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No man or woman is worth your tears,and the one who is ,won't make you cry.
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Excellent Effort Spammy McDouche 
HeadThump* erases the two thousand words of advice on love and trust he wrote over the last hour that he was about to give to yet another spambot.

* not a reliable gauge on Turing Test matters. 
spambots are attracted to aphorisms 
Lun Stole My Title :( 
Madfox Continues To Astound And Amaze 
I Read Somewhere 
that Adam Foster has been hied by Valve. That's pretty cool, his HL stuff was quite impressive and from the sounds of it, so was his HL2 episode. 
Lun, That Makes Me Wonder 
That first 20+ set of maps he did had an extreme randomness to it and also given his constant use of rhyme back in '04, at the time, I considered the possibility, MadFox was some university student's sociological experiment using a mod niche as test subjects. But then his mapping improved, and he would break character to call me a Butthead every time I pissed him off, so I dismissed the idea. Also, when I play tested a level last year for him, the exchanges were fairly intelligible, so I don't know. 
MadFox's Post Of Self-awareness 
This entire idea is awesome

someone should make a speedmapping contest, of "What MADFOX makes upon becoming self-aware." 
I dont like to stress the fact that madfox rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a good one, but here is how it goes

1. post message in the room
3. dont report anything, i might get in trouble :)
and 4. Have fun!!! 
That Madfox Thing Just Blew My Mind 
Part of the reason I never got into advanced philosphy. 
For Serious. 
But then his mapping improved, and he would break character to call me a Butthead every time I pissed him off, so I dismissed the idea.

I told you guys, the AI is learning
Can An AI Produce This?

I think this video of his must hold at least a few keys. 
that was one trippy irc log.

out of interest i tried running the content of the last 100 posts of GA through a mark v shaney generator, some of the results:

- Does someone have the ressources to be the leader or suffer more of this in the garden is not a reliable gauge on Turing Test matters.
- spambots are attracted to aphorisms <3 seriously wtf that Adam Foster has been brought up back in '04, at the time, I considered the possibility, MadFox was some university student's sociological experiment using a mod niche as test subjects.
- But then his mapping improved, and he would break character to call me a Butthead every time I pissed him off, so I could even playtest my maps on it if I wanted to.
- His name is normally at the top of the game itself, they're basically identical in terms of feel.
- It has one of the quoth2 source, that's fine.
- Could you at least a few bits from other mods which by now are (rightly or wrongly) under the GPL.
- Now I'd like to stress the fact that madfox rocks, but he jus does,So, for all you staff users out there, feel free to come in and post, my staff is a fine substitute. 
#1407 lunaran > that's not me! My use of language is much poor than that balsh! The stupid nonsense I'm supposed to use there should make you think why there aren't that much misspells...sorry...nicked.

#14709 headthump > I may be food for psygoligists...reason I never consult one.
You're not a buthead, I just have enormous guilts understanding you americans (?!).

#14710 lurker > you're right! lol for me and everyone with an creative mind and how to get along with it. I establish the link to virtual pizza's!

#14712 necros > still thanks for your qc help with my rat model, I'm much further now!

#14713 neg!ke > it is not so much as philosopy,
(Plato's dialogs are terrific!) as well that I hate numbers and pronounciation marks in reading text.

#14714 lunaran > part of me is crazy, but youre nick is lune-a-ran.

#141715 bear > thanks, you may now go on watching the radiotube for more of edison's treasures... at least you could have givven me a vote.

#14714 rj > so again, that's not me, but you can use my babbelfish for text generators.

#14717 madfox > cool down, man. take my easytune I lately made...
set speaker low. 
A Stunning End 
to a hilarious debate!

Madfox, you could have trailed a few more breadcrumbs, it was just getting interesting! :) 
I still think he's a computer! 
in doom3, the files in the glprogs folder (with the *.vfp extension)... are those shaders like cg or hlsl? 
Did you write "Python Programming on Win32"? 
I'm Glad That Wasn't You, MadFox 
As Bobby Fischer once said, 'I don't believe in psychology, I believe in good moves.'

But then again, he was certifiably nuts. 
So Seriously 
who ran luna?

roughly it takes 3years and 3 months to walk to the moon at an average speed of 8km/houre.

still it won't stop the average turnspeed of earth, which is 15meters/second when standing still. 
No, that was Mark Hammond. 
assembly. cg and hlsl both get compiled into asm vertex/fragment progs. 
for the info :) 
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