#1470 posted by
Trinca on 2011/02/25 23:28:03
yeee the czg image still live!
:) look much more clean
#1471 posted by
metlslime on 2011/02/25 23:30:23
I like how the stretched icons in the thread title are pixelated as before, and no longer blurred by Chrome.
Oh yeah, that was a side effect of this change, i'm happy about it too.

Site Running Slow
#1473 posted by
mwh on 2011/02/28 22:51:41
I've had a few instances of the site running really slow over the last few days, sometimes failing to load. Something known?
#1474 posted by
metlslime on 2011/02/28 22:54:53
i just saw the same thing but only in the last few hours. Seems to be fixed now, maybe SleewalkR knows what happened...

I haven't noticed anything, nor have I changed anything on the server. Please keep an eye out and let me know if it happens again.
#1476 posted by
necros on 2011/02/28 23:40:45
site was completely unavailable for me (canada, ontario) but it cleared up maybe 3 hours ago?
#1478 posted by
metlslime on 2011/03/01 00:18:12
fov120.com was also slow to respond at the same time, so i assumed it was a server-wide problem.

It was night time here so I didn't check. But the site was never slow for me. Keep posting if it happens again and I'll investigate.
#1482 posted by
Trinca on 2011/03/01 13:35:30
site was off last night also in 3� world Portugal :)

Text Box Size
#1486 posted by
necros on 2011/05/08 20:35:31
it's probably firefox4 doing this: text box for messages are resizable?

Another thing they stole from Chrome!

Oh Yeah!
#1489 posted by
RickyT33 on 2011/05/08 22:14:39
So it is! Im usin' chrome.....

That's not chrome, that's Webkit. All browser based on that have had resizable text boxes for years.

Brix Were Shat.
#1491 posted by
grahf on 2011/05/13 05:42:51
I never noticed that those little handles in the corner meant something.
#1492 posted by negke on 2011/05/14 13:04:04
Maybe moderators should be given the ability to flag posts as spam.
#1493 posted by
metlslime on 2011/05/14 23:58:30
It's on my todo list... Right now I have to edit the database which is dumb and I can't do it on vacation. Will take care of it when I get back.

Front Page News
#1494 posted by
quakis on 2011/05/20 20:31:37
I'll be making a release for Duke3D fairly soon, is it suitable for me to make a news post about it here when that time comes? I thought I'd make sure being a Quake site and such, but I've seen a few HL related stuff before.