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oh - well have you ever seen Fawlty Towers, with John Cleese?

These two "comedians" - Russel Brand and Jonathon Ross - left a message on one of the Fawlty Towers actors answermachine saying the Russel Brand had "slept with his daughter" among other things. I think its quite funny.
Its the waiter "Manuelle" who always said "I know nothing - I am from Barcelona"

Well anyway the two voices you can hear are both in "a lot of trouble" over it - Jonathon Ross is suspended from his �6m/y job at the BBC, and Russel Brand resigned.

Shame really.

Scampie this is for you! 
#15630 FTL 
Despite being vaguely aware from overhearing people that there is some "fascinating" """controversy""" involving Ross and Brand (who the fuck is the latter??), I have managed to remain blissfully isolated from the no-doubt soul-crushingly tedious details of such drivel. Clicking on that and closing it after 5 seconds is the closest I've come to knowing anything about this mindless media nonsense, and that's far too close.

Please don't do that again.

BTW, Fawlty Towers was genius, as were most things of that era. 
On The Other Hand... 
#15629 FTW

Mid-life crisis angst lives on. 
....and In Other News 
....apparently the EU have today abolished an act to prevent shops from selling "misshapen" vegetables. As in you couldn't sell a cucumber for example if it was to "curved". Or a banana if it was to bent, or not within a cetain measurement. 
I thought that law was just a myth in the first place.. 
that was me 

Nice to know that Ross is going to lose his job though. 
Read This

Standard limits are listed at the end of this document..

Thanks aguirRe ;) 
Wrong Thread... 
Gonna post it into the Mapping Help Thread.. sorry for this :P 
incidentally Brand did sleep with Sachs's grandaughter.... 
Fucking Ell. 
This is Func_Qmap not fucking Daily Mail or whatever.

Get back to bitching about Trinca or Willem or something FFS.

P.S. Scampie is dead and Quake is ghey and where the fuck is CZG? 
If It Wasn't For The Daily Mail 
neither of them would be in this mess. Brand made an early appology to Sachs, which was quite sarcastic, and he ended it with a pre-emptive strike on the Daily Mail, saying how they had supported the nazis back in the '30s.

So the Daily Mail crucified him....

And yes, I know im a muppet for bringing it up again. Go on, tell me again.... 
Ricky, Shambler is saying no one gives 2 fucks about this and it's just meaningless celebrity drama bullshit. 
Yeah, That's Right 
I have no idea what you're talking about, but I can say with complete certainty that I wouldn't give two shits or a flying fuck if I did know. 
I Know 
im just a sad lonely deranged individual with no real purpose in life 
How Many Shits 
in a flying fuck?

I can never figure out the exchange rate for these things. 
.3 Shits Per Flying Fuck 
depending on rigidity of boner & looseness of bowels 
This Is Post #666 For Me 
I will probably never post again just to maintain the mystique of being the guy with 666 posts. So I guess I should get some things off my chest with this one.

- When I was eight years old I dry-humped a fat, retarded girl inside of a snowfort. I don't regret it but I just wanted to get it off my chest

- I've never played Doom or Doom 2 for more than a few minutes.

- I've never beaten Quake (but I have beaten Quake 2...I am a deeply flawed human being)

- I'm not really a nerd but I play one on the internet.

- I secretly hate the following people: czg,

- I am fat, bi, and Wiccan. And I am a womyn. 
Ricky, Shambler is saying no one gives 2 fucks about this and it's just meaningless celebrity drama bullshit.

Which is fine when it's meaningless celebrity drama bullshit about member of the Func_Terrafusion (or is that Fucn_#base) scene...

P.S. Cya Bltiz. 

fat hugly fuckers join = #terrafusion

cool Quake guys join = #base 
I Wish Func_ Had An Ignore Feature Too Now! 
i wish u get the fuck out of this forum... u dont map anymore... why dont u fuck your self?

go make gay chat with Lunaran and all those assholes... 
I just come here becouse i like to play Quake and make maps...

those who dont want none of those, i dont understand WTF they are doing here...

Now i will go rest and will not waste more of my nice time!

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