#1456 posted by mfx on 2014/09/07 13:23:42
Feature Request:
#1457 posted by negke on 2014/09/07 13:30:23
Make it possible to request features in this thread.
I don't have time to move stuff from here to the issue tracker. I really just don't.
#1459 posted by necros on 2014/09/07 17:30:02
moved the first two. the third was already talked about. fourth is not that useful. fifth would just by copy/paste and make new layer.
Agree on your verdicts. If anyone disagrees, they can open an issue on github.
#1461 posted by Spirit on 2014/09/07 18:58:44
Thanks necros!
Sleepwalkr: That's like saying iOS is a UI nightmare just because the back button is at the most far away place in the top left. Quark does lots of things very well and editors could oh well your decision.
#1462 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/09/07 19:16:07
Which BSP compiler is recommended for Trenchbroom maps? I'm beta testing 2.0 and I sometimes get into situations where my alignment in the editor doesn't match the alignment in the game. Passing in "-oldaxis" just moves the problems to other faces so I'm wondering if there's a specific BSP compiler that is known to work well with TB.
Also, a link directly to it would be appreciated. :)
Sorry for the tone earlier. I know you like Quark, but I don't like its interface at all. I surely has a lot of useful features, but every time I try to use it, nothing works intuitively they way I expect it. That's why I consider it a nightmare.
#1464 posted by necros on 2014/09/07 21:25:51
that may be a bug actually. i'm taking a bit of a break from testing right now, but i did notice that in some cases, faces at 45 degrees wouldn't match up in game. in fact, adjacent coplanar faces wouldn't match up with alignment either AND once you reload the map, the faces would go back to the old broken alignment. I can't figure out what particular circumstances causes that though.
#1465 posted by necros on 2014/09/07 21:27:15
btw: i am using rebb's txqbsp (based on aguirre's txqbsp) without the old/alt axis switch.
#1466 posted by ijed on 2014/09/07 21:27:54
I'm using Tyrann's:
With -oldaxis but haven't run into the problems you describe, since I turned it on.
I'll Check It Out Soon
I'm in the middle of a big refactoring right now and can't work on the bugs.
Tyranns Tools Seconded
pretty much what I use exclusively.
#1469 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/04 21:47:42
So help me out please? How do I configure a custom entity so that I can rotate the entity in the editor? I've been bashing on the FGD and whatever else and I can't figure out what allows some entities to rotate (like players and monsters).
I have this:
And the FGD looks like this:
@PointClass base(Appearflags) size(-2 -14 -40, 22 14 16) color(255 255 255) model(":progs/decoring.mdl") = deco_ring : "Iron Deco Ring"
I can't rotate the entity in Trenchbroom. It ignores me. And I don't understand why. :-/
Is it obvious?
The Origin Of The Entity Must Be In The Center Of The Bounding Box
As defined in the fgd.
#1471 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/05 01:26:06
Ahh ... Ok, will try that!
#1472 posted by JneeraZ on 2014/10/05 01:33:30
Ha, nice ... that fixed it AND it seemed to resolve the weird lighting problems I was getting in-game. Yay!
Yay Yay!
You're Not Alone
#1474 posted by ijed on 2014/10/05 05:27:09
That gave me quite a few headaches.
I remembered it being submitted as a feature request but what's the status on adding a 2dview and grid?
Everything Is Being Worked On
Progress is currently slow due to real life obligations. That is all ;-)
I Did A Quick And Dirty Helper Model
#1477 posted by ijed on 2014/10/26 13:17:50
This may be useful to users of the editor;
It's just a scaled up and reskinned version of Sock's voreball, colour coded to match the various entity types.
This means you can turn off 'bounds' in the model view to make your screen less cluttered. You will need to add this;
model(":progs/helper.mdl" 0)
To the various entries in your .fgd (not sure if its the same format for .def) replacing the 0 for the corresponding skin - each skin is correctly named inside the file.
I'd share my fgd but its got modded entities inside and I can't be arsed cleaning them out.
Status Update
Updates have been slow recently, so before people get worried I thought I'd give a small status update. TrenchBroom 2 has been progressing nicely in the past months until the point where I started to integrate a new feature for layers and groups into the editor.
It turns out that the internal structure I had for representing maps did not lend itself well to this particular extension, so I had to change it significantly. This of course rippled into basically every other part of the editor, and I'm working on adapting all other parts of it to these changes.
Progress on this has been a bit slower in the past two weeks as I am quite busy with real life stuff, too. But I'm still working on it, and it's going forward. I'll start pushing new builds as soon as the editor is back in a usable state.
#1479 posted by starbuck on 2014/10/27 12:54:49
Great to hear it's still moving forward. I'm just grateful that people find any time to work on projects like this.
I think we all understand that real-life gets in the way a lot more than for example 13 years ago... when I was living at home, playing Q1SPs while mum makes me din dins.
The cool thing about Trenchbroom though, is that it's making mapping so much easier, it seems to be combatting lot of mappers real-life time constraints, and therefore caused a resurgence in Q1SP releases! So keep up the good work, it's very much appreciated.
Yup, That Darn Real Life
I wish I had started with TB a couple of years earlier when I was still a student. Oh, the time I could have sunk into it then. Now, it's just the odd couple of hours here and there.
Thanks for the encouraging words!