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Can anyone recommend any good FTP programs for windows? 
Core Ftp Works 
of course, don't use ftp, it's unsecure use sftp. Same reason never use telnet but ssh. 
Hmm I Just Use Fireftp 
firefox add-on 
has great ftp support... 
Just click past the little popup about paying (you're not required if it's for personal use). 
This Made Me Lol...

This game has blatently ripped off ENTIRE LOCATIONS from Oblivion, UT2004, Thief 3 and perhaps other games also, and it is now on store shelves, I can smell a major lawsuit from the other side of the milky way...

the backgrounds in that adventure game are all screenshots.

This is interesting legal territory. They're not shipping assets from any of those games, they're using screenshots of them, which I think falls into the same legal territory as cover bands or sampling/remixing.

/me gets popcorn 
The Plot Thickens... 
Current games/movies ripped off for this adventure game

* Black & White 2
* Oblivion
* Morrowind
* Diablo (Skulls, Helm, the freakin' UI)
* Theif
* Silent Hill 3
* Painkiller
* Unreal Tournament 2003/2004
* Konami's Silent Hill series
* Troika's Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines (PC)
* The 1997 film Spawn
* Pirates of the Caribbean

legal teams moving in:

ROFL! what drama! 
it would be an AWESOME failure of the copyright system if they can claim copyright on the screenshots. That could easily be the death of all sites like gamespot and the like, couldn't it? 
And Tomorrow 
BREAKING NEWS: They were all faked screenshots. 
Limbo Of The Lost 
haha, we were lolling at how awful that game looked in the trailer...

this ripping-off thing is just the icing on the cake 
Jesus Fucking Christ 
Current games/movies ripped off for this adventure game...

With this many games ripped off, it almost enters into the realm of artistic statement or meta-game commentary or something, except there doesn't seem to be any such lofty goals in this case.

it would be an AWESOME failure of the copyright system if they can claim copyright on the screenshots. That could easily be the death of all sites like gamespot and the like, couldn't it?

There's something called fair use. Putting screenshots on a game review site qualifies. Using screenshots as backdrops in an adventure game doesn't. There's no contradiction or inconsistency, this is not a failure of copyright. 

Tri Synergy Discontinues Limbo Of The Lost On Stolen Asset Allegations Following accusations that PC title Limbo of the Lost used assets taken from The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion and Thief: Deadly Shadows, among other games, publisher Tri Synergy has discontinued distribution of the game.

The company claims it had no knowledge that developer Majestic Studios reused the level designs and artwork without permission.

The company claims that it is "shocked" by recent screenshot comparisons from gaming communities GamePlasma and NeoGAF that allegedly show Limbo of the Lost using level designs and artwork originally from a multitude of other games.

The adventure game, which uses 2D screenshots of environments for its backdrops, seems to include pictures of games including The Elder Scrolls IV: Oblivion, The Elder Scrolls III: Morrowind, Thief: Deadly Shadows, Diablo II, Unreal Tournament 2004, Unreal Tournament 2003, Diablo II, Crysis, Silent Hill 4: The Room, Return to Castle Wolfenstein, World of Warcraft, Painkiller, Vampire: The Masquerade - Bloodlines, and other titles.

According to Tri Synergy, at no point during its dealings with Majestic Studios did the publisher have any knowledge of these similarities. Tri Synergy has states that it has contacted Majestic and that it is awaiting the studio's response. Tri Synergy plans to release another statement once they know more about the alleged asset theft.

UK-based developer and publisher G2 Games, Limbo of the Lost's publisher in Europe, has yet to comment on the accusations.

Somewhere in a Kentish pub, three old wankers are getting pissed up right now. 
I bet this is some giant hoax.
If it isn't, the whole "we had no idea" thing is bullshit, they publish games, if none of them was capable of recognising any of these screenshots, they shouldn't be in the business. 
I find it hard to believe that nobody at that publisher had played Oblivion or any of the other games that were ripped off. 
I find it more plausible that nobody at the office actually touched the game itself. 
I Find It Easy 
but then as a bitter developer of three long years I don't have a lot of faith in publishers 
3 whole years, huh? Just wait. :) 
Iv seen such games in russia (lame games re-using art from the other games)
even more so Iv had some communication with the ppl who do them. But thats Russia - the land of the free (from copyright laws) :) 
ask around about the lunaran bitter. if I were a microbrew I'd be an acquired taste. 
Somewhere in a Kentish pub, three old wankers are getting pissed up right now.

Bang on the money.

Lunaran, you develop bitter? Sounds like a cool job; games dev just makes you cynical and sarcastic. 
Lunaran is the bitterist motherfucker I know. 
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