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Mark V - Release 1.00

* Nehahra support -- better and deeper link
* Mirror support, "mirror_" textures. video
* Quaddicted install via console (i.e. "install travail")
* Full external texture support DP naming convention
* Enhanced dev tools texturepointer video inspector video
* IPv6 support, enhanced server capabilities
* Enhance co-operative play (excels at this!)
* Software renderer version (WinQuake)
* "Find" information command (ex. type "find sky")

Thanks to the beta testers! NightFright, fifth, spy, gunter, pulsar, johnny law, dwere, qmaster, mfx, icaro, kinn, adib, onetruepurple, railmccoy

And thanks to the other developers who actively provided advice or assistance: Spike (!), mh, ericw, metlslime and the sw guys: mankrip and qbism.

/Mac version is not current yet ...; Linux will happen sometime in 2017
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Baker what features and stuff do you think you might want to implement in Mark V's next release?

(Crazy and Stupid) Ideas:
Atleast try to support orl's Zeangala map or what ever its called.Who knows,someone might make an adin1 like bbin1
Create feature like in reQuiem
(Might need to check this one)
Music command like in QuakeSpasm
Some proper coding!

So far I know 4 coders doing engine stuff
Re: Post #1504 
Does anyone know why the skull models change size between the different resolutions? That's some crazy beans... 
Sort of, at least. In a proof-of-concept way.

The video makes it look pretty crappy and stuttery, but it actually runs and feels awesome. The only real downside to this method is that you have to be incredibly careful not to make any sudden mouse movements, that causes the borderless window to stop capturing the cursor for a fraction of a second and the magnifier will register that movement, jerking the viewframe in whatever direction you happened to be aiming.

Keyboard aiming it is then! I can handle that. Probably. 
That Looks Mighty Sexy 
You could always use a joypad? 
Feature Request 
So you mentioned that 4-player splitscreen is a thing you want to implement in the future? How about 4-player splitscreen that also allows people to join from the internet?

I have been playing a bit of the remastered Turok 2 from Nightdive and this has the same feature. It's a good way of getting people online and playing! 
You could always use Audacity or any sound tool to export to mp3. 
... is also good at that: I created some custom sounds and background loops a while ago with it.

It is not a freeware, but it has a lot of interesting features. 
Feature Suggestion For More-legible Text 
How about a Text Contrast adjustment that will only affect the text (maybe like the texture baked-on gamma/contrast).

The dull text can be hard to read in front of all the other dull colors in Quake.... I don't want to universally ramp up the contrast for everything, so it would be nice if I could just adjust the text contrast alone. 
Kustom Conchar, Hudnum, Conback 
I was running an ancient version of dp then fte before mkv. in those I was using a conchar file that had black outlines and cleaned up characters, the diamond grip numbers, and conback from qtest. I had obtained these from quite some time ago all for clarity and legibility sake. Is there any way to have mkv load external wad assets, or does it perfer certain fyle tipes such as pcx? 
Mark V only supports .tga, uses the DarkPlaces way of naming replacement textures.

For instance, throw this file in quake\id1\gfx folder (conchars.tga).

Random comments: Gunter should be using a custom charset ;-) He could adjust the contrast in an image editor and self-serve. 
If your custom gfx are in .lmp format:

DP/FTW will use a loose id1/gfx/conback.lmp (conchars, etc.) in preference to the one in id1/pak0.pak, but vanilla engines including MarkV require you to put them in a pak file (e.g. create a pak2.pak) in order to override the stock ones. 
Thank Yah 
Everything was in a portable network graphic format so I just used gimp to patch them over to targa. I also increased the color saturation levels of everything and added black borders to the hudnumbers as well. Another thing I noticed after this was if you disable the start demos it just dumps to console, is there any way that it could pop the main menu up as well? I also saw a sort of custom start demos command but I couldn't get it to operate. 
Akira, just put "menu_main" at the bottom of your autoexec.cfg file if you want it to pop up automatically upon game start.

Wow, that custom conchars.tga is definitely high-contrasty-more-legible in the game... buuuuut it doesn't look like Quake, heh.

I guess I can mess with the contrast and make my own custom conchars, but it would still be nice to have such a feature built in. 
this is the one i use, and Gunter will approve! 
edit: what you CANT see by that image is that the characters have a thin black outline around them.
Unless I selected the wrong file. Or just look in Qrack's pak0 for charset-3. 
Not bad... (had to convert to TGA for Mark V, but it works). That's more Quake-like than the one Baker linked, but I'm very picky in that regard, heh, and it's still not quite right.

I came up with this one by just ramping the hell out of the brightness/contrast so the text really stands out, but it's otherwise still the original Quake characters: 
Scr_clock Setting 
Just a heads up, Baker. Looks like the cvar scr_clock still allows the game time to be drawn when set to -1 if playing DM (it does disable in SP).

Wouldn't normally bother me but it overlays on top of the player colors (the mini-scoreboard when viewsize is set to 120). 
EDIT: sorry, I meant when viewsize is 100 or less, in regard to the above post 
Using The Dx9 Render 
I've come across a few bugs. The first one is in mutiplayer the ping command doesn't seem to work, I tried ping 100 and ping +100 but I don't see any changes on the scoreboard or latency. It seems to be in there though as it doesn't come up as an unknown command. The second is single player that when you die and instantly hit space to respawn your view remains sideways, I'm not sure if it has any relationship with quicksav or being splattered. The last one I've had happen a couple times first on some map from 1996 then in ad monsters spawned like brushes I was using quake injector. 
1) There is a loadgame + death bug reported by Pritchard. Will be fixed in the next release (already fixed in unreleased code). Results in the deadness issue you outlined above after loading a save game.

1) ping +x is not supported (ability to lag yourself). Feature exists in ProQuake/DarkPlaces/Qrack, but adds some complexity/ugliness to maintaining the network code. Possible it may get added at some point. 
is there any portal culling for VIS like in DP? 
Doesn't have such a feature, which AFAIK is intended for real time lighting.

Arcane Dimensions quake.rc has r_useportalculling 0 and Map Jam 8 users needed to turn off r_useportalculling to avoid issues with DarkPlaces.

Arcane Dimensions finds it necessary to turn off r_useportalculling in the quake.rc file for gameplay or visual compatibility reasons. 
yeah, "r_useportalculling 2" breaks map if you have some Warnings/clipped portals during VIS. It's very annoying, but 50% of fault lays on mappers side ;)

I was just curious if there are any VIS improvements in your engine, or do you plan any?

As we know VIS in Quake is very primitive and does it's job poorly, so you have to do tricks etc. to limit r_speeds. 
The idea the engine would do the same thing as vis (which can take untold hours to run in some circumstances), and do it better and do it instantly on map load doesn't make sense.

I'm just saying ... if the engine could do that, why wouldn't you take those calculation and throw them into the vis tool instead?

Yes Quake vis sucks terribly, especially at open maps. Kills frame rate, makes demos huge --- like the 10 GB "I played Arcane Dimensions!" demos, makes QuakeC slows, makes map uncoopable with enormous network traffic.

The correct solution is improvement of map compile tools.

/Maybe you should get together with other interested parties and raise a $2500 bounty and try to induce someone who writes tools either in Q1 or in Q3 or at id Software or for another game engine to get Quake vis right or vastly improved.

/One idea. I'm often wrong about these kinds of things. 
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