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Fitzquake Mark V
I wasn't planning on doing this mini-project, it started as an effort to address some Fitzquake issues, fix them the right way up to Fitzquake standards (i.e. do it right, once and properly versus continual releases) and donate it back.

FitzQuake Mark V Download:

Short version: Eliminated most issues in FitzQuake thread, most issues I can even remember hearing of ever and marked every single one clearly with a very minimal implementation.

It may be the case that only metlslime and Quakespasm and engine coders may find this engine upgrade of interest.

Features: 5 button mouse support, single pass video mode, external mdl textures, alpha textures (like RMQ), record demo at any time, rotation support, video capture (bind "capturevideo toggle"), console to clipboard, screenshot to clipboard, entities to clipboard, tool_texturepointer, tool_inspector (change weapons to see different info), clock fix, contrast support, fov does not affect gun, gun displays onscreen, Quakespasm wrong content protection, external ent support, session-to-session history and .. (see readme).
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Yes, I'm ready to test.
The last GL version I COULD run was:

Would that happen to be right before you added glMatrixMode(GL_TEXTURE)? 
Yeah, I disabled (actually, renamed the folders) all external things for testing already.

Running the DX version to check, there are definitely no textures loading. 
I'm checking between that and 2015 May 2 version ... see if anything obvious ... 
Nothing Dead Obvious And Easy To Reverse, Sorry Gunter ... I Tried 
I gave it my all to try to make your old graphics card work -- all the possible leads I have would require a drastic rewrite (check out Quakespasm's thread to see insanely stupid and possibilities that bad opengl drivers can cause).

Looks like you'll have to use the DX version, but at least you can set shadows -1 and have weapon transparency now. 
Well, gosh darn it to heck. 
Solution: update graphics card? 
@fifth And/or Mfx (or Anyone With Issue) 
re: International keyboard support

For some reason I can't seem to pull down the console even though it's bound to tilde. I rebound it to z and it works.

What language keyboard + keyboard version are you using?

Like for example, I'm betting mfx uses German Qwertz. I need to know what the keyboard key you expect to toggle the console (and whether or not you are doing shift).

Shift + ESC should unconditionally toggle the console on any language keyboard as a temp workaround.

In the console, also as a temp measure, typing in_keymap 0 may make things behave as you expect.

Mostly if you guys can communicate to me how it should work, I should be able to get it right ... 
It's a laptop ... you need to make Gunter mad enough he throws it in a burst of anger. Haha 
Ah, I see. Well, maybe NOT fixing it can be a step in this direction... jk 
Just to be "Gunter-level-of-thorough," I booted up my OLD WinXP laptop (an HP Pavilion ze4101 circa 2002) and tested....

Again, the older mark_v_e.exe GL runs, but the new version crashes.

The error popup actually says:

The exception Interger division by zero,
(0xc0000094) occurred in the application at location 0x0046733d.

And here's the qconsole log, which is similar except the totally different (but even older) graphics card:

Command line: [ -developer ]
Log file: D:GamesQuake/id1/qconsole.log
Mon Oct 31 21:27:44 2016
Mark V Version 1.00 Windows
Exe: mark_v.exe (1122 kb)
Exe: 19:04:52 Nov 16 2016
Caches: C:/Documents and Settings/Aaron/Application Data/Mark V/caches
UDP4 Initialized: INADDR_ANY,
UDP6_GetLocalAddress: gethostbyname failed (Authoritative answer: Host not found)
UDP6_OpenSocket: Address family not supported by protocol family
UDP6_Init: Unable to open control socket, UDPv6 disabled
IPv4 address INADDR_ANY
IPv6 address [::]
Exe: 19:04:26 Nov 16 2016
256.0 megabyte heap
Start map determined to be start
GL_VENDOR: ATI Technologies Inc.
GL_VERSION: 1.3.4273 WinXP Release
FOUND: ARB_multitexture
FOUND: ARB_texture_env_combine
FOUND: ARB_texture_env_add
Warning: texture_non_power_of_two not supported
FOUND: EXT_texture_filter_anisotropic
Swap control enabled
8 bit stencil buffer
Max texture size: 2048
Multitexture: 45407760
Non-Power of 2: 0
Combine: 1
Stencil Bits: 8
completed.Gamma protector set
Windows and context menu key disabled
Hardware gamma enabled
joystick not found -- no valid joysticks (a5)
Accessibility key startup settings saved
Accessibility keys disabled
Mouse Captured
Input initialized
Gamma level 0
Avi capturing module initialized
ACM module initialized

Sound Initialization
Set primary sound buffer format: yes
Using secondary sound buffer
2 channel(s)
16 bits/sample
11025 bytes/sec
DirectSound initialized
Audio: 16 bit, stereo, 11025 Hz
Sound sampling rate: 11025
CDAudio: drive not ready
CDAudio_Init: No CD in player.
CD Audio Initialized

========= Quake Initialized =========

execing quake.rc
execing default.cfg
execing config.cfg
Unknown command "r_viewmodel_always"
Hardware change detected ... Custom Gamma set: contrast = 1
Unknown command "r_viewmodel_winquake"
couldn't exec autoexec.cfg
3 demo(s) in loop
Playing demo from demo1.dem.
Serverinfo packet received.
Clearing memory

the Necropolis
Using protocol 15
e1m3 loadname
e1m3 cl.modelname 
Where's your -nomultisample -nostencil?

I don't see that in your command line. 
You better double check and be double sure you did the command line right
1) The version I provided (special gunter one)
2) The correct .exe
3) -nomultisample -nostencil -developer

It is possible I solved your problem if you didn't use the right command line. 
It doesn't help, and changes little in the log, other than changing this part:

Swap control enabled
8 bit stencil buffer
Max texture size: 2048
Multitexture: 45407760
Non-Power of 2: 0
Combine: 1
Stencil Bits: 8
completed.Gamma protector set

To this:

Swap control enabled
Warning: Stencil disabled at command line
Warning: Multisample disabled at command line
completed.Gamma protector set

Everything else is identical, including the crash. 
triple-checked the special version, same result, but the error log has all the lines from above:

Swap control enabled
Intel Display Adapter detected
Warning: Stencil disabled at command line
Warning: Multisample disabled at command line
Max texture size: 2048
Multitexture: 452634108
Non-Power of 2: 0
Combine: 1
Stencil Bits: 0
completed.Gamma protector set 
Mark V 1.00 - Revision 3 
Windows: Open GL | WinQuake (software renderer)
Windows: Direct3D | Source

Still didn't update the Mac build.

Revision 3:

New Feature:

Multiple hdfolders. hdfolder "hires" (1 folder) or hdfolder "hires,qrp,plagues_pak" (multiple folders). Changed: paks in a hdfolder are *ignored*.

Outstanding Issue (only one, unless I skipped something):

International keyboard --> tilde (mfx/fifth) Need to know what keyboard layout and what physical key is being pressed. For the moment, Shift-ESC will always open console and "in_keymap 0" *might* make it work as expected. Let me know!

2 mirrors in view disables 2nd mirror (fifth re:e1m5), bolt.mdl -> bolt1.mdl (qmaster), lavacolor typo fixed (gunter), cl_autodemo off by default (dwere's computer), r_shadows -1 = full dark (gunter), Direct X version mirrors disabled (gunter), mousewheel up/down (dwere), hdfolder set will disconnect (icaro), menu bind key fix (fifth)

Punt or Non-Issue: server bind discard clearing existing alias if named same (gunter) = acceptable for now, few people use aliases. scr_showfps + viewsize < 100 doesn't show (gunter) = intended behavior.

@icaro .. if you still have any issues with hdfolder or how that works, let me know. You don't need to put it in autoexec. In fact, don't. It is read very, very early.

@gunter .. maybe something a thought will come to me on how to solve your video card, but the Direct X build does everything but 2 things. Not too bad. 
I don't suppose it would be possible for you to build a linux version?

Gulliver uses linux.... 
I assessed it, finishing up the Linux port probably take 40 hours of coding. Maybe 2017 some time. 
Above Downloads Updated 
To fix it so it works with Gunter's video card, which didn't have texture non-power of two capability which I noticed in the log. 
Malice Feedback 
Unfortunately, I have to say that the issue in map d15 of "Malice" still exists with the latest Mk V build. :/ If you play without saving, the game still returns your FOV to its original state, but as soon as you save and reload or quit and restart the game, FOV is set to 170.

I am also sorry to state that cutscenes still don't work. At the end of the level, game stops with this error:

ERROR: Couldn't open C:/Games/Quake/malice/cuts/cut8.dem

(Note: The first two dashes of the directory are actually inverted, but for some reason, these are not shown in this forum.)

This also wouldn't change if I extract the "cuts" folder from pak2.pak into the Malice installation directory. 
Tilde Key 
Additional note:
On my German keyboard, I have to press "�" (oe) to bring down the console. Used to be the key right on top of "Tab" (to the left of "1"). 
@johnny Law 
@johnny law -

I guess from now on I'll always have the current version there. It's not complex but does the job.

That page has a link to this thread.

a) Malice cut-scene issue addressed, Mark V doesn't expect demo names with slashes in them.

Go to the above page (which isn't very complex) and it has the current version download.

b) Can you give me a link to the picture of the keyboard layout (if I do Google I get conflicting pictures) ?

If you were in another application and did the keypress, would it do a tidle or do you press shift or a different modifier key?

I'm trying to determine whether I need to use the physical key scan code or what the key press produces. 
alk10 is a Nehahra mapset that is supposed to be installed into its own directory. Therefore, it either requires multiple -game parameters or -nehahra.

The only alternative I can see is splicing nehahra and alk10 into one directory. 
Mark V - Revision E 
Current download:


Made the "tilde" position on the keyboard a "holy" key that no matter what keyboard someone is using it toggles the console.

Should bring that to a closure.

Current source is always

@dwere - Interesting problem that will need addressed. I guess no one noticed before because to play Nehahra was a major pain in the arse. Never knew about alk10. I played the Tim Elek add on. And I *think* there may be 1 or 2 more Nehahra maps. 
Malice/keyboard Layout 
With the latest build, the two issues in "Malice" are finally history! Only one (cosmetic) thing remains now: When playing cutscenes, the statusbar is not hidden automatically. Dunno if that's important, though.

Regarding keyboard layout:
A German keyboard looks like this:

I had to edit config.cfg to make Mk V use the correct console key again:
bind "�" "toggleconsole" (before edit)
bind "/" "toggleconsole" (after - it's not this dash, but inverted)
Otherwise, console would only open with "�" key (which is probably "�" on English keyboard). 
Updated yet again, allowing the possibility of doing game alk10 -nehahra in the console to run that single player release.

Current download: 
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