Fallow, Follow
#14402 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/17 05:51:16
in monkey phonetics I trust
 Scalability My Ass
#14403 posted by gone on 2008/06/17 07:29:28
everyone knows raytracing performance is much less dependant on polycount, much more on resolution
so throw 1600x1200 at it and cry
 Except Those Who Actually
#14404 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/17 08:26:34
build ray tracers: Way to embarrass yourself, speeds:
The last scene from the previous article (the one with the sphere grid to show off the new refraction code) took almost 9 seconds to render on my pimpy 1.7Ghz Toshiba laptop with 1600x1200 screen (I know resolution has nothing to do with it, but I thought I would mention it anyway). And that's just for simple stuff. Later on we will add area lights, and to test the visibility of those, we will need lots of rays � for each pixel, that is.
#14405 posted by SleepwalkR on 2008/06/17 08:39:58
Because AFAIK, speeds is right: Every pixel adds one ray to be traced, so raytracing complexity is very much dependent on resolution. Can someone explain this?
 Umm Necros
#14406 posted by bambuz on 2008/06/17 08:55:42
logarithmic means the time grows slower. It still goes to infinity when the polycount goes to infinity.
#14407 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/17 09:02:22
of the advantage in size and speed you obtain when you use vector graphics as opposed to bit map graphics in web apps. The advantage comes from the fact the image is a sheer calculation that scales perfectly with the resolution whereas the bit map is a an indexed means of storage.
The advantage of ray tracing is similar:
The results are based upon sheer calculation whereas rasterization relies on spans of texturized pixels. The advantages will be more apparent when mega units of polygons are rendered with surfaces represented by polies instead of textures.
Rather old, but still relevant:
 BTW, I Think Both Bikker And Speeds
#14408 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/17 09:14:14
are wrong, hence the first site I linked. It does have something to do with it, but that becomes less relevant with larger data streams.
 One Last Thing
#14409 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/17 09:37:37
before I crawl into bed, this is what Bikker has been up to of late:
 I Really Don't Get How You Get
#14410 posted by bambuz on 2008/06/17 09:45:36
smooth lighting with raytracing.
I mean if you trace from the eyes and not from the light sources, once you hit the first surface, your beam splits to a million different directions. And then again for the next bounce and then for the next. How much until the ray dies or goes to the sky?
It's a very hard problem and results in ugly and unphysical hacks that produce very stupid looking images.
#14411 posted by BlackDog on 2008/06/17 10:02:45
Rasterisers texture very quickly because the inner loop is a good match for hardware. Triangles go through the pipeline and wind up on the screen as scanlines, basically two endpoints with some associated attributes (texcoords, vertex colour, etc). Texturing the scanline is just a matter of interpolating those attributes between their two known values, which is very fast. Cache coherency is also good, since two adjacent pixels will be located close in the same texture (mipmapping ensures this).
In comparison when you fire off a ray, the hardware has no idea how that pixel will need to be shaded.
 Wii Port With Wiimote Aiming
#14412 posted by Spirit on 2008/06/17 11:04:23
 Err, Yes,
#14413 posted by megaman on 2008/06/17 12:19:05
but that's a large part of raytracing optimisation, making things run in a way that you can use coherency between rays. And, yeah, as long as we don't have gpu like computing power for raytracing...
 Ray Tracking
#14414 posted by Kinn on 2008/06/17 12:35:29
Now I ain't much good at the internets, like some of you whizzkids, but does all this technologistic hocus-pocus mean that dem computering games goan be mighty purdy?
 Yeah Sure Will Pardner.
#14415 posted by Shambler on 2008/06/17 13:26:40
Gameplay'll still suck some dem balls tho.
#14416 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/17 15:09:58
"Gameplay'll still suck some dem balls tho."
Well, ray tracing doesn't really affect gameplay unless you're going to argue visibility of enemies in a unified lighting scheme or something.
 RE #14412
#14417 posted by RickyT33 on 2008/06/17 15:59:32
Thats cool Spirit!! The screenshot is too dark tho....
Totally ruins everything in my life....
 Go Ahead Beat A Dead Horse If You Will
#14418 posted by gone on 2008/06/17 18:31:16
but atm raytracing stands no chance for realtime rendering vs "raseterizing", cause the later been advanced by the whole software and hardware industy for the last 10+ years and its not stopping. I think Carmack ok Sweeney, said that, not my words really.
tere is a joke that goes "Ray tracing is the technology of the future and it always will be!"
and in the future we`ll have a nice blend both
but so far there is no reason to get any excited
#14419 posted by JneeraZ on 2008/06/17 18:44:38
It's nice to see research into other areas, that's all. It's not time wasted if something of value is learned - even if that something is that ray tracing isn't currently viable or what-have-you.
Pushing more and more triangles through the pipeline will likely reach a point of diminishing returns.
 You Are Right About Carmack
#14420 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/17 19:14:18
being skeptical of the benefits of raytacing. Sweeny seems more interested in the idea as far as I can tell from the interviews I've read.
There is is an interesting correlation, at least in my mind, between the scalability raytracing offers and what is shown to occur with very high end theoretical languages like Haskell. Haskell is so theoretical versus practical a language that the designers had to apply monadic math theory just to achieve an interface for Input/output.
However, what research is showing these high level languages are performing better
at mega data sets than relatively low level languages like C++. The extra rigorous application of mathematics to their design makes their comparative performance more stable under stress tests.
#14421 posted by megaman on 2008/06/17 19:51:26
is way easier on multicore, as is raytracing.
#14422 posted by Zwiffle on 2008/06/17 19:52:43
That Creature Creator is magic. Pure magic.
 Research Is Great
#14423 posted by BlackDog on 2008/06/17 21:12:35
I would never object to an honest attempt to advance the field. But this isn't research, this is a commercial for Intel's new hardware.
#14424 posted by necros on 2008/06/18 00:09:53
 Bet He Is An Ancestor
#14426 posted by HeadThump on 2008/06/18 07:48:16