply saying that this seems so our of character for them that there HAS to be some back story to it that we aren't aware of yet.

Releasing a retail sequel a year after the original that basically looks like a 1.5 version of the original. What? 
I'll probably buy it anyway - the idea of hitting Shambler in the back with a chainsaw sounds just too compelling. 
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