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I Never Said The Pirate Hook Was Illegal. 
If there was a kiddy porn site called "" you wouldnt argue that that was OK, so why this? 
Ok, if piracy didn�t happened all those companies would win more... DVD�s are way to much expensive� why should they get so many money with a fucking peace of plastic with some songs or movie on it?

I think all these industries should make things more cheep, they will get more money for sure if they put the DVD cheaper�

Metalica are a fucking example, thanks god I don�t like those fagets assholes and if I did, I surely never buy a DVD from then after what they have done!

to get you guys away from the PIRACY IS EVIL track:

rather than arguing about their intentions, i argue about whether there's much that objectively distinguishes them from every other public tracker + directory. And do i have to argue that banning those would be a bad move for freedom of speech? 
I fail to see why you condemn one form of stealing an artists just reward for their work (TBP) while supporting what is effectively another way of stealing artists pay (record labels).

Oh, and Carl Ludstrom is nazi; 
Burp Indeed. 
There are better things to play Devil's Advocate about other than TPB intents, which are bloody obvious.

One of those things, is, as you say, other public trackers + directories.

The thing is: The law is the law. It might not be morally right but we either obey it and live in peace, disobey it and pay the consequences, OR fight to have it changed.

Note that I don't present "disobey it and whine" as a valid option.

(A fair comparison is speeding. The law states we are not allowed to speed. I speed, you speed, everyone speeds (mostly to minor and relatively safe degrees but still illegally). If I fairly get caught speeding, I accept that. I have knowingly broken the law and whether I agree or disagree with that law I have to accept the consequences.).

For people like Trinca who have such a chip on their shoulder about it, might I suggest a good option would be to fight to change the law - or fight to change the way the system works to make media (films, music, games) more accessible i.e. cheaper to people.

Are you going to keep whining about the situation Trinca, or actually do something to STOP THOSE HUGE COMPANIES TAKING TOO MUCH OF OUR FEW MONIES? 
Might I speculate that you too have a chip on your shoulder, perhaps due to personal (or friend's) experiences with record labels??

From what little I understand, record labels actually do work for the artists (organising manufacturing, transport, distribution, promotion, artwork, media negotiations, etc etc), for which they take their cut?? 
I think we need bigger chips on shoulders, these little one just aint cutting it anymore. 
I dont have much time to download...

So no time at all for doing anything...

Is like football i watch if is free but i refuse to pay anything to then!

I just play Quake and i have the original!

Yes i downloaded ilegaly other games, but i deleted then real fast... most of then where demos...

Artists got the concerts... i more then enought money to make then rich... 
Spice Wedges For Me 
Or those curly spiral things, they were fucking great, where did I get them from. Oh yeah that pizza place in Aviemore, yum....Pizza was a bit crap tho. 
Okay, I'll just shut the fuck up then. There's obviously no point in discussing this with someone who is intellectually far superior than me, who is just stupid and can't point you to the "relevant sections of swedish law". Great argument, by the way.

One more thing, since I'm even too stupid to STFU when told: The problem to me is that there obviously is such a huge demand for pirated IP. I wonder if there would be a way to get people to accept that you have to, you know, pay other people for their hard work if you want it. Maybe the solution would be that IP owners offer better distribution systems, or make it cheaper or whatever. But no matter how unsatisfied you are with the big companies, it doesn't give you the right to steal from them. It's really simple.

The real problem is that all the piracy arguments dilute the real issue to no end and eventually play into the hands of those who want more control over the internet. Guys like the TPB founders give them the arguments they need to change the law in order to protect their property. But hey - let's keep mixing up the arguments and shoot us in our own ass by defending piracy, anyway. Because we, like, understand the internet, and stuff. 
Or Put Short 
free speech != right to steal

because, with the right to free speech comes a certain responsibility. 
.. is leaded by Internet Anarchists !! Kill them all :P 
God Bless 
Spy wisest words today!!! 
The real problem is that all the piracy arguments dilute the real issue to no end and eventually play into the hands of those who want more control over the internet. Guys like the TPB founders give them the arguments they need to change the law in order to protect their property.


It's why I disagree with the TBP verdict despite my personal objections to the individuals concerned or my views on copyright.

Oh, and Might I speculate that you too have a chip on your shoulder, perhaps due to personal (or friend's) experiences with record labels??

Got it in one, several of my friends have horror stories of how they've been treated by record labels. Obviously this doesn't cover all labels, and the more interpendant labels tend to be a lot better at actually being representatives for the artists rather than just ripping them off. However, it is standard practise amongst a lot of labels that the costs of recording/production/etc will be 'loaned' to the artist, to later be repayed from the artists share of profits on releases/tours/merch. They will often also take intellectual ownership of the artist's work so that even if they wish to change labels or self-publish in future, their current work still belongs to the guy in a suit with a CD plant...

(and that doesn't even cover the irrelevance of such gate keepers given current communication methods (teh internetz) or my fear that the TBP verdict is step 1 towards the internet being an 'entertainment medium' rather than a means of communication (imagine if churches (the main purveyors of knowledge and written word at the time) had been given the right under law to regulate exactly who published what once the printing press was invented... (yes, I know there are holes in the analogy thank you, it serves to highlight my concerns with the ruling, not as a robust logical argument against it)). 
Got it in one,

Well... that and I was flame baiting ;) 
In regards to your last paragraph, I think it just underlines the point that piracy is bad for free speech because it opens the door to lobbyists and big companies changing the law. I mean, to an extend I think their concerns are absolutetly legitimate, because I belive that piracy is stealing. But if piracy wasn't so rampant and if there weren't guys like the TPB people spitting in the face of the industry, it might have been a lot harder for them to press for such rigid copyright law.

But then, I think the real problem is that copying software or downloading music just doesn't register as theft with the majority of people nowadays. They don't think it's wrong, thus they don't care if it's illegal. I guess if you really wanted to reduce piracy, you'd have to start there, educating people, but not only with a huge stick, but with a carrot here and there. I believe that that is the biggest error the music and film industry have done. They have been way too late for this internet thing, so napster and what have you have filled that void before they could introduce legitmate, cheap and easy to use ways for people to get media. 
Now ^^^ 
That is a lot of sense. 
Because, With The Right To Free Speech Comes A Certain Responsibility. 
well said spider-man 
yeah - that was pretty cheesy 
And Now For Some Piracy 
I am looking for one or two people to endure the pain of playing through (or just knock at the doors of) old ex-commercial Quake mods and file compilation CDs. Basically take 3 typical screenshots and write a bit of a description (~300 words seems ok, less is good) about the content and if possible something about the history of the specific thing.

Stuff like the ones at (and believe me, I can top Dark Hour in pointlessness. After all some Dark Hour maps show a certain amount of crap-fetishism.).

Send me a mail if you think you might be able to do this. 
Great argument, by the way

That's funny, cause i used that to show you your own stupidness when you stated that the pirate bay guys were doing illegal stuff.

And yes, you're way too unfocused and close-minded to continue a discussion.

lol, unfocused is almost an anagramm of confused :) 
Not To Forget 
too stupid 
Well Then 
If you are so well educated in the finer points of swedish (and EU) law, maybe you could explain to me what they actually got convicted for if they weren't doing anything illegal. Or point me to an article that can. Because last time I checked, Sweden was a constitutional state, no? 
Quiet Sleepy! Damn fool. Too dumb to stop arguing :(

But meh, since this apparently finished discussion keeps going in the form of hypocritical personal insults (your mum is fat btw) I will attempt to explain the relevant laws as I understand them from various articles (and in particularly lay man esque terms ;)

The actual laws that megaman keeps vaguely alluding to without actually once directly referencing a law is a piece of EU legislation which (being the EU and being technological law) is incredibly badly worded, but effectively states that a 'service provider' cannot be held liable for data transfered through their servers or any uses of that data. Using this and the concept of TBP as a service provider they (will? did?) attempt to appeal on the basis that their is already a law to cover their arses that explicitly states they are not responsible for their user base (it'll come up again in one of the appeals I guess). In fact, this is largely the reason that half the charges got dropped on the 2nd day of trial after the IFPI lawyers realised that unlike the US, the EU has said law to protect service providers (and as shocking as you may find it, top level entertainment industry lawyers are actually quite smrat pipple).

What they then proceeded to go after TBP for (and what they now face jail time for) was profiteering from what they knew to be illegal activity. This is a much greyer area, and involved profit/cost discussion (a whole different area that I could rant about (see tax write offs based on... later), presentation of evidence that TBP staff knew the illegal nature of their site (hey, look, they posted emails mocking cease and desist notices in childish vitriol and online epithets, that'll do it), etc.

Given there was no existing law around digital profiteering per se (there are of course various semi-relevant laws on everything from ISPs to war profiteering or illegal distillation) it was up to the judge to make a decision and set a 'pre-ce-dent' (not the black dude). It's similar to how the legal systems of most western countries work really and hardly 'a gross breach of swedish law'...

Oh, and SleepwalkR seems to be one of the few people viewing this beyond a simple 'OMG they stole so they should go to jail they're no better than pedos' or 'OMG they're totally innocent you doesn't understand people my age AMG I WANTZ WAREZ' so please try to avoid insulting his intelligence to try and discredit his points. Or at least use multi-syllabic ones so you're on almost the same level... 
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