#141 posted by than on 2008/06/04 02:16:06
was scarier than doom 3 by a long way. Then again, I only played the demo, so maybe it wasn't so scary after the climax of the demo, which gave me a bloody huge scare even though it was possibly the weakest enemy in the game. Despite kind of crappy art at times, it manages to feel very immersive. The interaction with the environment is handled really nicely, so that might have had something to do with it.
#142 posted by Lunaran on 2008/06/04 03:17:50
An enemy you can't fight, with time pressure applied so you're panicking trying to hide from it, that you can't even LOOK AT without going insane and revealing yourself, which has kind of wierd russian only-so-good art which is eerily more scary than something by a good artist, is gonna be pretty damn scary.
 I Tend To Agree With Zwiffle...
#143 posted by Shambler on 2008/06/08 16:29:46
...and Kinn.
#144 posted by Shambler on 2008/07/15 20:04:58
I think that what a lot of people are forgetting is that there were definitely cool aspects about the game at the time - monsters, effects, lighting, atmosphere, scariness, some of the style etc etc - which I think made for a pretty cool game at the time, but not one that has lasted the test of time combat-wise. A bit of a one off "initial impact" experience....and I suspect that many people who are now dissing D3 probably enjoyed it then but it's easy to forget about the good qualities when it's not longer a fresh experience...
#145 posted by JPL on 2008/07/16 08:21:26
.. you are right !
I remember it like it was yesterday, because, well... it almost was. WTF, this is practically a new game as far as I'm concerned!
Anyways, you're right to some extent... there are plenty of good qualities there, but the reality is that the gameplay, i.e. the only thing that really matters, was mediocre at best and definitely did not deserve the mighty DOOM name.
#147 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/16 12:39:44
"but the reality is that the gameplay, i.e. the only thing that really matters, "
I wish people would stop saying this because you know good and well that you wouldn't play Quake if it was butt ugly.
I wish people would stop saying this because you know good and well that you wouldn't play Quake if it was butt ugly.
I wish people would stop saying that because it's largely irrelevant.
You are perfectly right - there's a certain minimum standard (different for everyone, of course) that a game will need to be at in terms of graphics/sound/etc for people to play it at all. But in order to continue playing (or re-playing) a game, the gameplay has to be pretty solid or you'll pass on it.
Don't get me wrong, Doom 3 is obviously a quality game and I played it through to the end (which in itself is a remarkable thing these days). However, I wanted to see it through to the end despite the gameplay flaws, rather than because it was truly fun. The art and atmosphere (when it wasn't being spoiled by shitty monster-spawning-behind-you tactics) was exceptional and made me want to see more.
Ok, the gameplay was mediocre rather than actively bad for the most part, but the problem is it was Doom motherfucking 3! Expectations for the gameplay were so high because Doom was (and still is) the best single-player FPS of all time, and Doom 3 failed to deliver (falling drastically short of the mark). Simple as that.
p.s. you know full well that Quake is butt-ugly by modern standards, but we continue playing it because the fun factor is high. :D
#149 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/16 13:14:11
"p.s. you know full well that Quake is butt-ugly by modern standards, but we continue playing it because the fun factor is high. :D"
For me, that's incorrect. I really like how Quake looks. It exudes a personality that few games are able to match. The graphics are a LARGE part of the Quake experience for me.
And nothing you said refutes what I said. Gameplay is clearly NOT the only thing that matters.
 Well Yes
I can't refute what I agree with. You're right. Gameplay is not the only thing that matters.
It is however, as I said originally, the only thing that really matters.
#151 posted by Shambler on 2008/07/16 13:46:23
*pokes Fribbles with a sharp stick*
#152 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/07/16 13:50:17
Obviously a rift in our opinions here lads!
I personally think that Doom3 is an excellent game! I quite like the gameplay. The areas which are supposed to be "lame" in gameplay I dont think are too bad. I like the way the player is made to feel restricted in movement, and I like the fact that you cannt have a flashlight and a gun at the same time. It adds to the tension.
I also love the deserted feel to the game. The exploratory bits are cool!
The graphics were mind-blowing at the time!!
I still play it. Nitin has re-played it. Some of us have mapped for it. We argue about it all the time!
Fribbles is allowed to complain about it. Its his job!
Gaming companys: Increase your output! I wouldn't mind paying an extra 10 pounds for a game if there were more games to play and the games were bigger. MORE RELEASES!!! CREATE AN ARMY OF STAFF TO MAKE MORE GAMES!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
#153 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/16 14:04:26
"I can't refute what I agree with. You're right. Gameplay is not the only thing that matters.
It is however, as I said originally, the only thing that really matters."
You're still saying that gameplay is the only thing that matters - you're just doing it with many more words. The meaning is the same. And you're wrong.
#154 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/16 14:06:07
Try an experiment - play a game of Quake in "r_drawflat 1" (or whatever that mode was called). Still fun? No? Surprise!
#155 posted by megaman on 2008/07/16 14:10:40
everybody plays mp in as shitty graphics as possible to see better.
#156 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/16 14:20:44
I know. The fact that a small niche community downgrades the graphics to mud doesn't mean that the "gameplay is the only thing that really matters" mantra is universally true.
#157 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/16 14:21:51
Or, I could counter by saying that when I and my friends play multiplayer games we play in the highest settings our machines can manage. Point negated.
#158 posted by JPL on 2008/07/16 15:02:54
in a game, all features count. IMHO visual / ambiance is at least as important as gameplay. In Doom3, I was not deceived at all by the gameplay, as I remind how it was difficult to finish some level in Doom already, having to play in the safest possible way, saving after each kill, each corner.
Doom3 is in the direct Doom style, with more tense, more scariness, more fear... How would you react if you were the player in reality ? Would you jump into the melee or would you try to save your life at any price ? Would you run through corridors, or would you progress slowly in order to avoid bad surprises ?
Well, each player has his own point of view, but definitively for me: Doom3 was a success, and I love this game...
... I want to see Doom4 now !!
#159 posted by Trinca on 2008/07/16 15:23:24
i want doom2 again with more grafics!!!
fuck Doom4 :p
#160 posted by JPL on 2008/07/16 15:31:24
Don't be mean :P
 Hehe Well
#161 posted by DaZ on 2008/07/16 16:04:37
I would have to say that if its done properly, the graphics/sound enters into the gameplay realm to make even mundane activities fun.
Take Stalker for example, a lot of the factory areas were empty of enemies, yet it was fantastic to just walk through them and explore because the atmosphere was so thick, the gameplay was basicly walking along and not fighting at all, but it was just as fun and involving as a shoot-out.
So my opinion is that graphics/sound is very much part of the gameplay and really matters... ;)
#162 posted by Trinca on 2008/07/16 16:21:06
the only game that u loved also was Painkiller the only problem that Painkiller have is no, exploracion or puzzle is just kill kill kill :\ but the guns and the monsters are fucking cool!!!
 To Summarize...
#163 posted by JPL on 2008/07/16 16:45:59
... each player just found what he likes where others just see crapiness... How do you want to please everybody ? It is impossible !
 The Great
#164 posted by ijed on 2008/07/16 17:06:52
Shame of Doom3 was that the leaked alpha had more gameplay than the game itself.
Hopefully in Doom4 the design team won't run out of time for level design and just leave it to the artists.
#165 posted by Trinca on 2008/07/16 17:18:23
yes, you right JPL i was joking :p