Define Gimmick Map
#14808 posted by negke on 2008/08/02 09:45:21
 Any Of Your Speedmaps
#14809 posted by Shambler on 2008/08/02 10:25:52
 A Gimmick Map
#14810 posted by Lunaran on 2008/08/02 17:04:35
is like crossfire in half life - that annoying map where it's a big normal open map with a bunker at one end, and whenever some idiot presses the button there's an alarm and anybody who isn't in the bunker when the doors shut gets nuked. Or there's a chamber with an item in it and when some other idiot hits the button you get trapped in it and it fills with lava or something. Or the map is a maze with spawns at the edges, and whoever gets to the middle first hits the button that makes the floor drop out and fall into spikes or whatever other kind of contrived shenanigans that go above just the simple interaction of players, items, and layout, usually breaking the aforementioned in the process because now all anyone wants to do is camp the button.
At least, that's in multiplayer. I guess part of the whole tumult we've had recently here is a dearth of good single player gimmick maps.
#14811 posted by megaman on 2008/08/02 17:16:04
Crossfire was actually a nice map. The gimmick would work only every 5 minutes or so, which made it pretty balanced, and quite interesting. Most often turned the tables.
Agree on the other gimmicks ;) q3dm17 ftw
 Carmack Keynote
#14812 posted by megaman on 2008/08/02 17:17:24
Does anyone know if there exists video of it? i can't find anything anywhere :( And reading some dumbass reporters 'main points' isn't quite the same.
#14813 posted by Spirit on 2008/08/02 17:43:14
q1 dm2 would be a gimmick map I guess. And just look how great it is.
A map can only be as good as the players play it and vice-versa. Who would give e1m2 or dm6 a first look and say they are good?
#14814 posted by Lunaran on 2008/08/02 18:07:53
And for the other 4 minutes and 30 seconds everyone clustered around the button waiting for it. 2/3 of the map was empty except for people who'd spawned out there and had to walk back to where the 'gameplay' actually was.
#14815 posted by megaman on 2008/08/02 19:10:45
hm, my games never were like that. all the action always is in the atrium. That's where i get the most frags, and every now and then someone pushes the button so all my powerups and weapons aren't that useful anymore and i need to actually move my arse ;)
 Are You Talking About The HL1 Deathmatch Map?
#14816 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/08/02 20:17:10
That map's weird. There's a cool secret area I found once. I like it inside the buildings because it's quite cramped and in a lot of places you really can't see very much at all.
 Woo Yeah!
#14817 posted by - on 2008/08/03 05:54:46
secret areas in DM maps! those are great for seperating the men from the noobs.
 Secret Traps
#14818 posted by ijed on 2008/08/03 18:06:39
Shoot something that doesn't look like a button and the RA area turns into a pit of death - thats the business.
Was it Deadmeat maps that did that?
#14819 posted by negke on 2008/08/03 19:03:43
I agree some of those things are annoying in DM, although I'm not against certain unusual elements/features (eg. Quad trap) as long as they're not the main focus of the map that distracts from proper gameplay.
Which Q3A maps in particular qualify as gimmick maps then? I can't really think of any, except maybe the grenade shooter in the Quad room of one map, and maybe the crusher in that space tourney map.
Bler: You can't be seriously considering dancing monsters, exploding scenery, the goatse guy, happy textures, or silly centerprints as gimmicky... :P
 I Guess...
#14820 posted by metlslime on 2008/08/03 21:14:30
these guys think the space maps are all gimmick maps... i'd say they are just a genre of map, that happens to be shallower in some incarnations (but non-space maps can be shallow too)
 The Longest Yard
#14821 posted by HeadThump on 2008/08/03 21:29:32
qualifies as a gimmick map. I recall the day the demo of Q3Arena was released, my brother invited me over to play. He had been practicing with bots for several hours before I got there, and I doubt I have to spell it out to anyone how he dominated my ass on that map.
#14822 posted by bal on 2008/08/03 22:05:02
I agree with Metl, I don't think q3dm17 is really a gimmick map, and yeah even if it's totally overplayed, and forces a specific kind of gameplay onto the players, I still think it plays ok, and is one of the better maps in q3.
On the other hand some of the other space maps in q3 were more gimmicky in my opinion, like q3dm19 and it's stupid moving platforms.
 I Agree With Bal And Metlslime
#14823 posted by Lunaran on 2008/08/03 23:34:30
but only because they're my friends!
 Rotating Birds Are Gimmicks.
#14824 posted by - on 2008/08/04 15:43:40
#14825 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/08/04 16:00:05
#14826 posted by DaZ on 2008/08/04 19:38:22
 Quake Portal Gun Mod
#14827 posted by Robert \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\\ on 2008/08/04 15:49:15
I'm Robert and I'm co-developing new quake1 project - portal gun mod (see wiki record: Portal_(video_game))
We already have portal gun and models of portal gates, but the main thing is still open: levels.
Could anybody who likes idea of portal gun AND making levels, help us? Just please send me mail on
The project is OpenSource.
Edit: Post in the mappers wanted thread.
 To Get People Interested
#14828 posted by Spirit on 2008/08/04 21:46:46
Post your work-in-progress mod. Or at least screenshots/video.
Btw there are 2 (3?) quick portal mods for Quake already. They all have some quirks though.
 I Would Say
#14829 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/08/04 23:19:48
That Spirit is wize (and old), but in view of recent posts, I would say this warrants its own thread!
Create yourself an account and post it as a discussion thread. I bet loads of people express interest. I express interest!
I must tell you though, I would need basic entity information and a compiled progs to do anything here - I only really know how to map, not program....
 Diablo II Sales
#14830 posted by Jago on 2008/08/05 00:34:07
I seriously don't get this: Blizzard announced Diablo 3 and now Diablo 2, a 7 year old game, has been in the Top10 PC Games sales chart for like 4 or 5 weeks straight. What's even more funny/ridiculous is that Blizzard had 4 titles in the Top10 of last week:
4: World Of Warcraft: Battle Chest
6: Diablo Battle Chest
7: World Of Warcraft
8: World Of Warcraft: Burning Crusade Expansion Pack
 One More Reason
#14831 posted by megaman on 2008/08/05 00:55:24
Diablo 2 is actually one of the games still available in stores after such a long time.
You don't get why one of the greatest games of all time, and what is clearly still the best action RPG ever created with nothing that even comes close, is selling well?
I guess it IS surprising that people are actually buying it, since you'd figure most people would still have their old versions lying around. Maybe it's people who have lost their discs, or encouraging friends to try it, etc.
Then again another factor you may not have considered is that they only just started offering the game for purchase/digital download in their online store (this coincided with the D3 news). If those sales figures are counting the downloadable version, it's easier to see why the sales figures are higher than you'd usually expect.
Not that finding a physical copy is difficult, it's always available!