#15708 posted by Trinca on 2008/11/17 13:07:46
might work shamby ;)
my main point was to say i�m sorry to Lun and von :( that kid still didn�t growup
and sorry to anyothers but my blood is to hot :( boils very fast.
but i�m old enought to say i�m sorry and that i was wrong!
#15709 posted by wrath on 2008/11/17 18:01:26
Not old enough to shut the fuck about it though.
#15710 posted by wrath on 2008/11/17 18:02:28
There might be a word missing from that post. Not to worry, it'll show up somewhere else.
#15711 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/11/17 18:05:44
#15712 posted by gb on 2008/11/17 21:25:14
it'll show up
oooo, subtle.
It still worked. My brain inserted the missing word anyway. I actually had to read it 3 times to determine what was missing when you mentioned it...
#15714 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/11/18 02:33:27
I love when the brain does that. Someone corrects something and I have to go back and look for the error since it was auto corrected in my head.
This Is Mission Control...
#15715 posted by DaZ on 2008/11/18 04:10:16
T-minus 3 hours until release of zombification gas is authorised
#15716 posted by bal on 2008/11/18 08:06:04
That post even mentions bees, BEES!
Gotta get some func_zombie action going on tonight!
Or The Valve Pack
#15717 posted by ijed on 2008/11/18 12:06:24
$100 - if you don't have the Orange box - comes with all Valve games.
Probably not much use to anyone here.
Space Gameplay / Map
#15718 posted by megaman on 2008/11/21 15:27:27
you guys have ideas how to make space interesting in a space ship game? it annoys me that it's just some empty box with no real strategic stuff in it :(
It's obviously interesting for fps wing-commander likes, but for other game types? I'm thinking rpgish and/or tactics.
Homeworld somehow pulled it off.. but i can't really remember how they did it besides ressource asteroids. there was one (annoying) mission where you couldn't leave a certain path because of radiation around it. Probably can use nebulas that effect sensors,etc., too.
How do movies make space fight interesting? i remember something star trekish where they hid inside nebula..
Umm Well
#15719 posted by bamb on 2008/11/21 20:18:10
Gravity is extremely fascinating. And what about avalanche effects with asteroids. Theoretically you could send a huge asteroid to earth by pushing a small rock just a little in the asteroid belt if you had infinite calculation capability and infinite time - how they all affect each other and effects start to build up etc.
But you need different timescales to this than traditional airplane battle style space sims.
Think about the curved paths in space, slingshots from planets, everything...
#15720 posted by bamb on 2008/11/21 20:23:32
we're talking about months and years and hundreds of millions of kilometers...
Interestingly, manufacturing new units between battles becomes realistic too at these timescales. Red Alert etc were not remotely realistic in this sense.
Also sensor placement is interesting, since you can hide behind a planet or a moon completely. (on the surface too if it's tide locked the right way or if an atmosphere is obfuscating or something else).
I Remember
#15721 posted by ijed on 2008/11/21 21:11:10
One Q2 mod that had the player fighting on top of asteroids floating in space.
Might sound lame, until I say that they were all rotating in three axis, and some got destroyed by various stuff.
#15722 posted by madfox on 2008/11/21 22:00:24
I made a dxf of an astroid ring, turned it into a mdl so I can use it ingame. Pity I can't make it turn out of corner axe, but it gives a spacey look.
In game it turns much slower, but I had no other screencapture.
For Fun
#15723 posted by Mike Woodham on 2008/11/22 11:14:20
I Love
#15724 posted by JPL on 2008/11/22 11:55:56
Explosive Domino: there were some nice in Doom2 if i remember well :)
Space In Star Trek
#15725 posted by gb on 2008/11/22 17:24:53
Hiding in nebulae is a staple.
Trans-warp travel, subspace rifts, getting trapped in chaos space, getting trapped inside anomalies, getting trapped in a bubble where there are no stars, travelling through singularities, making certain areas full of enemies ("the Nortwest passage"), wormholes, parts of space where subspace got disrupted, so you cannot use warp drives, dark matter asteroids, "fluidic space", piloting a shuttle through a hole in an asteroid, asteroid obstacle courses, tractor beams moving asteroids around, blowing up asteroids that are falling toward planets, using gravity to catapult the ship through between two stars, subspace catapults, time travel, space races, building a vessel that uses solar winds... needing deflectors against space dust, which can be damaged/stolen by aliens...
Just off the top of my head. Mostly it's about the life forms encountered there, though.
Huge nerd? Yup.
And Don't Forget,
#15726 posted by HeadThump on 2008/11/22 18:28:38
gravity wells, and mining newly formed gold from the heart of a Nova.
#15727 posted by metlslime on 2008/11/22 22:18:47
#15728 posted by bambuz on 2008/11/24 19:05:58
the trouble with some of those is they are more like recycling tv scifi cliches and are not based on reality in any way.
Reality is often way cooler than what some lame script writers knowing nothing about space invent for the hundredth episode.
The Most Annoying Thing EVA!
#15729 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/11/25 04:49:11
When you size up a brush to just the right proportions, press enter and it turns out to be a TRIANGLE!!!! (because you forgot to set it to "square" mode)
#15730 posted by negke on 2008/11/25 09:49:18
Marginally Late For Work
#15731 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/11/25 11:06:32
Again this morning. I deserve the sack. The culprit - well I was ooh-so-close to sealing off a couple of new areas in my map (and did) at about 4 o clock this morning. Definately not the first time that has happened, but the first in a while.
Map is hovering at 26400 marksurfaces/clipnodes, with 53 lightmaps. :D
My Girlfriend Left Me
#15732 posted by - on 2008/11/25 16:19:47
...also, my dog died. I'm sure I deserve it. I start wondering about the emptiness of my life at times like this, like an empty .map, filled with nothing but the potential of brushes and entities. A world ready to be made, if only I seize upon creation.