Tree Order
#15208 posted by Lunaran on 2008/09/23 23:06:33
It's not entirely accurate to refer to the "order" that things are "added" to the tree - hint faces have the highest priority for splitting the tree, and afaik details have none. What order the brushes are listed in the map file has nothing to do with anything because split priority is based on brushes' size and shape and angularity. If order mattered you couldn't have major structural leak-stopping brushes "last" because the BSP tree would have been largely finalized already.
An aguire or a lordhavoc would be useful right about now.
#15209 posted by metlslime on 2008/09/23 23:15:19
i guess i thought qbsp adds brushes to the tree in the order it finds them in the map file. Didn't know it scanned the entire list of brushes and then optimized the order in any way.
Either way though, a leak plugging brush will plug the leak regardless of the order you add it, assuming there are no precision errors or bugs.
P.S. I'm talking about quake 1, if that's any confusion.
#15210 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/09/23 23:25:10
I'm almost certain that QBSP adds the brushes in the order it finds them in the MAP file. It has to, otherwise overlapping brushes with different textures wouldn't work. The ordering has to be deterministic.
#15211 posted by bal on 2008/09/23 23:48:50
From my understanding it wouldn't seem right for Qbsp to just take the brushes in order, I always thought he splits everything up according to volume sizes (leaf nodes) to keep them similar (in size), but that's maybe just some misconception I've been dragging along over the years.
And yeah in Quake 2 (unlike in Quake 3) detail and hint are just there to influence qbsp in the right direction, detail brushes are smaller complex forms that you usually don't want to be used for initial splits, while hints are you trying to force qbsp to add a split in some area first.
In Quake 3, Hints work kind of the same afaik, but detail brushes don't split the tree at all, they are completely ignored, I think they are just culled (coplanar faces) and stuck into whatever leafnode they occupy (usually defiend by the caulk stuck around them to avoid leakage).
But anyways, yeah, I would have loved proper detail brushes in Quake 1. =)
#15212 posted by nonentity on 2008/09/24 00:20:13
The ordering has to be deterministic.
Super/hard-deterministic to be more precise, but that's hardly a useful pragmatic viewpoint.
Or were you talking about something else? ;)
 Golden Boy Qbsp
#15213 posted by stevenaaus on 2008/09/24 04:53:08
Just had a look at the wildcards stuff in wad.cpp ... I cant test that stuff myself, but perhaps the "glob" system call is what you want. Type "man 3 glob" for manpage. Ozkan (uhexen2.sf.net) ported all of the Hexen2 utils to *nix , so that might help too.
#15214 posted by Lunaran on 2008/09/24 18:40:07
#15215 posted by gb on 2008/09/24 21:34:32
thanks for the hint.
#15216 posted by Trinca on 2008/09/24 23:21:18
fun at #tf :)
[21:36] <@Bal__> * Added Trinca!*@* to ignore list, should have done ages ago I think
[21:36] <@Bal__> +that
[21:36] <@voodoochopstiks> :D
[21:36] <@Trinca> Bal__ thks!
[21:36] <@Trinca> i�m sick of you bullshit
[21:36] <@Trinca> get a women
[21:36] <@Trinca> stop talking about all 50 games you fucking play
[21:37] <@Trinca> i just play one becouse i want time to FUCK MY WIFE!!!
Trinca(PT) 1 - 0 Bal(FR)
#15217 posted by Lunaran on 2008/09/24 23:59:10
Clearly it's important to you that Bal still see your scathing retorts (the part where you implied he did not have a girlfriend was particularly fresh - nice job!) because you felt the need to mirror them here. Clearly him ignoring you bothers you, then, and you need some kind of release to feel like you had the last word so you can keep feeling better about yourself.
Is putting down foreigners you've never met in an IRC channel necessary to get through your day? Perhaps there is some reason why you cannot take such pleasure in your day to day life. Are you happy in your marriage? Or do you regret the life you've chosen, feeling trapped in a bitter loveless marriage, away from what you really enjoy, which is apparently your penis?
Or maybe you're just exceedingly fucking immature. Go retire again, I promise you nobody here will miss you, miss your childish ravings about sexuality, or miss your whiny footstamping at the faintest provocation or perceived slight against you.
Go the fuck away.
#15218 posted by Trinca on 2008/09/25 00:58:40
did u read any book to write this?
ok, go take your goat!
 Oh Drama
#15219 posted by - on 2008/09/25 02:47:26
how I've missed you.
#15220 posted by nonentity on 2008/09/25 12:21:27
kekeke, someone was having a bad day at work yesterday.
I am inclined to agree with the majority of Lun's points tho, even if they are written in a particularly aggy style (actually, scratch that, all his points).
I especially like the fact you proved him right by feeling the need to post (yet another) weak retort within an hour of his post despite it being 2am where you are.
And how is literacy (that'd be reading books) a bad thing? I like being both verbose and well read, it improves my mind, allows access to novel (see what I did there ;) points of view and means I can create a more sound argument that 'lololol you readz!' or 'i has sex k!'. (On an aside, reading Bulgakov atm, why I haven't done so before eludes me, but I reccommend is work if you haven't read it)
And for someone who gets to 'fuck his wife' so much, you seem to have a lot of time to check func 30 times a day. This does rather suggest it doesn't take you that much time to fuck your wife, which may be part of the problem...
Of course, the fact your wife just gave birth means you're probably not actually getting any atm (hence the need to defend your sexual prowess so much in unrelated arguments). And even if you were, a swift pint in the burnt down ruins of your old pub isn't really the same as a selection of cocktails in pleasant, modern bars. (Yes, that was an analogy for your wife's torn up and tired out pussy vs the wide selection of attractive tail being single provides)
 The Only Troth
#15221 posted by the cleaner on 2008/09/25 12:42:04
The level of intelligence in some people here is so high that makes me cry� but guess they are not much susses full with women�s because they spent more time playing all kind of games instead of getting out of home and get a proper social life. Oh well but this is just me guessing i might be wrong and you are pure machos! And play tf2 with a girl making a blowjob at same time!
:\ lol get a grip�
#15222 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/09/25 13:17:18
"(Yes, that was an analogy for your wife's torn up and tired out pussy vs the wide selection of attractive tail being single provides)"
As classy as that was, I feel obliged to point out that now you're going down the exact same road you were just decrying. The high road is looking awfully empty these days.
#15223 posted by nonentity on 2008/09/25 13:19:40
kek, yeh, I know, but without gross hypocrisy my life would be exceptionally dull ;p
#15224 posted by wrath on 2008/09/25 13:39:55
Also, the kekeke thing isn't really working in your favor.
I like cheese.
 And Now To Something Completely Different
#15226 posted by Spirit on 2008/09/25 17:53:13
shout critic at me, don't spare embarassing yourself with stupid remarks:
http://www.quaddicted.com/?p=205 (no direct linking to avoid crawling)
 I Like The Darker Look
As for critic..
* The background color in tr.light contrasts too much with the one in tr.dark, making it hard to focus on the table contents.
* The level name used as the page subheader should be the same size as the rating. Right now it doesn't stand out enough.
* The pink border line placed under glossary items is kind of iffy, especially with the text getting underlined upon hover.
* Some things feel as if they take more space than they should. The MD5 signature definitely needs to use a smaller font, and so does the "Files Included" table at the bottom of the upload information. Using a different font face in those elements wouldn't hurt, either.
* The BSP/PAK/etc checklist should be a table rather than a single line, but that's just me.
* The links in the navigation sidebar on the left should have different means of being emphasised on hover - how about making it become white text on a pink background?
#15228 posted by Lunaran on 2008/09/25 18:52:17
So you're going to have to convert every single one of those .html files by hand?
#15229 posted by Spirit on 2008/09/25 19:18:56
Excellent feedback, onetruepurple. Thanks!
Lun: I might be special but I ain't that stupid. All I will have to change is the XSL stylesheet. :)
#15230 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/09/25 20:47:34
 Do You Remember
#15231 posted by Lunaran on 2008/09/25 20:50:21
when funny pictures didn't need text over them?
 How Is That "fail?"
#15232 posted by metlslime on 2008/09/26 00:48:11
do people even try to make a connection between the image and the choice of stale-meme they paste onto it?