Sticky Posts
#1570 posted by sock on 2012/04/11 22:24:19
Recently I started Q1 modelling and found it hard work trying to track down all the resources for my project. I read through the modelling thread here which was full of really cool information but it could have been summarized into a sticky top post.
Is there any plans of implementing a knowledge thread about certain core subjects? (qc, coding, skins, modelling, entities etc) Like they only contains core stuff and not the pages of fluff that often is the case with some of the threads here.
#1571 posted by metlslime on 2012/04/11 22:29:34
if i understand correctly, you're talking about how at the top of a thread, there is a regularly-updated "super-post" that contains all of the best info from all the other posts in the thread?
I'm not sure about that since it requires a lot of human labor, but it might be a good idea to be able to flag posts as "informative" and then have a filter view where you see only the informative posts from the thread.
#1572 posted by sock on 2012/04/11 22:40:27
would certainly be a good idea because there is some awesome information already in the threads, just they are buried. If you can flag good content then at least it would make a super post of information.
 There Realy Is No Search Function..
#1573 posted by wakey on 2012/04/12 00:03:15
here, or i'm just to dumb to find?
Would save some questions ^^
#1574 posted by necros on 2012/04/12 00:04:28
google does a pretty decent job tbh. never really missed having a search here.
#1575 posted by Spirit on 2012/04/12 07:16:49
quaddicted is partially a wiki nowadays, pages like that would be very welcome. put them into /tools/ I guess.
eg http://www.quaddicted.com/tools/map_compilers
What you want is a wiki.
#1577 posted by negke on 2012/04/12 11:03:15
Yeah, just add site:celephais.net/board to your search term and there you go. Of course you can also open the whole thread and do a browser search if it's in Mapping Help, for example.
#1578 posted by wakey on 2012/04/12 21:44:14
nice tipp negke, thx!
A general wiki about Quake (1-3A) editing would be nais.
Much information about such stuff (advanced compilers & their switches, editors, entities) is scattered throughout the net, imo it would make sense to collect it in such a place.
#1579 posted by necros on 2012/04/12 23:18:28
 Never Wikia
 A Company Wants To Make Money!?
#1581 posted by ijed on 2012/04/13 01:15:17
haven't checked it out though. If its a genuinely bad layout and awkward to use people will prefer a better one.
The reasoning laid out sounds more like a personal fued. Which is fine, although the reasoning sounds a bit naive.
 Fuck Wikia
#1582 posted by Spirit on 2012/04/13 08:48:04
why would you let a company make money off your work?
 DoomWiki Moved Away Too
#1583 posted by negke on 2012/04/13 11:28:18
 To Host It For Free?
#1584 posted by ijed on 2012/04/13 17:47:02
But it's a fine line, and I haven't investigated the thing.
#1585 posted by Spirit on 2012/04/13 17:58:50
Func is free!
Quaddicted is free!
Oh wait, you are all being sold!
Your mod will be free right?
All those hours.
If one cares, one invests time and money into providing something to others for free.
#1586 posted by Spirit on 2012/04/13 18:00:41
And often you yourself get a benefit off it too. God, I hated having to use Fileplanet and other "login and wait 2 minutes" money-makers for map downloads...
Oh look, all the ad-supported hosted sites on Planetquake.com were deleted. Oops! Who tells you Wikia gives a fuck about your content if it is not profitable?
Disclaimer: I am one of those Archiveteam zealots.
How about an approval process for discussion threads, just as there is for news threads?
 That's A Good Idea
#1588 posted by Kinn on 2012/04/18 20:01:51
as well as getting rid of spam threads, it means we hopefully won't get any shitstorms like that fiend mod/cyst popping palava. Considering how strict the rules supposedly are for discussion threads, it seems odd that there is literally no restrictions on posting them.
 That's A Bad Idea
#1589 posted by negke on 2012/04/18 20:23:47
What kind of forum would that be...
The moderators simply need more power - an option to mark posts as spam and delete (or hide) threads. This shouldn't be hard to implement.
What kind of forum would that be...
One without (X) Deleted threads!
#1591 posted by Shambler on 2012/04/18 21:10:08
Moderated new threads with options to Publish / Reject into Thread X/y/z / Reject as spam, would seem sensible to me. It would mean a slight delay to threads but since they are supposed to be long term discussion threads I think that would be okay?
#1592 posted by Shambler on 2012/04/18 21:12:10
Up the number of sticky threads to be a nice round 10? To have some more useful stickies so that people can get their questions answered more readily...
How about:
Modding/coding help.
Custom engine help.
Modelling help/screenshots/etc.
#1593 posted by negke on 2012/04/18 21:21:33
Potentially, it would reduce the incentive to create a discussion thread even more. The "slight" delay may easily be several hours, judging from how the approval of news threads works at the moment (either in the morning or the evening func-time, rarely in between).
The current amount of spam certainly doesn't justify such drastic measures, in my view.
#1594 posted by Kinn on 2012/04/18 21:24:26
- coding help
- modelling help
- "other games"
Note: I still think the current separation of "other PC games" from "other console games" is retarded considering that most of the games talked about in the PC thread are just bloody console ports anyway.