Basic Laptop
#1586 posted by Merlin on 2015/02/25 01:26:39
Can this be used on a basic laptop without a fancy video card?
I'm running it on a Surface Pro Laptop. Before that I ran it on an old Dell Laptop that was probably about 4 or 5 years old when TB came out.
Getting Errors.. Will Not Even Install
#1588 posted by Merlin on 2015/02/25 02:30:36
Dell Lattitude D410
Windows XP Pro 2002
Installed the C++ thing also (from above)
It says "Trenchbroom has encoutered a problem and needs to close"
It's a Microsoft message dialog.
Any clues anyone?
#1589 posted by
ericw on 2015/02/25 03:41:24
unfortunately, the dell specs say it has an intel GMA 900, which doesn't support the OpenGL 2.1 required by TB :-(
Thank EricW
#1590 posted by Merlin on 2015/02/26 06:30:16
It works on my other machine, I was just trying to make it portable so i could get more work done. :) Appreciate your help.
Romero Mentioning Trenchbroom
Romero is talking about making levels again and he mentions Trenchbroom around the 10 minute mark. <3
The vectorpoem guy emphatically going "Yes! It's an amazing tool"...
Go map?
#1597 posted by
Zwiffle on 2015/02/26 23:03:38
Totally would not mind seeing a modern Quake Romero level. Perhaps we could sacrifice czg to win Romero's favor?
I Wonder
#1598 posted by
Vondur on 2015/02/27 08:56:45
if textures will be properly aligned there ;)
Maybe TB2's UV View Will Help There...
#1600 posted by
spy on 2015/02/27 15:30:25
Totally would not mind seeing a modern Quake Romero level. Perhaps we could sacrifice czg to win Romero's favor?
i'm totally wouldn't sacrifice czg in favor of JR
but i'd love to see the "modern" quake map from Romero
Geez i guess he's completely forgot how to use an editor
#1601 posted by
JneeraZ on 2015/02/27 15:52:58
I think that would be a huge mistake, actually. The hype surrounding it and the inevitable let down when it doesn't deliver the second coming of Christ would be unfortunate.
#1603 posted by
Kinn on 2015/02/27 17:40:07
I'm actually now wondering if he checks these forums o_o
Creating Brushes In TrenchBroom 2
Holy shit that was cool.
I was half-expecting one of the examples to be a curved brush (like the 2d-shaper). To be fair though I am super impressed as it is.
#1607 posted by
rebb on 2015/03/02 23:04:12
Some of it looks familiar ;)
What do you mean, curved?