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Yeah, It's Shit. 
Doom not shit.
Doom remake sometimes are pure shit... though... 
that's the same as .tar.gz, right? 
Now, Now 
come on Willem, there's no need to flame lunaran. Quicktime events are the fucking devil and you know it. 
you know, I have no idea what the hell you guys are on about (QTE). I'm obviously years behind the ball with gaming :) 
New Games 
I'm making a doom map, not of pure shit, but...

new games, I dunnoh. i'm playing Quake4 now for years but i still haven't found out how to get out of the wild range of killing idiots on the back of a vehicle after leaving the plane.
I always end up on the same event. Myfault.
Think I'll be playing quake 4 long.

Like having a good map that plays well and looks aprovement, and then the stupid thing starts vising for years and I don't (can't, shall, have to) want to change it! 
QTE = Quick Time Events 
I work in games and didn't get the abbreviation at first either. 
I know what it stands for but I havent seen it in action, maybe becaue I havent played any post 2004 games yet :) 
q1's e1m1 remade for Doom would be cooler.

I thought that's what that was at first. 
I Realize Baseball 
likely has little appeal to most funcsters but I just woke up again for the second time tonight with disturbing visuals of how the World Series ended earlier in the evening. It is time to ban post victory man piles. 
It's like a cutscene but somewhen during it an icon flashes and says "hey, press button x", then you press x and something happens. So YOU CONTROL THE ACTION! It's almost like an interactive movie!

I think this stuff could be used well but then I feel that almost all recent games are shit in one aspect or the other and I am not interested in them. 
I'd Like To Declare The Latest South Park Episode 
to be among the best things ever. 
The Clouds Roam The Earth

i was bored. zip is 38mb or something. 10 minutes long. :'(

its a video i made. with things from tv... boring or fun? i dont know. friends said they laughed like hell... but sadness & tears fell from my eyes, through out the universe. 
it might be deleted in a few weeks. dunno why. to keep up with the limes i guess :'( 
Aaah - A 7Zip File! 
I downloaded this in <1 minute.

What a horrifically weird video. Spent 10 minutes of my day watching it. It didnt really make any sense, and was almost funny. Weird! Quite well put together, must have taken a good couple of hours atleast!

Reminds me of the scenes at the end of Natural Born Killers, just before this: 
7zip? but i made it as a regular zip! i'm confused :)

anyway, i think these type of videos are much funnier when one is sleepy. at least thats how they work for me, but they get boring very quickly.

now if i just had the same energy for quake editng! :( 
Soory Must Have Been Hallicinating 
What Really Worries Me 
is that the new Aliens : CM game is meant to use QTE, this makes me cry rivers and throw my arms into the air, hoping that some supreme being will throw lightning bolts at the developers heads until they drop that idea... 
Peering Into My Developer Magic 8-ball 
Not very likely.

It's a sad truth, but QTE events were in vogue until recently, and likely we won't see them dropping out of games for at least a year or so as newer games earlier in development start to see player backlash against them. 
Gamer backlash has little to with it. Qte happens when a company is bloated with artists they cant reasonably fire. 
To Do With It 
It took me one week to encrypter the savecode from Sin to another computer after I was recomposed to human ingame, because my machine crashed. 
"Qte happens when a company is bloated with artists they cant reasonably fire."

Can you expand on that reasoning? I don't see where you're pulling that from. It always looked like a game designer conceit to me rather than a "we have artist time to burn" issue. 
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