The Only Thing That I Didn't See Coming...
#14229 posted by
metlslime on 2008/05/08 03:24:31
was them developing it themselves, instead of farming it out to another developer.

That's A Pleasant Surprise.
#14230 posted by
Orl on 2008/05/08 03:25:28
I thought Doom 3 would be the last one. Nice to know there's going to be a sequel :)
But what about RAGE? When will we get to see that?

#14231 posted by
metlslime on 2008/05/08 03:29:28
will be released sometime after "Trinity" gets released.

Wasn't Trinity
#14232 posted by
HeadThump on 2008/05/08 05:19:55
just the project name for the Quake 3 renderer, at least that is the impression I got from reading his developer logs.

I Think
#14233 posted by
Blitz on 2008/05/08 06:46:27
I think there was an actual project called Trinity that they started working on but it got shelved when the engine changed directions or something like that.

For Ones Who Liked Corona Radiatf
#14234 posted by
Vondur on 2008/05/08 11:01:41
you guys must listen to the production of the
http://cycliclaw.com/ label, almost every release is in this vein :)
and overall, there's alot of musical projects that do such type o ambient exclusively. nin just relaxed here.

#14236 posted by
than on 2008/05/08 18:12:08
thanks for that link. There is some cool stuff there. Plenty of sample tracks too.
#14237 posted by
Spirit on 2008/05/08 19:08:19
Anyone even remotely interested in QuakeWorld or general FPS professional 4on4 teamplay deathmatch:
In a bit more an hour (2000 CET) the grand final of NQR will take place. There will be live commentary by the genius Xerial (fucking amazing interesting and thoughtful commentary) via Teamspeak. Spectating will be possible via QTV (any recent ezQuake or FTEQW client will do). QTV means you can spectate smoothly, switch between players and views, chat with other spectators.
All infos will available at
This is going to rock!

#14238 posted by
Spirit on 2008/05/08 19:12:53
actually Xerial is not available tonight. Legendary QW legend Paradoks (he is a legend) will do commentary instead.

#14239 posted by
negke on 2008/05/09 08:41:24
What's the deal with leveldesign.org now?
Or does anyone still have sm133 - sm140 pack zips?

Sometimes Obsession Is A Virtue
#14241 posted by
negke on 2008/05/09 14:38:25
I mean archiving stuff for the purpose of historical work and, well, yeah...

I Think
#14242 posted by
bambuz on 2008/05/09 18:41:12
all of Spirit's obsessions I've come to know yet have been virtues.
#14243 posted by gb on 2008/05/09 19:50:13
heh, well, obsessive-compulsive to the rescue. :-)
it does have its advantages.

Dammit In General
#14244 posted by Tronyn on 2008/05/09 20:21:05
New NIN and new Doom just reminds me of how awesome Doom3 looked back when they had Reznor on the project. "We are going to get inside your head, and make it an unpleasant place to be." Damn did they ever drop the ball, at a time when they could really have reinvigorated themselves - Q3 and RCTW were good, topping that streak off with a badass, groundbreaking and disturbing horror FPPS would have been so great. It also reminds me how old I'm getting now that both NIN and id are like established-but-lame groups playing their old hits over and over and trying to relive the good old days. Dammit.

#14245 posted by
- on 2008/05/10 02:52:50
is down. and will be down for the foreseeable future as I have no interest in resurrecting it.

#14246 posted by
than on 2008/05/10 11:17:17
I never emailed you when ld.org went down, but assumed that you didn't want to keep paying for it so I just moved to quaddicted. Thanks for the hosting while it lasted though :)

#14247 posted by
Blitz on 2008/05/10 13:34:57
Yes, many thanks to you scampie for some good solid years of hostin'
#14248 posted by
Zwiffle on 2008/05/11 01:10:26
Anyone know if there are any updated Dark Forces engines available? I seem to remember there being some a while ago, but I haven't had any luck in finding any.

Kudos To Scampoe
#14249 posted by biff_debris. on 2008/05/11 04:17:40
Ditto on thanks for hosting, Scamp. I too have moved on the quaddicted, due to the kindness of Spirit, but was glad to have your help.

To Biff + Spirit
#14251 posted by
than on 2008/05/11 16:33:49
Biff: what's the url? biff.quaddicted.com doesn't seem to work right now (forbidden). I like to drop by your site every now and then to see the awesome pics you put up. I sometimes even read your film reviews :)
Spirit: is there any way to find out who is hosted on Quaddicted?