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I'm kind of surprised we don't have a radioactive icon, even though we have Unreal, HalfLife, Doom, Serious Sam, Sauerbraten/Cube and Daikatana icons. 
i never noticed about the lack of duke3d icon but now you mention it, yeah. duke3d was pretty ground breaking when it came out, even if it wasn't fully 3d. that whole super-interactive world thing for one. 
also, in reply to the actual question, yeah, a news post is fine. can't hurt! 
Chuck it onto the end of that silly duke thread I made. It'll be a nice counterpoint... 
Quakis: I Think It's Cool. 
Posted it up (atleast I hope so) and I guess its waiting in moderation right now. 
Can't remember if I requested this before, but I'd love it if the "people currently browsing" feature was in a more exposed place than the FAQ section. It'd be cool if it was maybe at the top or bottom on the main forums page. 
didn't even know about that feature. :P 
I've often thought it should maybe be on the "people" page, actually... 
Speaking Of The FAQ Page... 
an interesting statistic

...and 797 news threads, and 797 registered users. 
could you make long links break in the middle instead of at the end? eg 
Oh Func... 
Actually, Use CSS3 
word-wrap: break-word; 
Good ideas. Some of these are on my todo list already. I didn't know about word-wrap: break-word; but i'll look into it. 
Could you include the abandoned workshops in the Quake Review Links list? 
And While You Are At It 
Updating DNS Nameservers 
I just updated to use new DNS nameservers. I am now using instead of (which stopped being free.) It should be seamless for everyone, please let me know if something goes wrong. 
Ah okay, that explains why it redirected me to earlier and I freaked out like "omg wtf happened to func???" 
Escaping Italics 
seen on the view source is very strange, the in the commend is closed, but there's another one containing all the other posts? 
Argh, Was Aiming For Preview... 
... the < i > in the comment ... 
I recently changed the posts to use <div> instead of <table> tags. I think this enabled unclosed < i > tags to travel farther... seems that when inside a table cell, the damage is limited. But inside a div, it's not. 
Only Allow Matching Tags? 
I Like The Way I Accidentally Demonstrated The Breakage 
2 posts not shown on this page because they were spam
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