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Virtual Dub Worked Fine For Me 
Advertisers are going to sign on if you can promise them space where the audience is captive - something where you can promise them lots of eyeballs. More popular TV shows = more expensive commercial slots, etc.

Now, look at games like Quake3. If there's an ad on a TV screen in the level - who's paying attention to that? Nobody's going to stop and look, and any advertiser that has this game demoed to them won't be too enthused.

In the menus and web frontend, however - or even better, while the loading bar is crawling - that's where you're going to see advertising. 
It worked pretty well in the free, ad-supported versions of Far Cry, Prince of Persia and that other game.

Maybe they're going to add TV commercial-like sound bits and advertising slogans to QuakeLive with the first patch. 
"You Got The Pepsi(TM) Rocket Launcher" 
RL would be sponsored by Coca Cola surely?

GL seems far more Pepsi-y (I may be being influenced by Warsow's blue GL here tho) 
I'd Like To Apologise To The Community For Being A Complete Dick 
I'm leaving forever. 
Hooray!!! :D 
I mean, er.... , no. please dont 
Mr G 
noooooo don't go, terrafusion people LOVE DICK. 
please dont go, dont gooooooooo

you ass is needed!!! 
Where Are You Going? 
To Candyland 
Tronyn conducted an interview with Shambler, its now posted at my site: 
Great Interview 
But is it a two question interview? 
Next and final question plz. 
Apology REJECTED. 
I'd like to see a full map-for-map remake of the original Quake, following on from the remix maps released so far.

I have e3m1-e3m3 on final beta, e3m4-m6 on early beta and e3m7 blocked out. 
Good Interview 
Far Cry is the game that rocked me the most in recent years too. Many players complain about the setting, but it just makes me want to get back down to the tropics with white sandy beaches and clear water for miles. Oh, St Thomas why did I ever leave (oh yeah, to avoid poverty and starvation since I would have lost my job otherwise). 
2 question interviews are copyright 1997-2008 by Scampco Industries Limited Inc. LLC. Any unauthorized usage, reproduction, or public viewing of these interviews in prohibited. 
Are you sure that's legally binding? 
I Know 
it's legally banning... 
"public viewing" 
I've been thinking of some of the things you have said about the effect of piracy on the viability of the PC as a commercial game platform. It really sucks that Epic's policy is to consider PCs as a third tier market compared to the PS3 and Xbox for games that are not centered on the multiplayer mod market. Not casting dispersions. It sounds like you are facing market realities over there.

I have a question that I hope can be helpful, though it may just be naive on my part; how much can the size of a product discourage piracy? Would ten trig discourage all but the most valiant fanboi attempts?

Say, if and when Epic decides to sale GOW2 to the PC market, what if, you had a seperate DVD
that must be in the PC in order for the game to function and it was cram full of binary noise, nothing but noise, except for maybe a few thousand bytes scattered about the disk which the executable routinely searches out to insure the viability of the copy.

I recently spent an evening downloading the Knoppix disk, at 700MB I was a bit discouraged, but do you think the method I outlined would discourage the pirates? 
If the rest of it is random noise, then there is a good chacne that it could match substantial chunks of the real code. Which means that it would be possibly impossible to filter out the unnecessary bits. Plus that random noise disk is still copyable... 
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