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Something Awesome Re: That 
I tinkered with the doom lighting vfp and found that light color is supplied as a vec4, with alpha, and alpha isn't regarded at all. So I tinkered more and turned shaderparm3 on lights (alpha) into a diffuse-ness measure that scales/biases the shading dot product to 'fill' lighting on surfaces a bit more. It looks really sweem using doom3's original sharp lighting for a keylight, and this fuzzy light for a bounced fill. 
screens or it didn't happen 
I Looked 
I guess it didn't happen 
I found this but it doesn't show it off too well 
Really neat, Lun. 
Lun created an alternative to fullbright.

Weekend well spent. 
This Point Goes To 

I'd be interested what you did though, care to post the shader? 
I carried it a little further, and started putting ambient occlusion maps in the alpha of the diffuse (and if I wanted an alphamasked texture I'd use alpha in the normal map or somwot instead), and multiplying that into the result by an inverse proportion, so that the direct light looks direct and the diffuse light looks diffuse, and halfway values look good too. [12 mega-bytes]

Including some of those textures in the pak. I had planned on doing the whole ship with just a couple of big utility textures so I could have brushwork all over that would share a material and thus batch really well, so I wouldn't have to be so stingy with lights. Then there were dirty engineering versions and clean upper-level versions to unify the look of the ship and ... ahh, Byzantine. I wish I knew how to finish you. 
Its Like Carmack... 
I dont understand a thing you just said, but it sounds like it will melt eyes... ;) 
I Should Be Banned From Making Posts. 
That's Pretty Cool Lun 
But supertrim and superpanels are missing their localmaps? 
Oh Uh 
are they?

Oh, damn, I know what I did. I'll update the file when I get home.

also, scampie figured out the correct solution to our game in #tf from earlier: the United Nations International Bureau of Really Oversized Weapons. 
Do you know UT3 (pc) supports voice chat? Me and the guys have been using vent, but it's kinda annoying. 
Just throwing it out there, anyone ever make a Quake mod in isotropic perspective for a Quake tactics kind of game? 
file updated. enjoy the fru-its of my labours! 
I See What You Did There 
Func's colors at least vaguely hint at Quake, whereas Qboard looks more like Deus Ex. Go figure. 
Kinda frozen and not a tactics game though. 
I'm Sure I've Asked This Before 
but is there some setting i dont have right in q3? Textures in certain maps appear to be splotchy, like pjw3dm5 and unitooldm6 (a cel shaded map). It's where there's shadows cast from the lightmaps I think. 
Map Tracker! 
great idea, eh Metl ;) 
Wasn't there a mod by Harbinger of Fish that had an isometric view and lots of RTS elements? 
i like the cut of your gib, good sire.

i guess this new thing would improve the sort of lighting you can do in outdoor areas? 
I was thinking about the phrase "I like the cut of your gib" over and over today for some reason. Couldn't get it out of my head. I became obsessed with it. Now I guess I know why.

*Marcher Fortress 2, Marcher Fortress 2, Marcher Fortress 2...* 
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