#14552 posted by Kinn on 2008/06/29 18:41:16
I'd have preferred a bit less WoW too. Hopefully the gore will make up for it.
#14553 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/06/30 22:34:17
Does have a good bit of WoW-ness to it, which kinda sucks. Honestly I was hoping for something dingy and more detailed like Hellgate -- but that's another camp, I guess.
#14554 posted by - on 2008/07/01 19:19:52
Looking at the image again and thinking more on the subject, I'm starting to come around to blizzard's direction. Each area on the left side looks completely unique and memorable. On the right, the dungeon and the exterior world may as well be the same place, the effects are the only thing to draw your eyes. The left feels like a world, the right looks like a backdrop.
#14555 posted by Kinn on 2008/07/01 20:14:45
I think it's because that 30 second "noise overlay" example is bad. When done by a good artist, "Gritty" can look just as unique and memorable as "Clownboots Rainbow Lollipop Land".
#14556 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/01 21:04:38
I don't know why people are so against color these days. I think Diablo 3 looks fantastic. Lush, vibrant colors FTW.
#14557 posted by Spirit on 2008/07/01 21:29:38
#14558 posted by Shambler on 2008/07/01 22:17:33
Hmmm. Doesn't look as vomituously bad as most Quake visual tweaks to be honest.
 Bloom1 = Myopia
#14559 posted by ijed on 2008/07/01 22:18:55
 I Hate Bloom
#14560 posted by Kinn on 2008/07/01 22:44:01
It's cheap and nasty.
It makes games look like those soft-focus airbrushed glamour portraits that fat insecure single women get done to post on internet matchmaking sites.
It basically says "This game has serious self-esteem issues and will eat all your chocolate biscuits when it thinks you're not looking".
#14561 posted by ijed on 2008/07/01 22:49:09
Bloom1 (like the screenshot) is rendered from the backbuffer and so is very cheap in FPS, but applied to everything - it's the most common option.
Bloom3 is applied per object and looks great. Eg. All fire shaders, but no matte shaders. Problem is it destroys framerate, usually.
#14562 posted by necros on 2008/07/01 23:05:46
always makes an area look humid...
 Co-op Game
Anyone interested in meeting for a coop Quake game?
#14564 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/07/02 00:16:13
Seems more people agree Diablo III looks too happy and shiney.
 I Dunno
#14565 posted by necros on 2008/07/02 00:50:12
i don't really get what the fuss about it is. to me it looks like they translated the feel of the 2d diablo art into 3d pretty well. the different areas look distinct and visually interesting. what more can you want?
#14566 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/02 01:41:20
It looks fantastic. People are idiots. Besides, Blizzard is not going to go back and redo all of the art because of a petition.
#14567 posted by ijed on 2008/07/02 02:20:05
It�s from blizzard so it�ll look good. If some people don�t like the style others will. Nobody will ever hit the middleground.
There�s alot of complaining but it seems to be from people who will buy it regardless.
 I'm With The Idiots
#14568 posted by Tronyn on 2008/07/02 05:29:24
The first Diablo at least had a very distinct, creepy look. This seems too close to "generic 3d fantasy rpg" (not that that is all that bad, it's just not as distinct/atmospheric).
lol @ 14560
#14569 posted by nonentity on 2008/07/02 05:34:39
As far as I can tell most of the changes they want in that petition could be achieved by dropping the colour/brightness and increasing the contrast on their monitors...
 Wolfenstein Enemy Territory Source Maps Released
#14570 posted by negke on 2008/07/02 07:05:55
under Limited Use Licence, after the game's fifth birthday:
#14571 posted by Spirit on 2008/07/02 08:59:26
There is that thing called "taste" and it is different from person to person.
#14572 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/02 11:29:52
I think it's the hyperbole that gets to me. It's not "I think it's too colorful" - it's "it's fantasy elf faggot disco colored!!!1!!111!". Relax.
#14573 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/02 14:59:37
#14574 posted by Shambler on 2008/07/02 17:42:56
Cynicism +1 D6
#14575 posted by Kinn on 2008/07/02 20:33:48
post #14573 ftw
#14576 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/07/02 21:28:34