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I think my first step will be adding moderator powers, without requiring approval (so threads are instantly live, but moderators can close them.) 
That Sounds 
The most reasonable. 
I Agree. 
Only reason I gave up moderation power was because I couldn't delete all of Shambler's threads and posts, so I agree. 
moderators have a couple of new powers now.

1. when editing a thread, you can change status between three choices: "normal", "closed", and "censored". Closed threads are still visible to the public but don't accept new posts. Censored threads are completely hidden (but not deleted from the database.)

Our policy should be to censor spam threads (i.e. spambots posting google bait) and to censor duplicate threads (e.g. user posted identical info into two threads by accident, or created both a news and a discission thread because they were uncertain.) If a thread is not spam or dupe, but just misguided (e.g. it should have been posted to mapping help,) then we should post a non-snarky explanation of why, and close it, so they (and others) can learn from their mistake. We shouldn't be deleting title/body of the thread when closing it, because that confuses people, since they won't know which thread it is anymore.

2. When viewing posts, there is now a tiny link next to the byline of each post that says "spam" -- if you click it it will flag it as spam, and then there will be a link that says "unflag" in case you made a mistake. These links us AJAX to update the page without reloading it, it has worked for me for several months but let me know if you find bugs with this feature.

Policy: only flag posts that are really spam, not just because they are annoying. 
Makes sense, will use carefully. 
Is My Screen Fucked 
or did you change the background color? 
no change to the background, must be something on your end 
reboot did the trick 
don't forget to change spam threads to "censored" instead of "closed" -- closed threads are still visible. 
That Was Me 
will do it right from now on. 
Was trying for this:

No support for Japanese (?) characters?

Mark the above posts as spam please ;) 
i don't really have a very good system for handling charsets... i think the server is set to Western European or something, the html don't include a charset, there's occasional bugs with weird characters breaking the RSS feed (em dash, copyright symbol, trademark symbol, zertstorer O with the umlaut on it. These don't seem to be causing much of a problem for us so I haven't really investigated what I would need to do to encode everything correctly. 
you are using htmlspecialcharacters after htmlentities I guess. 
Ban / auto-reject anything from linseo****blog 
It's really getting to be annoying. 
I think the time has come, because now they keep spamming the news threads (thus fucking up their order). 
unflagging ijed's spam posts because there's code that blocks any IP from posting that was once the source of a spam post... 
i'm working on a feature to flag spam accounts, which will help because the current wave of spam is all from registered users (all the linseoblog guys.) I have already flagged the accounts in the database, now i will need to add code to block a new post/thread if it is coming through a spam account. Should be comming soon. 
That will definitely help as 90% of it seems to be that linseobollox. 
News and discussion threads in the full lists are ordered by date of creation. Only the "last 10 threads" are affected by (spam) bumping. 
That's where it annoys me the most, since I never visit the full lists or news page. 
this should work 
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