Unclosed Tag Bug Seems To Be Fixed....
#1520 posted by metlslime on 2011/09/22 18:05:41
Here's a test.
quote bold italic strikethrough underline
quote bold italic strikethrough underline
 And Part Two Of The Test
#1521 posted by metlslime on 2011/09/22 18:05:58
Part two of the test? Part two of the test.
 Seems Like It Worked!
#1522 posted by metlslime on 2011/09/22 18:06:48
#1523 posted by Spirit on 2011/10/09 11:37:49
Did it jus't double a single quote?
#1524 posted by Spirit on 2011/10/09 11:38:00
 This Is Not Quaddicted
#1525 posted by negke on 2011/10/10 00:12:28
#1526 posted by - on 2011/10/12 04:23:52
On the Account page, when the passwords don't match, the popup says Both passwords must mat...
 Looks Fine To Me
#1528 posted by necros on 2011/11/22 02:05:55
unless metl just fixed it. :P (firefox 8)
#1529 posted by negke on 2011/11/24 13:20:00
Go fix celephais.net already!
#1530 posted by mwh on 2011/11/24 22:07:49
#1531 posted by metlslime on 2011/11/26 03:04:24
I have no idea what happened to the DNS servers, but since I am on vacation I couldn't log into mybind.com. Luckily I remembered my registrar password so I switched to a new DNS server. Should refresh "soon" for everyone, or they can clear their DNS cache on their local machine. (run "ipconfig /flushdns" on windows machines.)
Sorry about that!
 Thanks Metl
And have a nice vacation!
#1533 posted by metlslime on 2011/11/26 18:56:07
Yay... Except it seems that www. still doesn't work... Will have to work o that when I get home.
 Yay Thanks
#1534 posted by mwh on 2011/11/27 21:08:07
I don't know a *lot* about DNS, but it looked like mybind.com decided it wasn't authoritative for celephais.net any more.
#1535 posted by metlslime on 2011/11/30 08:01:34
www.celephais.net is now fixed.
Still never figured out what happened with mybind (i logged in just now and everything looks the same as it always looked) but the new DNS provider seems to be working so i won't worry about it.
 So I Think It Was Qmap
#1536 posted by nitin on 2012/01/10 13:46:23
that had a list of all users currently online at the bottom of the page. Possible?
#1537 posted by Spirit on 2012/01/10 15:06:33
 I Wonder Why You Need That Feature
But I also wonder why everyone is such a privacy hypochondriac nowadays. OMG someone can see that I was using the internet! THE IMPLICATIONS!
Yeah I realize that privacy is important. Just not everywhere.
 Preview Function
#1539 posted by Mandel on 2012/01/10 19:44:49
The preview function is great but when I'm previewing a post, there doesn't seem to be a way to verify which thread I'm currently posting in!?
The thread title could be displayed somewhere on the preview page.
#1540 posted by necros on 2012/01/10 20:18:29
for the preview, it would be nice if the previewed post appeared exactly the way it would look if you had posted, so if there were 4 previous posts above and you preview a post, it'd show those 4 plus your own.
#1541 posted by nitin on 2012/01/10 22:22:46
dont need it, was just cool IMHO.
And I dont really see the privacy issue. But its not a big deal.
I keep detailed records with my detail equipment.
 Hey Uhhh
#1543 posted by negke on 2012/02/05 21:55:53
What about a "mark all threads read" button for registered users?
#1544 posted by metlslime on 2012/02/06 19:56:15
good idea... you getting behind on your reading?