#15683 posted by gb on 2008/11/15 16:46:55
do you test on Windows?
#15684 posted by
JneeraZ on 2008/11/15 16:58:21
No, I test on Mac. I test in Fitz and I test in the software Quake port that I have.
#15685 posted by gb on 2008/11/15 17:14:11
ah, ok.
#15686 posted by
Spirit on 2008/11/16 11:43:27
This map just gave me a full-blown "when I first played Quake"-flashback. I did not have the original back then, so no soundtrack. Now I played with soundtrack. And somehow the mixture of the wonderful map, the dark music and the occasional feeling of being lost made me feel exactly like back then.
I wish there would be more maps like that. True Quake! \m/ ;)
Turtle Map
#15687 posted by cornelus on 2008/11/16 16:35:56
Can anyone help me with a definition of turtle map ? What is a turtle map, what makes it "turtle" ? I couldnt find answer by mr.google
#15688 posted by
Zwiffle on 2008/11/16 16:43:53
It's a map done in one week's time.
What Zwiffle Said
#15689 posted by
starbuck on 2008/11/16 16:58:13
It's essentially a speedmap done slow. Not long enough for a proper release, but enough time to make something a lot more polished than you could in a few hours.
#15690 posted by cornelus on 2008/11/16 17:00:30
for info.
Castle Of Oblivion Rocks
#15691 posted by
Fern on 2008/11/16 17:19:48
and is completable in less than 20 seconds ;D
Woo, Back Online
#15692 posted by
than on 2008/11/16 17:28:53
I got a new pc and a fast net connection. Yay!
Unfortunately my pc wont run fitzquake properly for some reason and the screen is just complete garbage. I get the same shit with all GlQuake versions too, so it is probably some stupid incompatibility with Quake and my gfx card :(
Specs below. If anyone has any idea how to solve this particular problem then please help
core 2 Quad 2.83
4gb ram
Radeon 4850 1gb
XP SP3, DX 9
I haven't yet investigated the weirder engines like darkplaces, but software quake works ok, so I can probably just about manage with bengt's winquake version for the time being.
#15693 posted by
RickyT33 on 2008/11/16 18:08:46
Try different driver verions:
#15695 posted by
Shambler on 2008/11/16 18:59:40
Hell As Long As We're Spamming...
#15696 posted by
Fern on 2008/11/16 19:02:58
#15701 posted by
Trinca on 2008/11/16 23:21:50
i just want to say sorry Vondur and Lunaran
#15702 posted by
Trinca on 2008/11/16 23:37:32
and dont put the fault on other people.. you are such a chirld... get a gun and shoot your self u frustrated fuck...
#15704 posted by
metlslime on 2008/11/17 08:13:32
frib/than: there's no ztrick in fitzquake, so that shouldn't help (if it does anyway, i'm confused)
There is, and it does.
My display was completely fucked in Fitz when I got an ATI card. It took me ages to figure out what it was. I just had gl_ztrick 1 lingering in my config files from the old days.
Apparently gl_ztrick 1 uses a slightly dodgy method of clearing the depth buffer that isn't supported on ATI cards/drivers. At least that's what a graphics programmer at work said when I asked him about it - he could just be guessing. I suppose if anyone would know, it'd be you metl :D
Actually, Metl
You're probably right... my memory of this is very hazy (obviously) but now that I think about it, I think what really happened to me was that everything except FitzQuake was fucked, and FQ was the only one that worked properly.
I still had to figure out the problem and fix it so I could get my QW client and everything else working properly, but if this was the way it all went down then as you suggested, FitzQuake is the win and the rest lose.