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yeee the czg image still live!

:) look much more clean 
I like how the stretched icons in the thread title are pixelated as before, and no longer blurred by Chrome.

Oh yeah, that was a side effect of this change, i'm happy about it too. 
Preview Page Icon Fixed 
Site Running Slow 
I've had a few instances of the site running really slow over the last few days, sometimes failing to load. Something known? 
i just saw the same thing but only in the last few hours. Seems to be fixed now, maybe SleewalkR knows what happened... 
I haven't noticed anything, nor have I changed anything on the server. Please keep an eye out and let me know if it happens again. 
site was completely unavailable for me (canada, ontario) but it cleared up maybe 3 hours ago? 
Same Here was also slow to respond at the same time, so i assumed it was a server-wide problem. 
Same Here 

Same Here 
northeast usa 
It was night time here so I didn't check. But the site was never slow for me. Keep posting if it happens again and I'll investigate. 
site was off last night also in 3� world Portugal :) 
No Access For Me 
South America. 
(It Was) 
Text Box Size 
it's probably firefox4 doing this: text box for messages are resizable? 
Another thing they stole from Chrome! 
I never noticed that.. 
Oh Yeah! 
So it is! Im usin' chrome..... 
That's not chrome, that's Webkit. All browser based on that have had resizable text boxes for years. 
Brix Were Shat. 
I never noticed that those little handles in the corner meant something. 
Maybe moderators should be given the ability to flag posts as spam. 
It's on my todo list... Right now I have to edit the database which is dumb and I can't do it on vacation. Will take care of it when I get back. 
Front Page News 
I'll be making a release for Duke3D fairly soon, is it suitable for me to make a news post about it here when that time comes? I thought I'd make sure being a Quake site and such, but I've seen a few HL related stuff before. 
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