A Not So Custom Monster Or Two
Ok, two models that might, *might* just pass as quake style...although neither of them are new custom monsters, so don't get all excited folks.
The first one I made way back when people last posted in this thread about the mega enforcer. I've always reckoned that the force field, cute as it may be, isn't the best that the quake engine could do, so I've made an new model, with a different effect. It looks a bit like the glquake glow shells...but don't let that put you off. To try it in quake, find a mod/map that has mega-enforcers, and replace the enforce2.mdl in the progs folder with the model in:
Ok, if messing with the untouchable classic zerstorer wasn't bad enough, I've gone and made...a replacement vore! So, why would I bother, and why would you want to use one? The idea is that people who don't own a copy of quake would be able to play custom maps using just the shareware, if it wasn't for all those missing models from pak1.pak. So I have the slightly ambitious aim to replace these monsters.
The catch is, that I'm sure you'd agree it'd be a shame if the new monsters didn't fit in with that special quake atmosphere, so that's where you guys come in. If you would download the model, try it out, and give me some pointers as to what to change to make it match the style of quake, it'd be really helpful. Just forgive the walk animation, this isn't the final model, I'm still trying to get it to match up with the movement of the original, and right now it looks a bit off.
Oh, almost forgot a link to the vore model:
PS: There is an evil
.tga skin with the vore, for evil people who use evil custom engines.