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The TrenchBroom Level Editor
Today I am releasing TrenchBroom 1.0 for Windows and Mac OS X. TrenchBroom is a modern cross-platform level editor for Quake.

- True 3D editing, no 2D views required
- High performance renderer with support for huge maps
- Vertex editing with edge and face splitting
- Manipulation of multiple vertices at once (great for trisoup editing)
- Smart clip tool
- Move, rotate and flip brushes and entities
- Precise texture lock for all operations
- Smart entity property editors
- Graphical entity browser with drag and drop support
- Comprehensive texture application and manipulation tools
- Search and filter functions
- Unlimited undo and redo
- Point file support
- Automatic backup
- Support for .def and .fdg files, mods and multiple wad files
- Free (as in beer) and open source (GPLv3)
- Cross platform (Windows, Mac OS X and Linux supported)

Check out a video of TrenchBroom in action here.

You can download the editor here.

If you would like to give feedback, please do that in this thread. If you find a bug or have a feature suggestion, please submit them at the issue tracker.

If you are wondering where the Linux binaries are then sorry, but currently there are none. The Linux version has a few problems which I could not fix before this release. I will get working on those right away so that the Linux version should be available in a couple of weeks, too.

Finally, I would like to thank necros for all his work over the past year. Without his tireless efforts, TrenchBroom would simply not exist. Or it would suck.

Alright, enough of this. Have fun with the editor!

Update: 2.1 here:
Features "cool shit".
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You GodDamn Tease 
Looks good. 
Holy shit that was cool.

I was half-expecting one of the examples to be a curved brush (like the 2d-shaper). To be fair though I am super impressed as it is. 
Some of it looks familiar ;) 
What do you mean, curved? 
From where? 
Yeah I mean like curved (like a bendy corridor or something) 
Baby steps ;-). 
An Old Issue Tracker Suggestion 
Cool to see something like that implemented now. 
It is very reminiscent of, I imagine, how you would edit a level in doom. I bet if you tweeted this to romero he would literally jizz in his pants. 
Oh Yeah 
rebb, you're right. This has been on my todo list for a long time. Finally gotten around to doing it so that people don't used to the old way of creating brushes when TB2 is done. You can still create simple cuboids in the 2D views though. 
Sleep Does It Again 
not surprised, but very impressed. slick implementation! needs some lasers though, but yeah, awesome. 
Very nice! 
Good Stuff 
I am not sure who but one of SleepwalkR and Romero made the other his bitch: 
Hahah Nice One... 
trenchbroom should be used for every bloody bsp editor... 
Haha, Nice Of Him! 
That's good press! 
20 Minutes Later 
so which engines support q3bsp again? 
DP+FTE (ignoring quake3 etc...) 
Jesus Mfx 
New Brush Build Looks Great! 
Cant wait till this is out! Those new brush tools look stellar! Keep up the mad work SleepwalkR! 
How To Test TB2 On Linux? 
So, I've just installed TB again on my Linux system (Linux Mint) after a break of several months, using (as before) this guide:

Said guide works perfectly, but I understand nothing of it (I just follow the instructions and Ctrl+C & Ctrl+V the commands, but have no idea what any of them really do).

Keeping in mind how utterly tech un-savvy I am, would someone be so kind as to explain how I can switch from what I have now (TB version 1.2.0 Build 460, according to Help --> About) to TB2?

(I know it is still unfinished and probably buggy, but so is TB1 on my system -- and if I were to use TB2, I could maybe give SleepwalkR some meaningful feedback, as opposed to complaining about a version of TB that is no longer going to be updated...)

Thanks in advance, and thanks again to SleepwalkR for creating and constantly improving TrenchBroom!

(By the way, is this the right thread, or should this go in Mapping Help?) 
TB2 On Linux 
Feedback for the linux version of TB2 would be very appreciated, as it's practically untested right now. It does build and run, but that's all I have tested.

You need to compile it yourself. First you need to get the sources using git. Open the terminal and cd into some directory under which you want to have the sources. An example would be the ~/Documents directory. You do not need to create a sub directory for the sources, git will do this for you. Make sure you have git installed:

sudo apt-get install git

Then clone the sources:

git clone

This will create a directory named "TrenchBroom" under your current directory, so if you did cd into ~/Documents, the sources will be in ~/Documents/TrenchBroom. cd into that directory.

Now you have to switch to the branch that contains the actual sources for TB2. You are currently on the master branch, which contains the TB1 sources.

git checkout develop

It should answer with a message such as this:

Branch develop set up to track remote branch develop from origin.
Switched to a new branch 'develop'

To ensure you're on the right branch, issue the "git status" command:

git status

It should answer with a message such as this:

On branch develop
Your branch is up-to-date with 'origin/develop'.
nothing to commit, working directory clean

Now read the build instructions in the Build.txt file and follow them. If you run into any problems, report back. 
Reporting Back 
Thank you for the quick and detailed response, SleepwalkR. However, I am possibly even more of a layperson than you assume...

I have already installed TB using the guide I linked to in my previous post (similar to your instructions, but even more detailed), so I am skipping ahead to this part of your instructions:

Now you have to switch to the branch that contains the actual sources for TB2. You are currently on the master branch, which contains the TB1 sources.

git checkout develop

When I do that, I get the following:

error: Your local changes to the following files would be overwritten by checkout:
Please, commit your changes or stash them before you can switch branches.

Help? Please keep in mind I have no idea what it means to commit or stash changes or how to do so. This entire git thing is a mystery to me... 
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