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I wonder if iQuake will bring us hi-quality sounds?

They were discussing that on doomworld, Carmack said something like "hmm, maybe".

Carmack has a doomworld account now, it seems. 
Who Wants To Play Chess With Me? 
I'd Play But I Can Not Play Chess 
Nice Chess Btw, Really Antique, My Ex Would Like It 
Hes A Vary Lonely Man, 
been banished on an island for several years 

necros, thats called 'caralho voador' (ie flying duck/dick) 
You Pervert !!! 
Where can I buy one ? 
'caralho voador'

is Portuguese...

means flying cock 
O Sea 
Pico volando. 
It's Zeus manifest as a swan. Philistines!

Also, lawl willys 
I just burst my WAMP/Wordpress cherry!

OMG, purely academic commotion.

Im sooo happy, but I have nobody here where I work to express it to. I recon I will have "RickyT23's Base Maps For N00bs" site compiled, er, eventually... 
Quake Sell Screen 
Probably old news to everyone but me but I got around to adding LMP previewing into my PAK editor and came across the sell screen for Quake. It sort of screams "placeholder" to me but you be the judge... 
Actually, I've Never Seen That. 
Funny... Yeah, I guess they just decided to pop up the help screen instead, which has ordering info anyway. 
Logitech Mx5-- Mice 
and possibly others:

does the thin plastic/rubbery coating over the majority of the mouse (the sides and center surrounding the mouse wheel) tend to start peeling off for you guys?

i love these mice, they work forever and fit my hand comfortably but the two i own both have the damn plastic covering peeling off.

it's like a snake shedding it's skin. -_- 
Yes, it is kinda disgusting. I'm gonna find me a new one soon. 
I have an MX518 which I ended up never using, because my hands are too small and I don't like the form. I finally got me a Razer Krait which is perfect for me.

If someone wants the 518, ask. 

not that i get everything, but, well, i love how it is written. 

What's the idea? 
nice. I'll probably have to read that another three times to understand everything. 
Say, what's the bot of choice these days for DM fun? 
I Recommend The Good Old Reaperbot 
reaper081 or something like that, dead easy to use, addaptive AI, you can record demos which will run under normal Id1 progs.... 
... And So Stupid. 
I think as long as Electro hasn't finished his Shockbot, FrikbotX is the way to go. 
guys you should be kidding? these bots are really suxx, frogbot rules, just ask Trinca, he has a progs.dat with around 300 maps that frogbot has supporting. and a bot with skill 20 really kicks ass 
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