I... uh... um.. er.... :u
Ok, yeah, I'm bringing up the contentious topic that we just put to rest, but bear with me... you will NOT see the ending coming!
Ok... So, I was considering what mh was saying about "expectations" that people supposedly have about the loading order for content like models, in regard to the pak files vs unpacked files having preference (default from original Quake is pak).
Previously I pointed out why this isn't just for mods (mine or anyone else's) -- it's also for standard Quake if you want to use the player.mdl from this pack:
I looked at the readme file included with that, and it just says, "To use these new models place the 'progs' folder inside the 'Id1' folder in your Quake directory."
Ok, so it's apparently not the model creator's expectation that pak files should take precedence, so he must have been using one of the modern engines that changed the behavior.
So then I did a web search to see how other people might answer the question, "how to replace player.mdl in quake." The first link that pops up is a Quakeone forum post (naturally) where someone was asking just that: "Easiest way to replace player model?"
On page 1 of that topic, someone mentions creating a mod folder and dropping the file in the progs folder of the mod, and another person mentions something about looking in the pak file.
Then at the top of page 2 of that thread:
the guy is told, "Yes. You can just create a "progs" folder into id1, drop the model into and you're done."
Ok, so again, expectation seems to be that just dropping in the unpacked model should work, and the final post in the thread has the guy saying he did just that and it works... with DirectQ....
Yes, that's the kicker. The guy asking the question said he was using DirectQuake (he said that on page 1 as well).
DirectQuake is mh's own Quake engine, and IT HAS UNPACKED FILE PREFERENCE. :u
I decided I'd better test this for myself, so I found and downloaded DirectQ (for some reason it's not that easy to find), version 1.8.8 (because 1.9 crashed for me), and sure enough, it's just as simple as dropping the unpacked player.mdl into id1/progs/ and it works in DirectQ!
So... like... um.... Do I need to repeat that? mh has been BLASTING me for daring to ask for a feature THAT HE ALREADY PUT IN HIS OWN ENGINE :u
So yeah, Baker, please import this wonderful feature that mh was wise enough to implement in DirectQ :D