Updating DNS Nameservers
#1511 posted by
metlslime on 2011/08/30 08:32:00
I just updated celephais.net to use new DNS nameservers. I am now using mybind.com instead of everydns.net (which stopped being free.) It should be seamless for everyone, please let me know if something goes wrong.
#1512 posted by
Zwiffle on 2011/08/30 21:55:38
Ah okay, that explains why it redirected me to everydns.net earlier and I freaked out like "omg wtf happened to func???"

Escaping Italics
#1515 posted by
mwh on 2011/09/19 01:17:13
seen on
http://celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=3545&start=3589&end=3592 the view source is very strange, the
in the commend is closed, but there's another one containing all the other posts?

Argh, Was Aiming For Preview...
#1516 posted by
mwh on 2011/09/19 01:18:07
... the < i > in the comment ...

#1517 posted by
metlslime on 2011/09/19 17:50:25
I recently changed the posts to use <div> instead of <table> tags. I think this enabled unclosed < i > tags to travel farther... seems that when inside a table cell, the damage is limited. But inside a div, it's not.

Only Allow Matching Tags?
#1518 posted by
megaman on 2011/09/20 02:35:54

I Like The Way I Accidentally Demonstrated The Breakage
#1519 posted by
mwh on 2011/09/20 04:29:10

Unclosed Tag Bug Seems To Be Fixed....
#1520 posted by
metlslime on 2011/09/22 18:05:41
Here's a test.
quote bold italic strikethrough underline
quote bold italic strikethrough underline

And Part Two Of The Test
#1521 posted by
metlslime on 2011/09/22 18:05:58
Part two of the test? Part two of the test.
#1523 posted by
Spirit on 2011/10/09 11:37:49
Did it jus't double a single quote?

This Is Not Quaddicted
#1525 posted by negke on 2011/10/10 00:12:28
On the Account page, when the passwords don't match, the popup says Both passwords must mat...

Looks Fine To Me
#1528 posted by
necros on 2011/11/22 02:05:55
unless metl just fixed it. :P (firefox 8)

#1529 posted by negke on 2011/11/24 13:20:00
Go fix celephais.net already!

#1531 posted by
metlslime on 2011/11/26 03:04:24
I have no idea what happened to the DNS servers, but since I am on vacation I couldn't log into mybind.com. Luckily I remembered my registrar password so I switched to a new DNS server. Should refresh "soon" for everyone, or they can clear their DNS cache on their local machine. (run "ipconfig /flushdns" on windows machines.)
Sorry about that!

Thanks Metl
And have a nice vacation!
#1533 posted by
metlslime on 2011/11/26 18:56:07
Yay... Except it seems that www. still doesn't work... Will have to work o that when I get home.

Yay Thanks
#1534 posted by
mwh on 2011/11/27 21:08:07
I don't know a *lot* about DNS, but it looked like mybind.com decided it wasn't authoritative for celephais.net any more.