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It's an interesting topic for me, this. I had always viewed speedmapping as an event which allowed mappers to get some mapping done under pressure, whereby they might try a texture set they hadn't explored before, build something they had thought about, or just fight to make a map in a short time period. When in comes down to it, I feel that its all about what the mapper wants to do, and its very rare that themes are *forced* on anyone.

It's also clear that different people use the time for different purposes. I for example usually end up making maps that are too small and too detailed, with shit gameplay tacked on the end in five minutes. Others enjoy creating a whole consistent level which is actually enjoyable in SP, or with a refined layout in DM. Some also feel it is their duty to produce boxmaps full of shamblers (hi amrik!).

Im not sure the shambler box-map genre does anyone much good, because i get the feeling the maker threw it together to get a laugh rather than to explore new horizons or to provide value to the player downloading the pack. Whereas I don't think that catering to the 'audience' should be the prime concern, it would certainly be beneficial to avoid the million-monster gameplay that has been mentioned recently, and to try and give people something worth playing.

I hope I'm not sounding sensitive or precious about this, as it wasn't my intention. It's certainly opened my eyes a bit, to see the feedback on recent speedmapping packs, and to see how the time given can be used more uniquely, as in Asaki's map. Indeed, I am planning to focus my next speedmap on gameplay rather than aesthetics, trying to move in a different direction...we'll see what happens :) 
better link for sm42 shots + d/l 
Re - More Rectnish Good Q3 Stuff 
ne_duel, nice, good gameplay, very keepable map. Been enjoying Stormt5 for a while now, not my fav map, but not what I would call a bad map either, thought that the outside view could have been left out, or at least used something a bit more aesthetically pleasing, but hey, doesn't distract that much, but............. 
What Does "Rectnish" Mean? 
Once again speedy you have proved yourself to be the prize bellend of Well done.

P.S. The maps sucked irrespective of theme. In fact they sucked in a wide variety of ways, which is something at least. 
you've tried estatica by cardigan?

And q3jdm9a (bets map of the year so far IMHO)? 
it means I cant spell. 
AFAIK They never released the source code for strife. :(
Strife used a highly modified Doom engine without the source it would be very difficult to work with. :( 
i just played this and i thought i'd give my comments..

sm42_gibbie - looked amazing & original, but was a bit boring to play cos its just walking along a path for most of the map without much room for dodging monsters. the rocketjumping bit was cool though

sm42_daz - too many monsters.. was annoying, looked average

sm42_speedy - not bad, looked ok, played pretty cool and wasn't too short. liked the quad bit at the end.

sm42_ray - way too small, was a bit tight when it came to fighting

sm42_starbuck - looked amazing but was too easy, not enoguh monsters

sm42_xen - nice vertical layout, very original. was a bit too easy though and you can walk straight through the end bars without getting the rune!

sm42_inertia - too small again.. although did take 55 minutes if i remember right. finished it in under 2 mins.

If this is pack 42 and pack 41 was in the news a while ago then where are the other 40? i would be interested in playing some more of these. 
The other packs are here:

Note that there are some speed chain maps that may not be listed. These are SM28, SM32, SM36, and SM40 (which is not finished and may never be). 
was it planned that every fourth map would be a chain map?


and honestly, i didn't think the sm42 pack was that bad. most of the maps had pretty nice brushwork, given the time constraints. gameplay especially in daz's case left a lot to be desired, however...

actually, daz's map reminded me a lot of doom. flat architecture with tons of monsters. 
I Also Liked Most Of These 
maps, although as usual in SM maps they're naturally a bit rough around the edges.

Daz' was pretty fun if you have an engine that can take it (I had to use TyrQuake; FitzQuake just died in the middle of the battle).

Gibbie's was good-looking (especially the sky) but with some strange spotty gameplay and odd trick-jumps or slow wall-climbing to reach essential spots. Also some weird clipping issues.

IMHO Xen's maps was the best due to the outdoor and open nature although a bit repetitive; more variety in monsters would've been nice. Very vertical and climax-building but should have had more intense end battle.

I think the SM concept is very good since it can (ideally) contribute with interesting unusual things without having all the work of a finished map. 
Yes, I have tried them, great maps, I usually download all maps I come across, and always look forward to the Jems you dig up, that I don't come across. (Kritische Masse was simply magnificent IMO) 
Stroggs Lead Smelting 
Here3dm4 was completly remained

screenshots and downloads :

(duplicate news submission) 
Stroggs Lead Smelting 
here3dm4 was completely remained

screenshots and downloads are on :

(duplicate news submission) 
Kritische Masse 
download link? 
check the news. 
does anyone know url of web inteface for gamespy-hosted sites file upload (to fileplanet) 

I wanted to play D3 sooner rather than later (just feel like that sort of simple FPS game) but then again it will give me time to play some other games this winter.

I hope this year's tech will run the game adequately though... 
I would like to inform the world that I suck.

I suck.

it wasnt my intent to draw personal critiques of the speedmaps, as there have been quite a few million-monster maps (although daz takes the brunt of it, being the most notable one in the latest pack). i (and probably most) speedmap to see what i can build under pressure. its not to please the other mappers and certainly not anyone else. so there.
shambler did you take a look at any of the "proper" maps (sp or otherwise) that have been released when you reinstalled quake to trash the sm42 pack? just curious... 
Q1 SP sucks. 
Anyone else played this?? I have finally got around to it after only having the game installed for 2 years. Or is it 3? Anyway...

I've completed the Mecc mission and it's all pretty cool so far. Big open terrain maps, very sunny and jolly and an ideal respite from grimier and grimmer FPS games. Pretty fun gameplay too, simple but amusing. Although I'm finding it very easy to get carried away and end up deaded cos I'm not thinking about what I'm doing. Best thing however is the English voice-overs used for the characters and cutscenes (which are every level which is cool). Definitely adds to the whole vibe and the lines just sound right in English...."Bloody hell!" "What the F--k is a Kabuto?!" "Fancy a pint" etc etc. Music's kinda cool too.

Onto the Reaper now, we shall see how that goes. if you've forgotten what the game is (yes that is the right url =)). 
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