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...platform games... 
I Do Think That Gears Of War DRM Fuckup Thing Is Pretty Inexcusable 
Although I believe they have since patched it.

Thing is though if you tried to play an unpatched version and you didnt know about this problem you would be pretty confused/pissed off.

TBH I get more pissed off with games like STALKER which are good games that weren't finished! So many bad bugs and CTDs and BSODs that you cant play the game even if you get it running. Which is a crime really because its a beautiful game and a lot of art, work and scripting just got wasted!

I do think its a bit sad to say "I will only buy games from steam" though. A lot of games arent on steam and are good, and a lot of games are on steam and are shite.

But I can see the benefits too, I just think that its a bit narrow minded to only buy games from steam. 
If there was a game I wanted not on Steam then I'd get hold of it some other way.

For example, they removed Bioshock for some reason, so instead I'm going to borrow it from a friend. Yes, old fashioned piracy.

What's the Valve concept about Russia - a major European pirate center - "once we distributed games there they stopped pirating so much". Refreshing opinion and completely inverse to the rest of the industry.

Being nice to your customers seems an alien concept to the execs who dream up this crap. Typically they're overpaid and bored when they do. 
Scumpie: So there you go, QED, it doesn't affect you but you'll whine about anyway - AND shoot yourself in the ass by not buying games on principle. Well done. Deny yourself fun and entertainment. I like that puritanical streak, it shows that fanaticism is overtaking common sense.

The only things that really bugged me and affected me was anything that lowered my conveinence of using my 'fun entertainment'. Install limits are included in that... I game at home and work (that's to working in the hyper cool games industry), and have reinstalled Comapany of Heroes and Team Fortress 2 several times... Games that don't have an install limit... if they had, it would have pissed me off that I'd blown my limit, thus my opinion that they're worthless bullshit.

I seem to recall a time when you were fanatical that installing Half-Life or one of it's patches also included Team Fortress Classic and thus you wouldn't get it due to the 'worthless shite' included... How is it any different that some people don't want 'worthless shite' on their system? So get fucked you hypocritical faglord. 
Pop-Corn Out..... 
"Hypocritical_Faglord" would be an awesome XBox Live account name. I wonder how I could get that through... 
Only Time 
I got that really upset was, when that Gremlin took my gun. 
I agree with Scampbell.

So get fucked you hypocritical faglord.

You may have a point there....although back in those days (probably on a 56k there still!!) downloading a much larger file would be a definitely, and pricier, inconvenience. Also, at least I wasn't spamming Amazon with my nonsense... 
So The Basis For This Arguement... 
...was that you're annoyed by idiots on Amazon? That's like being annoyed with retarded comments on Youtube. 
Speaking Of DRM / Piracy

Best quote - "Really, it's a bit LOL. It used to be only movies, now even verdicts are out before the official release."

fucking legend, just given a year in prison and he responds with this! 
I Fuckig Hate Some Of The Retarded Comments On Youtude 
or more like just how much of a dick some people can be........ 
I had a lot more sympathy for the piratebay guys before I discovered they were funded by a neo-nazi tbh.

While the verdict is very worrying for net neutrality and shows a lack of understanding of the protocols, the people in questions openly mocked the entertainment industry and happily admitted that there was a large amount copyright infringing material tracked by their site. Not exactly helping their case or helping demonstrate the uses of p2p beyond mere theft (a la the Mininova admins, a much more progressive site).

But hey, the immature attitude and projection of self deluded invincibility have won them millions of fans, something I'm sure will keep them warm in jail...

(Net neutrality is too important to be represent by nazi idiots ;) 
Before anyone says "Stardock did not include DRM in Demigod and now see what's happened!" I want to say that the game apparently connected to their server(s) for updates and some community things even if the authentication was wrong. So there were not so many people playing, but the server got hammered anyways. That is stupid.

That's what I heard. If in fact they did not include any form of simple authentication for the multiplayer part (ie CD-Key), they are plain morons. 
Fuck TPB. They can laugh all they want. We'll see who's laughing when their appeals fail. They only get two. 
Anyone have or know where to get the "jump" skybox by Stecki? (I think he made it, anyway).

I had the files a long time ago but can't find them anywhere now. 
They're not morons mate, they have a fairly clear idea what is going on.

As with past Stardock releases, the game shipped without any on-disc copy protection, as the company is strongly opposed to invasive DRM that hurts actual customers.

"It's not that we don't think piracy is massive," Wardell wrote in a forum post on Monday. "We just aren't convinced that it results in that many lost sales. Or more to the point, we don't think intrusive, obnoxious copy protection will result in more sales than we lose from people who don't want to mess with it."

I'm with Willem on this. From what little I've read, they deliberately hosted somewhere where people could exchange illegal copies of copyrighted material, and made money from that somehow??

Well boo-fucking-hoo. Cry me a river. If I owned a warehouse where people trafficed stolen goods (stolen from major corporations if you like) and I profited from it, I'd expect to go to fucking jail too.

Having said that, I DO own a pirate copy of Photoshop. That's because it's 500 cunting quid, rather than �12 for a Metallica album or �30 for UT3...... 
Smabler Listens To Metallica? 
No wonder he's pro-DRM. 
I listen to Carcass. And Bolt Thrower. And a lot of drum and bass. 
Anyway, OT, But...

The coolest biking tricks clip ever?? Had to post it here, too good not to share. 
I Listen To Metallica 
Metallica are awesome. Orion. What a tune! To Live is to Die - another awesome tune. Call of the Kerthulu, How can you dis that?

Napster or no Napster, Metallica are awesome! Dont get me wrong, for every Metallica tune which is awesome there is a not-so awesome one, but there are enough awsome ones to make Metallica awesome.

Just my opinion. Another band who are awesome:

Metallica is so fucking gay...

They should be torture for eternity for having such a stupid faget music!!! 
Trinca is such a fagget!

...But i forgive im, he knows not what he says. Or more to the point he knows not what he is saying..... 
Why Don't You Two Just 
Forgive and faget?

PD: Metallica are awesome. 
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