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Thanks Ricky! You do mean the new old header and the old new CSS right? Or the old new header and the new old CSS? How it looks right now? ;p

Tronyn sent me a lot of reviews and some are up already:

There are 8 more to come, one gets published every 4 hours unless Wordpress decides to suck even more.

I'm off to play e1m2quoth again, see ya. 
Now Im totally cross-eyed. :P

BTW the review for Kell's map has a picture of another map (your e2m1rmx I think (?)) in the top right of the four pictures......

Also, good news about the reviews! 

I did even find the special secret this time. 
Hi Everyone 
I'm somewhat back in action - somewhat - this month - and I need some testers for several maps. Anyone who has the time to do this, please email me at

that screenshot problem was probably my fault heh (e2m1 and e1m2 dyslexia) 
I'm in Berlin in a fucking youth hostel and can't access the rmq trac :-(

Forbidden Keyword fuck
Forbidden keyword fucker

which part of Berlin are you in? I live in Prenzlauer Berg! 
if you need betatester, i'm ready to do it. 
May I just say that I really hope it supports coop, especially if this is one that has my start map? 
I screwed up the DNS for alright in the end. No worries, I will fix it right now and it will all work again. 
That wasn't too hard.
As usual it might take a while until YOUR nameserver knows the change. 
I{m in San Pedro Atacama - electricity was off the first two days I was here.

No problem with the Trac though. Although I have seen firefox protections that fuck it up.

Try IE. I{ve started using it again, its not as clunky as I remember. 
thanks for the review, tronyn. :)

even though chp_necros2 is inferior, i still feel is has more interesting combat than, say ne_lend, which was mostly one long linear slog.

for example, one thing which is present in this map is to spawn monsters into areas where they are forced to path around obstacles or where they have to travel a long distance before they can engage the player. this can make confrontations semi random because it is the monster AI but indirectly the player who is determining where they will be when they attack. 
I was staying at Berlin International, which is in Mitte. My brother lives in Treptow.

Ijed: It was a filter of some sort - since it was a youth hostel, it was apparently meant to protect innocent young people from the sort of language we use in the trac ;-) (It succeeded to "protect" me)

Func_msgboard was also largely filtered for the use of **** or something. It was IE with the f***** preinstalled on their ******* ... I demand ** mon** ****. *****!!!

Censorship. Meh. I w*nder when they'll *** the ****x kernel - lots of sw***ng in the ******** there... 
Reviews! AWESOME! Love them, reading now... 
I played through the unfinished (but very very playable) Oblivion q2 pack last night in aguire's beta engine. I assume you did some of those water facility levels? 
Actually, what I primarily did for that pack was artwork -- I did 99% of the textures, all the HUD and UI art, and about 2/3 of the model skins.

There is one deathmatch level of mine in there; it's an early, small version of Icepick (which I later doubled in size and released for vanilla Q2.) 
Been taking French lessons, have we? 
I See 
knew about the textures, but I thought some of the level design was similar to that q2 level you did with kona a while back. Fitted the textures very nicely.

And some of the skinwork was very nice, like the blaster replacement and the strogg spider/vore thing (pity that wasnt used more often in custom levels). 
They're trying to censor the BEEP! 
Why don't we have a sports thread?

Also, the Cavs and Lakers are conspiring to lose me a 40� distributed bet by both failing to get the finals. Bastids! 
Had to be done :) 
Few Things 
Re: Testers. Thanks - I'm just about ready, you'll get emails probably tomorrow.

Re: RPG - Yeah, they will both support coop (and might not have if you hadn't reminded me!) - buuuut - your start map is on my hard drive a province away. I thought I copied all of my Quake stuff onto my laptop, but now it turns out I'm missing some stuff. Any chance you still have a copy, if not I might be able to go through my really old email account and see if I can find it there. Alternatively I could wait until I'm back in Manitoba in August to release Unforgiven, but I don't think anyone wants me to do that ;)

and 1 quick question: what do I need to do to get Cthon to appear? I know with shub you have to set a teleporttrain and target it properly, but I don't see any instructions for cthon on the Forge. 
Chton - place him in the level and then trigger him to get him to rise up and tstart throwing lava rockets. 
Stuff To Read, Recommended 
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