That Was
#14427 posted by bambuz on 2008/06/18 12:32:01
very fascinating, HeadThump.
Without Hitler and Stalin fucking up Europe, where would we be now?
#14428 posted by Jago on 2008/06/18 19:18:11
So has anyone tried StreamMyGame http://www.streammygame.com ? As bizarre as it sounds and technically unfeasible as it sounds, it actually seems to work from what I've seen from YouTube videos, see one of Crysis here: http://uk.youtube.com/watch?v=Vyb0Wg1mthM&NR=1
 I Had You In Mind, Bambuz
#14429 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/19 06:30:05
when I asked myself if anyone would be interested in that article when I posted it :)
It is altogether possible that if web technology was developed in the 30's that it would have been centralized with limited access for the masses much like the stunted development of television, given most Western nations, including mine, had a strong authoritarian/bureaucratic bent at that time.
Consider the suppression of cable television as a medium. The technology was developed in the same time frame as broadcast, but because the doyens of our FCC believed it would be difficult to control content on cable to the extent they could on the three networks; it wasn't allowed to develop commercially for over thirty years.
We also had a similar stifling of innovation in telecommunications technology and commercial use with the (government granted) AT&T monopoly. It wasn't until the Bells were broken up in the mid eighties that long distance communication became cheap and affordable enough for your average Joe Middle-Class Blow to set up his own servers and for small start ups to build up there own net based servers.
So, it might have not made much difference, but that is just speculation. Without Hitler and Stalin as looming threats, it is also possible and likely that Europe would have developed along different lines, Managerialism (a term used by some political scientist in the 30's) would have lost its allure as a governing principle, and where leading technologist realized that at least in communications decentralization is a good thing.
#14430 posted by steven_a on 2008/06/19 08:00:22
Laugh... HeadThump, if you're right about Haskell having similarities to Intel's ray tracing project - just like those functional languages - ray tracing in games will be good for f*** all in the real world.
But Intel shoving the thing down our throats may be another matter.
 I Think It's Hard To Overestimate The Effect WW2 Had
#14431 posted by mwh on 2008/06/19 09:40:40
on society, science, technology, politics... so much so that speculating on what might have been different seems a bit pointless to me.
OTOH, maybe all the things that came out of it would have happened anyway, and all that changed was the rate things happened. Who knows? :)
#14432 posted by ijed on 2008/06/19 15:20:11
But there is the school of thought that anything that happens in society is a product of it.
Meaning that Hitler and Stalin existed in the first place because there was something fundamentally wrong, which gave rise to the attitudes existing outside and so the control and nanny state culture.
Hindsight is a great thing - back then it almost certainly seemed the way forward. Governments exist to remove autonomous control, but they are necessary.
This same conversation will be had in ten years about technology n.
 Security And Privacy In The Digital Age
#14433 posted by Jago on 2008/06/19 16:12:06
I wonder how much demand there is for a site that is:
1) about security and privacy of communications in the digital age
2) with topics ranging from securing data stored locally on a computer, web browsing, email, IM, etc etc
3) is written in plain and easy to understand language
4) explains all the terms in simple language and gives examples of most common threats and how to identify them
5) introduces the reader to the most common solutions and concepts behind preventing privacy and data breaches
6) explaining why they should care in the first place
Any thoughts?
 Heh - I Dont Care About People Ripping Me Off
#14434 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/19 16:17:48
People will always rip people off. Having said that I dont even know what GPL means, so YEAH! - A site like you describe could be very usefull! :P
#14435 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/19 16:47:27
there are plenty of programmers in active studios pissing their pants thinking of what multi-threading will look like on the next series of Play Stations and X-boxes, and how that can be handled in a traditional imperative framework.
 But The GPL Has Nothing To Do With Security And Privacy...
#14436 posted by czg on 2008/06/19 17:05:10
 Well I've Got AVG.........?
#14437 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/19 18:06:29
Jago - its a good idea!
You see there are a lot of people out there who know very little about such things. A computer is a "box what does stuff".
The internet is a "box what does stuff".
I mean are you talking about spyware? Or what?
#14438 posted by Spirit on 2008/06/19 18:14:24
Not much unless you have a great marketing campaign. Actually I am sure there are several sites like that already but few know about them.
"Stupid generic" people are the ones that need such info yet since they have no idea they won't bother.
For example in german there is http://hp.kairaven.de/ yet mostly people like me know it I guess.
http://michaelzimmer.org/ is mostly focused on search engines, surely worth adding to your feeds.
#14439 posted by Trinca on 2008/06/19 18:23:34
#14440 posted by Spirit on 2008/06/19 19:29:17
Doom 3 source code might be released next year already according to John Carmack. At around 1:28:30 in http://www.gamerswithjobs.com/node/39660
#14441 posted by DaZ on 2008/06/19 19:53:18
yeah I listened to that last night but forgot to post (doh). Good news indeed.
I guess Carmack is going "doh" as the doom 3 engine never really took off like ue3...
 Looking For Quake1 Mappers
#14442 posted by Caleb on 2008/06/19 22:43:19
http://www.celephais.net/board/view_thread.php?id=15861&start= here is the official post i did in the mapper section. i can be reached at caleb.garner@gmail.com
 When The D3 Code Is Out
#14443 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/06/19 23:26:57
Hopefully someone can take all those cute little tweaks they did for Q4 and put them in, mebbe? That would be super-cool, thx ahead.
#14444 posted by megaman on 2008/06/20 01:13:20
#14445 posted by inertia on 2008/06/20 06:09:27
#14446 posted by gone on 2008/06/20 17:07:01
new contest: release a map before i do.
 Speaking Of Doom
#14447 posted by Kinn on 2008/06/20 20:42:25
#14448 posted by JPL on 2008/06/21 11:28:56
Cooooool :D
#14449 posted by Shambler on 2008/06/21 12:54:57
I like it. Good lighting too - surely the D3 engine?
#14450 posted by Kinn on 2008/06/21 13:18:42
even better - I'd say what you're seeing there is some serious idTech 5 action
#14451 posted by Tron on 2008/06/21 17:54:29
D3 source code next year?
That probably they are expecting RTCW2 to come out in the next 12 months, and that Prey2 will not be using the same engine as the original.