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will Prey 2 have a non-godmode option? 
Hey Zwifla How Does It Feel To Be Left Out In The Dark? 
Ok, Here's A Contest 
So our community is clearly rather small and not quite so active at the moment, reflective of a social group held together by a common interest more than a place where level design is constantly ongoing. Mapping still goes on, just not to the degree that a call for everyone to try something simultaneously can elicit a strong, viable response (see: speedmapping, etc).

The recent interest in 'experimental' gameplay, especially from a couple of Speedy's maps, seem to be the freshest source of mappery right now. So, here's my idea: the "contest" is to release something on your own with whatever parameters you want, whenever, but surprise everyone else with it. Have an idea and make it - there's clearly plenty of them still out there. If we can't muster group activity at the moment, let's focus on individual maps, just to keep things fresh. 
Not So Active? 
WTF, for Quake 1 at least there have been plenty of good, varied, interesting maps this year, from new mappers, old mappers, semi-retired mappers. I've been impressed for sure.

P.S. This contest sucks. 
Shhh otherwise he'll cancel it. 
I've been impressed for sure.

Right, so why not keep it up? I'm not saying that kind of thing isn't happening, my point is the lament over speedmapping and contests seems misplaced. 
Something I was just thinking most FPS engines running into the exterior corner of a wall will either make you go left or right of it depending on which side you're closest to instead of stopping you like it would if you ran into a flat wall.

I always wondered though if you lined your path up so that you hit it *exactly* at 45 degrees, how does the engine decide which way to force you? Is it randomized? Is it even possible to hit it at exactly 45 degrees? Will it actually make you stop if you accomplish it?

Has anyone ever looked into this on an engine level? Let me know :D

P.S this is what I spend my Saturdays thinking about 
the PS made that comment so awesome. 
you will never be able to hit it at exactly 45 degrees; see also: float precision

not that i checked, but aren't they shoving you right/left depending on your income angle?so that if you hit the edge in the way you described, you would almost stop? 
In Quake You Stop
Even if you are a bit off center, I guess that's some hull stuff. 
Well There We Go... - there we go Lun, maps all the time! 
Yeah, you generally stop. I've tried running into walls and trying to get myself exactly parallel. I stop dead generally if I get it right. 
I've tried running into walls and trying to get myself exactly parallel.

That in Quake, or just IRL? 
Need Some Tech Support! :) 
So I installed windows vista x64 yesterday, and set it all up, and it was working fine, in my ignorance to the new OS instead of turning off the pc I set it into hibernate mode, then I brought it back out of hibernate the pc froze and then blue screened.

After a reset the pc would not boot, it would start loading the OS selector screen (I was dual booting with xp) but then fail saying the boot sector was screwed (or something of that description).

So I popped in my xp cd and managed to repair the boot sector, but now the pc boots automatically to XP and I get no option to boot to vista at all. I am wondering how I get the dual boot OS selector back? As the vista directory is still fully intact!

I have tried searching the web a bit but im having trouble finding information regarding this issue specifically.

PS. This is a great story for all you vista haters ;) 
nevermind :) 
something like this? 
I'm Interested To Hear How You Solved It 
after some more digging around I learned that vista uses an updated method of handling the boot menus. Boot.ini simply does not work with vista.

Vista uses a BCD file to handle booting and there is handy application I found called Easybcd ( that can edit/restore vistas boot settings and write them to the BCD.

It was a simple matter of restoring the bcd and restarting the pc :) 
Back In The 70's 
No one but Richard Pryor was as good as this guy:

George Carlin mourned as a counterculture hero 
George :( 
patron saint of crabby old men :(

meanwhile, seen on the shack: 
Does Anyone Care... 
...about this.

I'm interested... 
it does mean they're working on a new radiant based on the 1.4 source... so that's kind of cool for people that didn't really like 1.5. 
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